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Дидактичнi розробки для студентiв 4 курсу РТФ.doc
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Post-text exercises

I. Find the English equivalents for the following Ukrainian words and word combinations:

1. загальний опір; 2. потужність; 3.співвідношення; 4 багатокаскадний; 5. затухання; 6. частотна область; 7. форма сигналу; 8. послідовно; 9. підсилювачі постій­ного струму; 10. коефіцієнт підсилення; 11. затримка; 12. підсилювати

a. frequency domain; b. waveform ; c. delay; d. impedance; e. in tandem; f. power; g. multistage; h. ratio; i. emphasize; j. attenuation; k. gain; l. d.с. amplifiers

II. Arrange synonyms in pairs and translate them:

a) change, constant, amount, similar to, rarely, in tan­dem, amplify, supply, happen, for instance, join;

b) in series, seldom, provide, alike, quantity, stable, vary, enlarge, take place, for example, couple.

III. Name the verbs from which the following nouns derived and translate them:

amplifiers, distortion, attenuation, connection, introduction, equipment, statement, correction, generator, transference, expression

IV. Put the words in order:

1. To, to, amplify, or, means, bigger, make, enlarge. 2. Some, amplifiers, are, designed, be, to, non-1inear. 3. The, opposite, of, attenuation, is, gain, opposite. 4. are, amplifiers, by, named, the, frequency, range, operate, over, they, which.

V. Fill in the blanks with the following words:

element, characteristics, an amplifier, decibel, ideal, operating, attenuation, nonlinear

1. ... can be shown as a "black box". 2. One of the ... of an amplifier is the gain. 3. Point P is the ... point for the amplifier. 4. Amplifiers can't have the ... gain and phase characteristics, 5. It is necessary to have one active ... in an amplifier to change the power. 6. The word ... is often used in different fields of telecommunication. 7. There are linear and ... amplifiers. 8. ... can be shown graphically as negative gain.

VI. Answer the following questions:

1. What is an amplifier used for? 2. What is a linear amplifier? 3. When is the time delay constant for all parts of the signal in the time domain? 4. What does a multistage amplifier consist of? 5. What can you tell about the gain of a power amplifier?

VII. Translate the following definitions and memorize the terms:

Amplifier. An electronic instrument for strengthening an controlling electrical signals, consists of a preamplifier-equalized section plus a power amplifier section.

Decibel(db). A numerical expression of acoustical or electrical rations, such as the relative intensity of a sound оr relative strength of a signal. Two decibels is the smallest change in sound perceptible to the ear.

Frequency. The number of periods per unit time.

Gain. The increase in signal power in transmission from one point to another under stated conditions.

Generator. A machine that converts mechanical power into electric power.

VIII. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the Subject clauses:

1. It is necessary that a current amplifier should have a very small input impedance and a large output impedance. 2. That more amplification is obtained when amplifiers are connected in tandem is well known to every specialist. 3. That a v.f. amplifier is used for voice frequencies, 300 to 3,300 cycles per second, is a matter of common knowledge. 4. It is no doubt that the word "figure" has several equivalents in Russian. 5. It is desirable that students should memorize the new words from the text "Amplifiers". 6. By what characteristics amplifiers can be described is known to those who work in the field of radioengineering. 7. What the lecturer told you about the use of feedback in different types of amplifiers is very important. 8. How feedback influences the parameters of elements and characteristics of amplifiers was the problem of study of our laboratory. 9. Why they didn't reach an agreement last year is not clear to anyone.