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Booking a room at the hotel

Receptionist: Hotel Continental. Can I help you?

R.: Single or double?

R.: 90 $ per night.

R.: Fine, we’ll be glad to see you at our hotel.

R.: Good-bye.

Caller: My name is Susan Williams and I’d like to book a room for 3 days.

C.: Single, please. How much does it cost?

C.: That suits me. I am arriving next Friday at 11 am.

C.: Good-bye.

Booking a ticket for a flight

Clerk: Kennedy Airport. Can I help you?

Clerk: Do you want to fly first or economy class?

Clerk: Single or return?

Clerk: It’ll cost 695 $ including a return ticket.

Clerk: 10.30 a.m.

Clerk: You are welcome.

Caller: I’d like to reserve a seat on flight number GJ 414 to Toronto on the 14th of this month.

Caller: Economy class, please.

Caller: Return, please.

Caller: What time is the flight due to depart?

Caller: Thank you.

Задание 7. Составьте диалоги, используя следующие фразы, и переведите их на английский язык.

Диалог 1

Соедините меня, пожалуйста с мистером Смитом. / Адвокатская контора Адама Стентона. / До свидания. / Чем могу помочь? / Нет, спасибо. / Я позвоню ему еще раз. / Говорит мистер Торрентс из фирмы «Блэк энд Уайт». / Что-нибудь передать ему? / К сожалению (боюсь), г-на Смита нет сейчас на месте.

Диалог 2

Да, я подожду. / Могу ли я поговорить с г-ном Смитом? / Вы слушаете? Соединяю... / Боюсь, мистер Смит разговаривает сейчас по другому телефону. / Как передать ему, кто говорит (звонит)? / Вы подождёте? / Говорит мистер Дин.

Задание 8. Составьте и разыграйте диалоги по предложенным ситуациям.

Ситуация 1

Вы работаете в адвокатской конторе Harold Douglas. Рекламное агентствоABCготовит для вас рекламный буклет. Для обсуждения деталей вы договорились о встрече с г-ном Уотсоном, менеджером этого агентства. Встреча должна состояться в ближайший четверг в 11 часов утра. Однако глава вашей компании неожиданно назначил на это время совещание, и Вашу встречу надо перенести. Позвоните г-ну Уотсону, объясните причину, по которой вы не сможете с ним встретиться и договоритесь о новой встрече.

(Постарайтесь использовать максимальное количество выражений по данной теме.)

Ситуация 2

В последнем номере журнала Job for Youвы увидели объявление о вакансии на должность юриста в международной компанииBridge to the Future, и оно вас заинтересовало. К сожалению, в нем ничего не было сказано о требованиях, предъявляемых к кандидату на эту должность. Такую информацию мог бы дать вам менеджер по кадрам, но в объявлении указан только телефон секретаря компании. Позвоните вBridge to the Futureи попросите соединить вас с менеджером по кадрам. Его нет на месте. Спросите у секретаря, когда можно перезвонить ему.

Ситуация 3

Вы собираетесь в командировку в Лондон сроком на 5 дней. Позвоните сначала в транспортное агентство и закажите авиабилет туда и обратно. Затем свяжитесь по телефону с вашим партнером в Лондоне, сообщите дату вашего приезда и попросите его заказать вам одноместный номер в гостинице недалеко от офиса, организовать вашу встречу в аэропорту, а также заказать билет на поезд для поездки в Брайтон.

Задание 9. Переведите сообщение, оставленное на автоответчике.

Hello, this is Hans Braun – that is B-R-A-U-N. I have an appointment with you on Tuesday afternoon at 4 pm. The problem is I won’t be able to come. But I can meet you on Wednesday at 9.30 a.m., if that’s all right. Could you call me back to confirm if this is all right, please? My number is 31 651 473. Thanks, bye.

Задание 10. Выберите правильный ответ.

