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Посібник з англійської мови для студентів медичного фак-ту 1-курсу.doc
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Завдання для самостійної роботи студентів (срс)

I. Перекладіть словосполучення:

виробляти тестостерон, естроген та прогестерон.

циклічні гормональні зміни.

стимулювати гонади.

переноситися через матку в фаллопієві труби.

сприяти заплідненню.

розвиток вторинних статевих характеристик.

період статевого дозрівання.

запліднити яйцеклітину.

з'єднуватися, щоб утворити зиготу.

проходити крізь мембрану яйцеклітину.

II. Дайте відповіді на питання:

When does male puberty occur?

When does female puberty occur?

How long do sperm cells remain viable in the reproductive system?

What is zygote?

When can fertilization be successful?

III. Розкрийте поняття:


      1. The Immune System

Exercise 1. Topical vocabulary:

antidote, n


антидот, протиотрута

capacity, n


здатність; місткість

entirely, adv



employ, v


вживати, використовувати

indirect, adj



immunity, n



invasion, n



lack, n


нестача, брак; відсутність

recurrence, n



resistance, n


опір, протидія

subcutaneous, adj



subsequent, adj



Exercise 2. Read and guess the meaning of the following words:

Microorganisms; infection; specific; absolute; attack; permanent; protection; pathogenic; virulent; toxin; characteristic; symptom; chemical; antidote; antitoxin; organs; bacterial; culture; formation; elements; protection; organism; leucocytosis; bacteria; phagocytes; reaction; vaccine; active; resistance; mechanism; isolate.

Exercise 3. Read and translate the following word combinations into the Ukrainian language:

Capacity: inborn capacity, inherited capacity, biological capacity

Immunity is the body’s capacity to fight infections.

Immunity: natural immunity, artificial immunity, relative immunity, absolute immunity

Immunity is classified into natural and artificial.

Recurrence: to prevent from recurrence, recurrence of a chronic disease, to recur periodically

Recurrence of the disease means return of symptoms after a temporary absence.

Subcutaneous: a subcutaneous injection, to spread subcutaneously, a subcutaneous inflammation

Virulent bacteria caused subcutaneous accumulation of pus in a big toe.

Exercise 4. Read and translate the following word combinations into Ukrainian language:

White blood cells; to neutralize a toxin; result from direct contact; effects of a poison; to resist disease; physiological function; to produce immunity; a response to an infection; pathogenic microorganisms; capacity of resistance; a previous attack; permanent protection; to prevent the recurrence; a chemical antidote; to suffer from diseases; bacterial cultures; to produce leucocytosis; to be surrounded by white cells; the spread of bacteria; to inject subcutaneously; to contribute to the treatment, to establish immunity.

Exercise 5. Read and translate the text: