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Дифтонг [eI]. Повторение и обобщение

а (в откр. слоге) ea


ai* ay* ey*


редкие сочетания

bacon, lazy, April, es cape, pa rade break, great, steak, beefsteak, daybreak

aid, rail, waist, con tain, cam paign way, stay, essay, de cay, por tray

they, grey, o bey, con vey, sur vey eight, freight, weigh, weight, neighbour

veil, reign, straight, ballet, buffet

* В неударном положении диграфы ai, ay, ey произносятся как [I]: captain, fountain, holiday, money, trolley.

3. При чтении следующих фраз и стихотворений обратите внимение на интонацию.

can stay, can skate, can’t be briefcase, can bake a cake

Never put it off till

to /morrow | what you can do to day.

There can be no /friendship |where there is no freedom.

have, can’t es cape, can take the

Никогда не откладывай

на завтра то, что можно сделать сегодня.

Нет дружбы без свободы.

Mix a /pancake, | stir a /pancake, |Pop it in а pan.

Try the /pancake, | toss the /pancake, |Catch it if you can.

4. Произнесите следующие английские слова и переведите их на русский язык.

Hobby, poem, motorcross, politics, western, windsurfing, Latin, athlete, ath letic, cricket, rugby, garage, jazz, aspirin,


activity, camping, teenager, history, global, gallery, gym nastics, an tique, classic(al), cottage, tra dition, , dele gation, mission, hockey, O lympic, fan.

Section II


Set 1

Talking about Likes and Dislikes


Наши вкусы и привязанности

5. Посмотрите на схему и скажите, в чем особенности построения вопросов к подлежащему и дополнению


















Who likes Janet?

Whom does Eric like?



He likes








Who loves whom? Look at the picture and answer these questions.


to dislike sb [d is laIk ] – недолюбливать кого'л. to hate [h eIt] each other – ненавидеть друг друга


Whom does Janet love?

Janet loves Eric.

Who loves Janet?

Philip does.

1.Whom does Eric love?

2.Who loves Eric?

3.Who dislikes Eric?

4.Whom does Eric dislike?

5.Who loves Alice?


6.Whom does Alice love?

7.Whom does Janet hate?

8.Who hates Janet?

9.How does Eric feel about Philip?

10.Does Philip feel the same about him?

11.Do Philip and Janet love each other?

6. How do you relax? What do you like doing in your free time?


to collect [kq lekt] – коллекционировать to paint [peInt] – рисовать, красить

to keep birds [bE:d] – держать птиц

a) Ask your partner about his hobby, like this:

What’s your hobby?

Painting is my hobby. And yours?

Mine’s photography.





doing yoga


doing motocross


playing tennis


ballroom dancing


collecting stamps


listening to music


keeping pets / birds





playing computer games


b) Make three lists of hobbies.












Things you like /


Things you don’t


Things you dislike /

enjoy doing:


mind doing:


don’t like doing:










































c) Пользуясь составленными списками, расспросите друзей, как они относятся к проведению разных видов досуга.



Do you like keeping pets?

Yes, I do.


Very much.


Yes, I love it.

Do you like writing letters?

No, I don’t.


Not very much.


No, I hate it.

d) Write a paragraph about some other student’s hobbies. Let the class guess who it is about.


He / she likes going to the cinema and doesn’t mind going to the theatre, but he / she doesn’t like going to parties

very much.

Sum up the information and say:

Who’s similar to you?

Who’s different from you?

e)Расскажитеосвоихпредпочтениях.Пустьвашсобеседник выскажет альтернативное мнение.


to think [θ iNk] – думать

to be interested [ In trq stId] in sth – интересоваться чем'л. boring [ b ɔ :rIN] – скучный, скучно

It’s great fun – очень интересно, забавно

I love watching football.

Really? I don’t. I think it’s boring.

I don’t like shopping.

Really? I do. I think it’s great fun.

I’m interested in clothes.


f) Roleplay similar conversations about your hobbies.

7. Read what the film star, Clint Eastwood, does in his free time.


politics [ pPlItIks] –



Clint likes doing a lot of things. He owns a restaurant. When he isn’t working in films, he plays golf.

Clint is also interested in politics. He spends a lot of time with his family. His wife, Dina Ruiz, is a TV reporter and Clint enjoys

talking to her about movies.* He’d certainly like to make another western.

*movies – Am E for the cinema (the pictures)

a)Here are some answers to the text. Think of the questions.

1._________________________________________________ ?

Clint does. 2._________________________________________________ ?

A restaurant. 3._________________________________________________ ?

He’s interested in politics.

4. _________________________________________________ ?

Clint plays golf.

5. _________________________________________________ ?

With his family.

6. _________________________________________________ ?

She’s a TV reporter.

7. _________________________________________________ ?

About movies.

8. _________________________________________________ ?

Another western.


Set 2

Expressing Ability and Inability


Наши способности и возможности

8. Обратите внимание, как от прилагательных образуются наречия и какое место занимают те и другие в предложении.

My friend is a

good player.


plays well.


bad singer.


sings badly.

Оцените таланты известных вам людей и поинтересуйтесь мнением партнера.


