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Bare infinitive

Існують форми Інфінитиву, який використовується без частки to:

  1. Після модальних дієслів must, can, could, may, might, should, would, shall, will, наприклад: You must follow the safety rules in the laboratory.

  2. Після дієслів let (дозволяти), make (змусити), але якщо make стоїть у пасивному стані, то використовується інфінітив із часткою to, наприклад: Let me do in alone. They made him admit his mistake. I was made to tell them everything.

  3. Після дієслів із значенням сприйняття, як feel, see, hear, watch, наприклад: We heard them have taken part in the demonstration.

  4. Ппісля конструкцій had better, would rather, наприклад: You’d better prepare everything beforehand.

Exercise 2. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian.

1. You should be more attentive during your lectures. 2. Shall we go to the mountains on vocations? 3. You must have worked a lot. – I thought the task would have been done only by Friday. 4. Don’t let anyone interfere with you affairs. 5. It was just impossible to make him change the course of the experiment. 6. I would rather refer to the author having presented such an interesting report. 7. The security heard the thieves have entered the door. 8. You’d better change your attitude to the education, nobody is going to assist you then. 9. You should have come earlier – the lecture has already started. 10. The students should be let choose their additional curriculum by themselves.

Exercise 3. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian.

1. Take an umbrella for us not to get wet in the rain. 2. I’ll take a map for the sake of safety for us not to get lost. 3. Come as early as you can for you to be the first in the queue. 4. You’d better not take this stuff for the guard not to get angry. 5. This presentation was prepared for us to learn everything on the matter. 6. Could you have come earlier for me not to worry? 7. Check everything beforehand for us to be on the safe side. 8. While you are using the computer, I’ll take the laptop for the article to be prepared on time.

Exercise 4. Open the brackets.

1. I don’t want them (to think) you were wrong. 2. I’d rather not (to go) home that way. 3. I had not seen Jimmie (to lose) his temper before. 4. I want (to begin) (to earn) my own money. 5. I never let him (to be) angry. 6. He wants (to congratulate) you in person. 7. I don’t like (to see) men (to cry). 8. There was nothing (to do) but (to watch) films on the sofa all day long. 9. It’s very interesting (to hear) you (to say) that. 10. I have not done much for you. You might (to ask) much more at that time.

Exercise 5. Fill in the gaps with the words from the box.

ask for buy catch drive finish meet learn wait for

1. Jason got up early … Mark to the station. 2. I was late, so I ran … my bus. 3. Ann wrote to me … Andy’s address. 4. I sat in the waiting room … the doctor. 5. Lesley has gone to the airport … his uncle. 6. I went to town on Saturday … a present for my cousin’s birthday. 7. I stayed up late last night … my English homework. 8. Katya went to Beijing … Chinese.

Exercise 6. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Нам відомо, що вони використовували нове джерело інформації. 2. Я думаю, що вони проведуть всебічний аналіз цього процесу. 3. Для того, щоб це відбулося, температура повинна бути достатньо високою. 4. Ми змусили його вирішити це рівняння. 5. Дозвольте мені першому виступити з доповіддю. 6. Професор закінчив викладати оптику в 2002 році. 7. Марія Кюрі першою відкрила радій. 8. Забезпечити всіх студентів необхідною літературою є, на жаль, нелегкою задачею. 9. Ми хочемо, щоб студенти оформлювали свої курсові і дипломні роботи із урахуванням вимог атестаційної комісії. 10. Предмет виявився настільки цікавим, щоб присвятити йому наше подальше дослідження.

Exercise 7. Study the following words and word combinations.

abrasion (n) – стирання; знос

abrasion resistanceзносостійкість

appropriate (adj) – підходящий; придатний; відповідний

bounce (v) – підплигнути; відскакувати

campus (n) – кампус, територія університету

cladding (n) – зовнішня оболонка, покриття

core (n) – центр, серцевина, ядро, найбільш важлива частина

fiber (n) – волокно, фібра, нитка

jacket (n) – чохол, кожух

shield (v) – захищати, вкривати, екранувати

span (v) – простягатися (у просторі і часі)

strand (n) – жила кабелю

terrestrial (adj) – наземний; той, що знаходиться на поверхні землі

tunnel (v) – проходити; прокладати тунель; пробивати

wire (n) – проволока, кабель

Exercise 8. Fill in the gaps with the words given above.

1. The engineers had to … through solid rock. 2. … is used to cover hot pipes to reduce loss of heat. 3. She lives on …, it means within main university area. 4. The operation which … nine countries, resulted in 200 arrests. 5. The box was fastened with a rusty … . 6. The book was written in a style … to the age of the children. 7. Issues of the environment are at the … of our policies. 8. Diamonds have extreme resistance to … . 9. … optics means using special types of materials to send information in the form of light signals. 10. … animals live on the land or on the ground rather than in water, in trees or in the air.

Exercise 9. Before you read the text, answer the following questions.

  • What ways of transmitting information do you know?

  • How do they work?

  • Which one is the most effective?

  • Which one is the easiest to produce?


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