1. Tell Mr McEvan I'll call back in an hour.

2. Can I speak to Mr McEvan, please?

3. Could you tell me the name of the District Attorney?

4. Could you tell me what it's about?

5. Which day would suit you?

6. Can you confirm that in writing?

7. I'd like to make an appointment with Mr Goodwin, please.

8. Hello, is that the law office of Jennifer Parker?

9. What is your firm's name, please?

10. Can you tell me where you are ringing from, please?

  1. It's about the conference on International Law.

  2. Yes, that's right.

  3. Would tomorrow afternoon at three-thirty be convenient?

  4. I am ringing from the law office of Edward Rutherford.

  5. My law firm's name is Needham, Finch and Warner.

  6. Yes, certainly. It's Douglas Elliot.

  7. I'm afraid his line's engaged.

  8. This coming Thursday.

  9. Fine, I'll do that.

  10. Yes, I'll fax confirmation this afternoon.

Задание 11. Определите различия между телефонными разговорами в ситуациях формального и неформального общения.

Dialogue 1. Divorce proceedings

Operator: Good morning. Hatton, Moor & Lessley. Can I help you?

Mr Weston: I'd like to speak to Mr Marsh, please, I think its extension 29.

Operator: Who' calling, please?

Mr Weston: My name is Weston. I'm from Turner, Jones, Smith & CO.

Operator: Will you hold the line a moment, Mr Weston? I'll see if Mr Marsh is free1.

Mr Weston: Yes, thank you.

Mr Marsh: Hello. Marsh speaking.2

Operator: Oh, hello, Mr Marsh. I've got a Mr Weston3 from Turner, Jones, Smith &CO on the line4. Can you speak to him now?

Mr Marsh: Oh, yes, thank you. Put him through, please.

Operator: You are through now, Mr Weston.

Mr Marsh: Hello, Mr Weston. What can I do for you?

Mr Weston: Good morning, Mr Marsh. It's about the divorce case of your client, Mr. Grieves. You act for him, don't you?

Mr Marsh: That's right.

Mr Weston: Well, I act for Mrs Grieves, and I'd like to discuss with you some details of financial settlement and arrangements for contact with the children. I wonder if we could meet in Oxford County Court this Friday at 2 p.m.

Mr Marsh: Yes, that suits me well. Oxford County Court, Friday, 2 pm. Thank you for calling me.

Mr Weston: You are welcome. That's settled then. Should the need arise, you may contact me at my office.

Mr Marsh: Right. My secretary will be in touch with your office to confirm the appointment.

Mr Weston: Thank you. Goodbye, Mr Marsh.

Mr Marsh: Goodbye, Mr Weston.


1 Free: unoccupied – не занят.

2 Marsh speaking: упоминание лишь фамилии, без слова "мистер", является общепринятой формой ответа при формальном общении по телефону. Менее формально звучит употребление имени перед фамилией, характерное для американского варианта английского языка, например, "ThisisJamesMarshspeaking".

3 a Mr Weston: неопределённый артикль перед именем собственным означает, что телефонистка незнакома с позвонившим.

4 on the line: дежурная фраза, используемая телефонист(к)ами, когда идёт речь о входящем звонке.

Dialogue 2.Advertising

Jack: Four-five-two six-eight-zero-four-four1. Jack Farmer speaking.

Kate: Hello, Jack, it's Kate – Kate Stock.

Jack: Hello, Kate, how are you?

Kate: Fine, thank you. And you?

Jack: Fine too, thanks2.

Kate: Good. I rang to ask if you could send me an album with the logos of British and American law firms. I've mislaid mine and can't find it anywhere.

Jack: No problems. I'll send it to you as soon as we've finished speaking.

Kate: Thanks. I knew I could always rely on you.

Jack: Glad to help if I can3. How are things with your work?

Kate: As usual: a lot of orders, little time to fill them, otherwise all right4. I mean the financial and moral reward. And how are you getting on? What are you working on now?

Jack: Well, I have just completed a press-release and started working on a flyer. Takes up a lot of time, you know.

Kate: Oh yes, I know how it is, Jack. Our company is going to take part in the International symposium on juveniles' legal problems, and I'm in charge of all advertising materials.

Jack: Oh, it's quite a challenge5. But you've always been creative and resourceful, and I'm sure it'll be fine.

