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Part I. General course Unit 1

GRAMMAR: Passive Voice

TEXTS: “Particles and Fields”; “Where Does the Thunder Come From?”

Passive voice

to be + Participle II





The letter is written.

Books are read every day.

The letter was written.

Books were read every day.

The letter (books) will be written tomorrow.


The letter is being written now.

The books are being read now.

The letter was being written at three o’clock yesterday.

The books were being read at three o’clock yesterday.

Не використо-



The letter has been written.

The books have been read.

The letter had been written by three o’clock yesterday.

The books had been read by three o’clock yesterday.

The letter (books) will have been written by 3 o’clock tomorrow.


Не використо-


Не використо-


Не використо-


  • У питальних реченнях перше допоміжне дієслово стоїть перед підметом:

Was the article written on Monday? When was it written?

  • У заперечних реченнях заперечна частка not вживається після першого допоміжного дієслова:

The article was not (wasn’t) written on Monday.

  • Passive Voice вживається, як правило, з перехідними дієсловами, тобто дієсловами, що мають після себе додаток: to tell, to give, to offer, to show, to pay, to promise, to send, to teach, to allow, to ask, to answer, to forgive, to invite, to advise. Ті дієслова, які мають прямі та непрямі додатки, можуть утворювати подвійні конструкції:

A very good job was offered to me.

I was offered a very good job.

  • Якщо у додатка до дієслова є прийменник, то прийменник вживається наприкінці речення

The doctor was sent for.

This film is much spoken about.

  • Дієслова to read, to sell, to wash, to clean, to peel, to break, to deform, to wear, to burn вживаються у формі активного стану, але мають значення пасивного стану:

This dress washes and wears well and doesn’t crease.

Love stories sell well. Dry leaves burn well.

  • Дієслова to have, to chance, to happen, to seem, to appear, to lack, to become, to fit, to suit, to resemble не вживаються в пасивному стані, оскільки вони означають не дію або процес, а стан особи або предмета:

John resembles his father.

He has become a real professional.

  • З пасивними конструкціями часто вживаються з прийменниками of, from, with, by:

I was interrupted by a loud knock on the door.

My country house is made of wood.

This pie is made from eggs, milk and flour.

Exercise 1. Transform into Passive Voice.

1. Somebody stole my car. 2. The court sentenced the men in January 1998. 3. Somebody will bring the beer. 4. You have not paid for the car. 5. Somebody has left this umbrella behind. 6. When will the police look into this matter? 7 They don't drink ice-cold beer in England. 8. They drink tea with milk at least five times a day. 9. They discuss the weather every day. 10. Some men robbed the Glasgow-London mail train in 1961. 11. They stopped the train between two stations. 12. They disconnected the engine. 13. They drove them to a lonely bridge. 14. People discussed the mail robbery all over the world. 15. The police caught some of the robbers and found part of the money. 16. They have sent the books to the wrong address. 17. Somebody will look after their children. 18. Somebody has bought this coat 19. They haven't caught the robbers yet.

Exercise 2. Rephrase the sentences using Active Voice.

1. The instructions have been changed. 2. She will have to be taught. 3. This car was manufactured in Japan by Toyota. 4. Why aren't the exercises finished on time? 5. Last year 2,000 new units had been produced by the time we introduced the new design. 6. Casual clothes must not be worn. 7. The test will be given at five o'clock this afternoon. 8. Students are required to wear uniforms at all times. 9. All work will have been completed by five o'clock this evening. 10. We were told to wait here. 11. Lunch was being served when we arrived. 12. Lectures are recorded and posted on the Internet. 13. Results will be published in the next issue of the journal. 14. The book is being read by most of the class. 15. Some mistakes were made in this exercise by the student. 16. Traces of ice have been discovered on the surface of the Mars. 17. The dinner was eaten by him. 18. This paining is very valuable. It was painted by Van Gogh.

Exercise 3. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Йому не дозволять керувати автомобілем, доки йому не виповниться 18. 2. Коли вона мила вікно, то вона побачила, що скло розбито. 3. Коли мама прийде додому, всі кімнати буде прибрано. 4. В енциклопедії можна знайти багато цінної інформації. 5. Це місце відвідує багато людей. 6. Мені розповіли цю історію вчора. 7. Мені сказали провести цей експеримент до кінця тижня. 8. Все вже було готово. 9. Тебе шукають. Йди додому. 10. Чому з нього завжди сміються? 11. Нам усім дали квитки на виставку. 12. Лекції цього відомого професора завжди слухають дуже уважно. 13. Мене чекають? 14. Їм поставили три важких запитання, але вони зуміли правильно відповісти на них. 15. Усіх запросили до великої зали. 16. Ці листи переглянуті. Їх можна відправляти. 17. На станції їх зустрів гід і відвіз у готель. 18. Ці журнали повинні бути повернуті в бібліотеку наступного тижня. 19. На наших заняттях багато уваги приділяється вимові. 20. Іванову звеліли пояснити, чому він пропускає заняття.

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