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Participle II

Forms of the Participle II

1. Частина присудка

This device was constructed in 1954.

They will have finished their report by Friday.

This work should be done immediately.

2. Означення (може займати місце як перед, так і після означуваного слова)

The heated object became red-hot.

The article cited can be found in previous issue of the journal.

3. Частина складного означення (перекладається як підрядне означальне речення)

Theoretical research followed by experiments is the base of any thesis.

4. Обставина часу, способу дії (приєднується за допомогою сполучників: when ‑ коли; if ‑ якщо; unless – якщо … не; until – поки … не; though – хоча)

When boiled to 100 o C, water starts evaporating.

If broken, glass should be swept away carefully.

Unless heated the substance doesn’t melt.

Until finished, the work must not be shown to anybody.

Though started in time, the work is still not finished.

Remember the translation of the following words and word combinations with the Participle I and the Participle II.

unless otherwise (specially) stated (indicated, specified) – якщо не зазначено окремо

except where otherwise (specially) stated (indicated specified) – крім тих випадків, які зазначено окремо

when exposed to (light) – під дією (світла)

as compared – у порівнянні

as contrasted – на противагу

as opposed – на противагу

as emphasized above – як підкреслювалося вище

as already mentioned – як уже згадувалося

as pointed out previously – як зазначалось раніше

as stated earlier – як установлено раніше

roughly speaking – грубо говорячи

generally speaking – узагалі говорячи

strictly speaking – строго говорячи

broadly considered – у широкому змісті, узагалі

put another way інакше кажучи, іншими словами

putting it another way

Exercise 1. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian.

1. The books written by this author are very interesting. 2. We are interested in the goods produced by your firm. 3. The questions put to the professor were important. 4. The coat bought last year is too small for him now. 5. As compared to the neighbour countries, our roads are very poor. 6. A line seen through the crystal looks double. 7. A word spoken in time may have very important result. 8. Unless specially indicated you will have lectures at the first double period. 9. Read the translated sentence once more. 10. Written exercises are very effective in learning foreign languages.

1. Experiments suggested by Franklin were conducted by two French scientists. 2. Volta built an improved form of his battery. 3. This was the idea that atoms consist of smaller particles held together by mutual attraction but separated from each other by empty space. 4. The total negative charge provided by the electrons is exactly equaled by the total positive charge carried on the nucleus. 5. Faraday passed the current of electricity through solutions containing different chemicals and found that the number of atoms released as the chemical decomposed depended on the amount of current passed.

Exercise 2. Choose the right form of the verb: Present Participle or Participle II.

1. Who is the student (doing, done) the translation at the blackboard. 2. A (breaking, broken) equipment was tossed away. 3. The articles (publishing, published) in this journal are always interesting. 4. The translation (doing, done) by the students was very easy. 5. The (losing, lost) keys were not found. 6. He is (interesting, interested) in entering he post-graduate education. 7. I don’t like the report (hearing, heard) at the opening of the conference. 8. Do you know the lecturer (coming, come) to the room? 9. I remember well his words (telling, told) at the meeting. 10. The question (discussing, discussed) at the meeting was very important.

Exercise 3. Rewrite the sentences replacing the italic part with Participle II.

  1. I have a cat that is called Tari.

  2. The dinner was more expensive than they had expected.

  3. He was accused of murder and arrested.

  4. She was shocked by the bad news and burst into tears.

  5. The event is organised by our team and will surely be a great success.

  6. The film is based on real events and tells the story of a reporter.

  7. She was born in Hollywood and knows all the famous movie stars.

  8. The car was taken to the garage. It was repaired within an hour.

  9. She was admired by everyone and began to grow arrogant.

  10. He was dumped by his girlfriend and felt really lousy.

Exercise 4. Combine the clauses using participle constructions (Present, Perfect Participle or Participle II).

1. We were sitting in the bus shelter and waited for the rain to stop. 2. The documentation which was telecast last Tuesday was impressive. 3. We had great fun at the party. We played silly games. 4. He had saved a little money. He travelled to Australia. 5. They were chatting along and didn't see the car coming. 6. The reception had been prepared carefully and was a great success. 7. He was picked up by his mother and didn't have to wait for the bus. 8. She had finished her degree and started to work for an international company. 9. She was listening to the radio and didn't hear the doorbell. 10. The room had not been tidied up yet and looked like a battlefield.

Exercise 5. Fill in the correct participle form (Present Participle, Perfect Participle or Participle II).

1. He was sitting in an armchair (read) a magazine. 2. (work) in the company for many years, he knew everyone and everything. 3. The cup (fill) with milk stood on the table. 4. (not, see) each other for ages, they had a lot to talk about. 5. (bear) into a rich family, she got everything she wished for. 6. (be) the child of poor people, he often went to bed hungry. 7. (regret) his words, he apologised. 8. Well (do), we are very proud of you. 9. (park) the car, he went to a restaurant. 10. (watch) the film a dozen times, she knew the dialogues by heart.

Exercise 6. Combine the clauses using participle constructions (Present, Perfect Participle or Participle II). Decide whether to use the conjunctions in the participle clause or not.

1. As she didn’t have a boyfriend, she flirted with every guy she met. 2. Since he had never been there before, he was stunned. 3. Before he left the house, he switched off the lights. 4. As she was on holiday, she couldn’t go to the party. 5. While she was preparing dinner, she cut her finger. 6. When I travel around Ireland, I always stay in youth hostels. 7. Since she didn't hear the doorbell, she missed the delivery. 8. After I had dropped him at the station, I drove straight to the supermarket. 9. Since he didn’t feel well, he stayed in bed. 10. While they were talking on the phone, they forgot everything around them.

Study the following grammar rule.

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