Kate: Thanks for encouraging me, Jack. I really need support.

Jack: By the way, Kate, we are throwing a party for our Academy graduates next month6. Are you coming?

Kate: With great pleasure. Thanks for telling me.

Jack: I'll keep in touch and give you a ring again soon7.

Kate: It's very kind of you. I wish you all the luck and success. Bye-bye,Jack.



1 В американском варианте английского языканульчитается какzero, в отличие от британского варианта, где в этом случае используется транскрипция буквыO;а повторяющиеся цифры произносятся и читаются по отдельности, например,four-four, а неdouble four, как в британском варианте английского языка.

2 Fine, thanks: несколько менее формальный ответ, чем "I'm very well, thanks" или "Oh, not so bad, you know".

3 Glad to help if I can: Как правило, собеседники никак не реагируют на фразу "Thankyou" , поскольку ответная реплика не является обязательной, но многие предпочитают сказать "That'sallright", "Pleasedtohelp", "Gladtobeofassistance",etc.

4 Otherwise all right: выражение используется в полуформальном и неформальном стиле; буквально означает "во всём остальном – неплохо".

5 Oh, it's quite a challenge: это совсем непросто.

6 We are throwing a party for разг.: мы устраиваем вечер встречи для выпускников Академии.

7 I'll give you a ring: имеет более разговорный оттенок, чем "I'll telephone you"или "I'll ring you".

8 Bye-bye; Bye for now: формулы прощания, используемые в ситуациях неформального общения.

Задание 12. Прочтите, переведите и разыграйте следующие диалоги.

Dialogue 1. The Line Is Bad

Operator: Goodman Law Firm. Good afternoon.

Lady: Could I speak to the General Counsel?

Operator: I'm afraid I can't hear you. Can you speak a bit louder?

Lady: Could I speak to the General Counsel?

Operator: I'm sorry, I still can't hear you properly. It's a very bad line. Could you hang up and call back?

Lady: OK, I'll call back.


Goodman Law Firm - юридическая фирма "Гудмэн"

General Counsel – главный юрисконсульт

Dialogue 2.Hold The Line

Receptionist: Good morning. Insurance Services.

Caller: Good morning. Could you put me through to Mr Lampton?

Receptionist: Who's calling, please?

Caller: Solicitor Stevens.

Receptionist: Hold the line, please. I'm trying to put you through… Hello, are you there? I'm afraid Mr Lampton is tied up in a meeting at the moment.

Caller: Oh, I see1. When will he be free?

Receptionist: I'm not sure. Shall I put you through to his secretary?

Caller: If you would, please2.


1 Oh, I see – понятно.

2 If you would, please. – Если Вы будете так любезны.

Dialogue 3.Taking A Message

Secretary: Oxford County Court. Good morning.

Caller: Good morning. This is Solicitor Irwin. Could I speak to Judge Swanson?

Secretary: I'm afraid she's in a hearing1 at the moment. Shall I get her to call you?

Caller: Yes, please.

Secretary: Where can we contact you? We already have your number, haven't we?

Caller: Yes, you must have, but just in case2, my office number's 87 632 904 and my home number is 02 108 226 935.

Secretary: I'll make sure she calls as soon as she is free.

Caller: Thank you. Goodbye.

Secretary: Goodbye.


1 a hearing – слушание дела

2 justincase– на всякий случай

Dialogue 4. Taking A Message

Receptionist: Good morning. Manchester Assurance1 Services.

Caller: Could I speak to Ms Susan Hill?

Receptionist: I'm afraid Ms Hill's line is engaged. Will you wait?

Caller: I'm afraid, I can't. I'm calling from Sweden.

Receptionist: Could I get her to call you back?

Caller: No, it's not very urgent. Tell Ms Hill I'll fax the papers tomorrow.

Receptionist: I've got that2. You'll fax the papers tomorrow.

Caller: Thank you, goodbye.

Receptionist: Thanks for calling. Goodbye.


