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Forms of the Infinitive




to do, to be, to study

to be done, to be studied


to have done, to have been, to have studied

to have been done

to have been studied

Non-perfect Continuous

to be doing

Perfect Continuous

to have been doing

1. Підмет

To see means to believe.

Not to have asked for permission was our mistake.

Бачити означає вірити.

Те, що ми не спитали дозволу, було нашою помилкою.

2. Присудок

іменна частина складного присудка*

He turned out to be very good in Mathematics.

They seem not to have noticed the change.

Professor Smith is known to have written numerous articles in this field.

These books are considered to have been returned to the library long ago.

Виявилось, що він добре знає математику.

Здається, вони не помітили зміни.

Відомо, що професор Сміт написав дуже багато статей у цій області.

Вважалося, що ці книги вже давно повернули до бібліотеки.

3. Означення

використовується після прикметників

He was the first to observe this phenomenon.

His article is not so interesting to be discussed at the meeting.

This report was the last to be presented at the conference.

Він першим спостерігав це явище.

Ця стаття не така вже і цікава, щоб її обговорювати на зборах.

Це була остання доповідь, що була представлена на конференції.

4. Додаток **

простий (1 особа і дві або більше дій)

I want to read this book.

складний (2 або більше особи і дві або більше дії)

I want you to read this book.

We hope to get there before dark.

They forgot to have been invited to the wedding.

He would like his children to get a classical education.

I don’t believe them to have told the truth.

The teacher expected the students not to be cheating during the test.

Ми сподіваємось дістатися туди до темряви.

Вони забули, що їх запросили на весілля.

Він би хотів, щоб його діти отримали класичну освіту.

Я не вірю, що вони сказали правду.

Вчитель очікував, що студенти не будуть списувати під час тесту.

5. Обставина мети

He is going to Kyiv to settle the matter with his business.

The students went to the library to be given books.

Він поїде до Києва владнати питання про своє підприємство.

Студенти пішли до бібліотеки, щоб їм видали підручники.

* Використовується після активних дієслів, таких як to seem, to turn out, і таких пасивних дієслів, як to say, to speak, to know, to believe, to suppose, to write, to consider.

** Використовується після таких дієслів: як простий додаток – to afford, to agree, to aim, to appear, to attempt, to claim, to decide, to deserve, to fail, to forget, to hope, to learn, to manage, to offer, to plan, to promise, to refuse, to tend, to threaten; як складний додаток – to want, to ask, to help, to expect, to mean, to tell, to order, to remind, to force, to enable, to teach, to warn, to invite, to persuade, to advise, to recommend, to forbid.

For smb to do smth

The lecture turned out to be useful for the students to apply its information in their own studies

Лекція виявилась настільки цікавою, що студенти використали інформацію для своїх власних досліджень.

Exercise 1. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian.

A. To read a lot does not mean to be educated. 2. To buy all the material on time was our primary task. 3. Einstein is known to have developed the relativity theory. 4. She is said to have been working since 1999. 5. She was too surprised to say anything. 6. It was the very task to have been given at the contest. 7. They are planning to conquer the Earth. 8. We reminded them to have left us in such difficult situation. 9. The Department invites all the teachers to take part in the conference. 10. They cancelled the flight for the accident not to occur.

B. 1. It is never late to learn. 2. The subject is important enough to be discussed in full details. 3. These methods are to be described in the next chapter. 4. Water is to be purified to meet our needs. 5. These factors combine to make the problem very complicated. 6. To be on the safe side, we are to take into consideration everything. 7. The two quantities are added to give the desired result. 8. This is the rule not to be forgotten. 9. She was the last to join the group. 10. To know everything is to know nothing.

C. 1. Newton was the first to realize the universality of gravity. 2. Jenny was the first architect to use a steel frame in a tall building. 3. The invention of the author is to show some newly developed methods. 4. Elisha Otis was the first to demonstrate a steam-powered elevator in New York in 1853. 5. The problem is too complex to be solved the right way. 6. To get the best results, follow the directions carefully. 7. Substances thought to posses the properties in question were thoroughly investigated. 8. All factors likely to affect the accuracy of the experiment should be carefully observed. 9. We suppose this method to be of great practical value. 10. To begin with, investigations seem to have appeared at times when societies need them.

Study the following grammar rule

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