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Study the following words

alteration (n) – зміна, перетворення, деформація

major / minor alterationрадикальна / незначна заміна

Big Bang – Великий Вибух (космологічний термін, одна із теорій виникнення світу)

changeless (adj) – незмінний, постійний, сталий

dozen (n) – дюжина (usually 12)

long dozen – чортова дюжина (13)

decimal dozen – десяток (10)

driving force – рушійна сила

duplicate (v) – повторювати, копіювати; збільшувати у два рази

expansion (n) – поширення, експансія; простір

expansion by heat – розширення під вас нагрівання

fairly (adv) – достатньо, явно; Syn. rather, quite

identical (adj) – однаковий, ідентичний, тотожний

illusion (n) – обман ілюзія

to create (produce) an illusionстворювати ілюзію

optical illusionоптична ілюзія

involve (v) – включати в себе; стосуватися; залучати (до роботи)

lifetime (n) – тривалість життя; період напіврозпаду

make up (v) – збирати, створювати; компенсувати (час); видумувати;

manifestation (n) – уособлення; прояв; демонстрація

momentarily (adv) – миттєво; щохвилини

momentous (adj) – той, що має велике значення; Syn. significant

range (n) – ряд; зона розповсюдження; інтервал; діапазон; амплітуда

within range ofу радіусі дії

stability (n) – стабільність, стійкість;

variability (n) – мінливість

Exercise 7. Fill in the gaps with the most suitable words from the list above. Mind the grammar.

1. There’s no point in … work already done. 2. An opportunity like this comes once in a …. 3. Only about half a … people turned up. 4. … is the single large explosion that some scientists suggest created the universe. 5. The number on the card should be … with the one on the chequebook. 6. The child was now out of her … of vision. 7. I think you’ll find it … difficult. 8. Who was the … in the strike? 9. Being back with their family should provide emotional … for the children. 10. I’ll be with you …. 11. They are making some … to the house. 12. Extreme meteorological events may be good markers of climatic change or …. 13. Mirrors in a room often give an … of space. 14. The job … my travelling all over the country. 15. The key to the ability to change is a … sense of who you are, what you are about, and what you value.

Exercise 8. Do the following crossword. Revise your vocabulary of previous units.


















1. An event, action or thing that is a sign that something exists or is happening.

5. An act of increasing or making something increase in size.

6. A hard, usually transparent, substance used, for example, for making windows and bottles.

9. The length of time that somebody lives or that something lasts.

10. An electrical device or piece of equipment that makes sounds or radio signals louder.

13. The area around a particular place.

14. The particular way in which something is done or a particular design of something, especially clothes.

15. F variety of things of a particular type or the limits between which something varies.

16. Very important or serious, especially because there may be important results.


2. The quality or state of being steady and not changing or being disturbed in any way.

3. Microwave amplification by stimulated emission of radiation.

4. A hole or empty space inside something solid.

7. Something that seems to exist but in fact does not.

8. The production or sending out of light, heat, gas, etc.

11. A device that makes a very strong line of controlled light.

12. An organized set of ideas or theories or a particular way of doing something.

14. International system of units.

Exercise 9. Before reading the text discuss the following questions.

  • What is a subatomic particle?

  • How many are their? Name them.

  • How do they differ?

  • What can the given picture represent?


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