1 Assurance–брит. страхование (обычно жизни)

2 I've got that – я записала.

Dialogue 5.Taking a message

Receptionist: Bays Law Firm. Good afternoon.

Caller: Good afternoon. This is Walter Stein from Harvard Associates. Can I speak to Helen Hunter, please?

Receptionist: Oh, I'm terribly sorry, but Ms Hunter had to go out of town urgently. She said she'd be back tomorrow. Can I take a message?

Caller: Yes, please. Can you tell her that the contract is ready and can be sent to New York for comments? Have you got that1?

Receptionist: Yes. I'll read that back to you. Walter Stein rang. The message is that the contract is ready and can be sent to New York for comments.

Caller: That's fine, thank you.

Receptionist: I'll see that she gets the message. Have a nice day!


1 Have you got that? – Вы записали?

Dialogue 6. Putting You Through

Receptionist: ICB. Good morning. Can I help you?

Caller: Could I speak to Mr Morgan?

Receptionist: Yes, certainly. Who shall I say is calling?

Caller: This is Antony Duffy from Multimedia Studios.

Receptionist: Hold on, please. I'll see if he is in.

Caller: Thank you.

Receptionist: Hello, Mr Duffy. I'm putting you through.

Dialogue 7. Putting you through

Receptionist: ICB. Good morning.

Caller: Could you put me through to the Legal Department?

Receptionist: Who would you like to speak to?

Caller: Mr Goldsmith, if he's in.

Receptionist: One moment, please. I'll see if he's in the office.

Caller: Thank you.

Receptionist: Sorry to keep you waiting, His line's busy.

Caller: That's all right.

Receptionist: You're through now. Go ahead.

Dialogue 8. Getting Through

Receptionist: Westminster Consultants. Can I help you?

Caller: Hello. Andrew Jackson speaking. Is Clyde Rochester in?

Receptionist: Which department does he work in?

Caller: The legal department.

Receptionist: It's ringing for you now 1… No, there's no reply. Can anybody else help you?

Caller: No, it's OK. What time do you think he'll be in?

Receptionist: There’s a meeting at four this afternoon. I think he’d be in by that time.

Caller: I'll call back later then. Thank you.


1 It's ringing for you now – соединяю.

Dialogue 9. Getting Through

Secretary: Legal department. Can I help you?

Caller: Could I speak to the Counsel?

Secretary: I'm sorry, she's at a conference today. Can you tell me what it's about?

Caller: Yes, it's about our office insurance.

Secretary: I see. Perhaps Assistant General Counsel1 might be able to help you?

Caller: Right. I'll try him then, thank you.

Secretary: I'm putting you through.


1 Assistant General Counsel – помощник главного юрисконсульта

Dialogue 10. Breaking Appointmеnts

Receptionist: Speaking.

Caller: I'm phoning on behalf of1 Mrs Austin. I'm afraid she'll have to postpone this afternoon's appointment with Mr Harold. She's been taken ill.

Receptionist: Oh, I'm sorry. I hope it's nothing serious.

Caller: I hope so, too. She said she'd be in next week.

Receptionist: When would you like to arrange it for?

Caller: Wednesday, 27

Receptionist: Yes, that seems OK. Would 10.30 be a convenient time?

Caller: Yes, perfect.

Receptionist: Fine. I'll make a note of it. Thank you for your call.

Caller: Oh, that's all right. Sorry again. Bye.


1 on behalf of – от лица, от имени

Dialogue 11. Making An Appointment

Receptionist: Bronson Law Firm. Good morning.

Caller: Good morning. I'd like to make an appointment with Mr Turner, please.

Receptionist: Yes, of course, I'll just check his diary. Can you tell me what it's about?

Caller: It's about the conference on legal problems of world trade activity. Arnold Jackson speaking. I'm in charge of the facilities.

Receptionist: Would tomorrow afternoon at three-thirty be convenient?

Caller: I'm afraid I can't manage three-thirty. Four-thirty would suit me better.

Receptionist: Let me just check. Yes, OK. That's fine.

Caller: Thank you, goodbye.

Receptionist: Goodbye.

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