I think Volochkova is a beautiful dancer. What do you think?

I think so too. She certainly is.

She dances beautifully.

good swimmer

good pianist

fast driver

hard worker

quick runner

polite speaker

Прилаг. наречие

bad – badly quick – quickly slow – slowly (медленный) hard – hard late – late early – early fast – fast good – well

9. Спросите своего собеседника, умеет ли он это делать. Воспользуйтесь подсказками под моделью.


Can you write poems? Yes, I can. Can you? No, I can’t.


take photos


use the Internet


speak Japanese


read Latin texts

play tennis


operate the computer run 10 kilometres

Модальный глагол "can"





















































[k nt]






















Sum up the information about your partner’s abilities.


Anthony can operate the computer but he can’t cook.

10. Read these mini<dialogues and dramatize similar conversations.


to play chess [tSes] – играть в шахматы to ski [sk i:] – кататься на лыжах

to skate [skeit] – кататься на коньках


Can Jack fix cars?

Of course he can. He fixes cars every day. He’s a mechanic.

Richard / skate?


Doris / take photos?

all of them / ski?


Harry / play chess ?

Sandra /use the Internet?

Richard / play golf?


to know [nə ] – знать


Do you know a person who* can teach English well? David can.

No, he can’t. He can’t teach at all.

* Относительные местоимения who, which, that переводятся “который”. Местоимение who употребляется, когда придаточное определяет одушевленное существительное; which – когда речь идет о предметах и животных; that может относиться к любому существительному и местоимению, как например: Charles lives in a house which (that) is 200 years old.

Sally / run fast Bob / fix cars Mary / play chess Simon / swim well

Ann / skate beautifully John / speak many languages Diana / make a good dinner Sam / use a video camera


Set 3

Polite request


Вежливая просьба

11. Обратитесь к своему коллеге с вежливой просьбой.


of course [Pv kO:s] – конечно


to turn [tE:n] on – включить


to turn off – выключить

Can you spell the word for me, please?

Sure. / O.K. / Yes, of course. / Yes, certainly.

say that again

open the door / the window

tell me the time

turn on the cassette'player

give me your umbrella

turn off the cassette'player

12. Practise the following mini<dialogues. Use the words below the models.


That’s very kind of you – очень любезно с вашей стороны to lend – давать взаймы

to do smb a favour [ feivq] – оказывать кому'л. услугу


May* I please use your pen for a minute?

Sure. / You’re welcome. That’s very kind of you.


May* I please use your dictionary for a minute?

Sorry, I haven’t got it right now. Thanks anyway.







* Как и глагол can, модальный глагол may употребляется для выражения вежливой просьбы и разрешения. В отличие от глагола сап, глагол may носит более официальный характер.


answer the phone for me take these books away lend me your calculator meet me before work
meet me in the bar after work

3. (Use the words in the right column.)

A. Oh, Paul.

Can you do me a favour? B. Yes, certainly.

A. Can you post the letter for me? B. Yes, of course.

13. What do you say in these situations?

Ask your partner what time you can watch your favourite TV programme tonight.

You want to go to Sheremetyevo Airport* tomorrow, but you don’t know how to get there.

You want to have a nice time at the weekend together with a friend. What do you tell him/her?

You want to go out to eat tonight. Ask your colleague where you can have a good supper.

Ask your partner what things you can get in a library. You don’t know where to buy stamps / a map / a camera / newspapers.

You’re visiting a company and you want to use their telephone.

* Обратите внимание на то, что перед названиями улиц, магазинов, площадей, станций метро и аэропортов артикль не употребляется, например: Red Square, Kennedy Airport, Old Street, Waterloo Station, Marks and Spencer.

14. Roleplay.

You’re working with a delegation from Canada. Do you know how to act in these professional situations? Match them with the cues below.

Note! broken – сломанный

Oh, my colleague is ill!

The car is broken.

We don’t know where the hotel is!

I don’t understand the money here!

We’re late for the conference!

I’m so tired!


help you?

lift that big box?

Can I take* you to a doctor? / a garage? get you a drink? / an aspirin? lend you some money?

take you to the conference? / the airport? / your hotel?

* Разница между bring/take и come/go зависит от того, где находится говорящий. Take и go употребляются для обозначения движения от говорящего: bring, come > here; take, go > there.

15. Complete the following telephone conversations with the words from the box and practise these dialogues.

Note! a message – сообщение, поручение

to connect sb with sb – соединить кого'н. с кем'н. a wrong number – ошибочный, неверный номер to phone sb back – перезвонить кому'л.

The caller is speaker В


B:Hello. This is Rod. Can I talk to Steve, please?

A:He is not at home right now. Can I take a message?

B:Yes, please. Tell him to phone me back in the evening.

a) In these dialogues use: may I or can I.






speak / talk*















Помните, что в отличие от глагола talk, глагол speak чаще употребляется в официальной обстановке.


B:Hello. Is Dick there?

A:Yes, he is.

B:__________ to him?

A:Just a minute.

A:Hello. Dean Black’s office.

B:________ to Dean Black?

A:May I ask who is calling?