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Латыгина Базовый курс економики на англ.doc
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Ex.6. Match the synonymous expressions:

  1. social security

  2. wage packet

  3. office job

  4. health services

  5. unemployed people

    1. pay packet

    2. clerical work

    3. social welfare

    4. jobless people

    5. medical care

Ex.7. Look at the words and phrases in the box. Match them with the correct definition from the list below:

  1. a percentage paid on amount of money;

  2. money (in the form of wages or a salary or profit) received from work done;

  3. payment for services given;

  4. a payment made to someone for providing a service or goods. The amount is usually a percentage of the total value of the deal;

  5. an amount paid for a professional service or advice;

  6. money or goods received in addition to a salary;

  7. a combination of salary and benefits that an employer offers to an employee;

  8. a right offered to employees, to buy shares in the company where they work at a cheap price;

  9. a compensation package for an executive leaving a company;

  10. a sum of money paid to shareholders as their part of the company’s profit;

  11. a person who provides advice for pay;

Ex.8. Write the appropriate word or phrase in the following spaces. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian.

  1. Will you accept € 100 as … for the work?

  2. She is much better off since her … increase.

  3. These shares should pay high … .

  4. These gas shares earn a lot of … .

  5. She receives excellent … for her work.

  6. The bank charges … for exchanging foreign currency.

  7. How much is your lawyer’s …?

  8. He was offered a company car as … .

  9. … we consider most important are non-contributory pensions, company cars and healthcare.

  10. A € 750,000 … to Mr. Brown, 68, retiring chairman of the tobacco company was pushed through at the company’s annual meeting.

Golden goodbye, the benefits, a perk, fee, a commission, remuneration, interest, dividends, salary, payment.

Ex.9. Fill in the missing prepositions Fringe benefit

Fringe benefit is a reward … an employee’s labour which is not based … money, but which takes an alternative form. Increased holiday entitlement, a subsidized canteen, free or cut-price products, or private health care insurance, are examples … such non-financial rewards. It is increasingly recognized that money is only one element that motivates the workforce, so the use … nonmonetary incentives is becoming more common, … shop-floor level, trade unions are increasingly including non-financial elements … their negotiations … management. … management level, the “perks” … company cars, sizeable expense accounts … travelling, and other nonsalary incentives, are an important element … attracting executives … one post … another.

(to, in (2), with, at (2), of (3), from, for (2), on)

Ex.10. These words are often confused: salary – income – pay – wage


is paid monthly to professional employees


money received from work done, or (as interest) from money invested or (as rent) from property owned


money given to an employee by an employer in return for work


is paid weekly to manual or unskilled workers

Complete these sentences using the correct form of one of the words above. Make your own sentences to show that you understand the difference in their meaning.

  1. My friend is going to get a … rise next week.

  2. That company pays a good … to its workers.

  3. Her … increased when she changed jobs and bought stock.

  4. Her husband is a lawyer. His … has increased 10 percent this year.

  5. The starting … of our new sales manager is € 15 000.

  6. Tax is payable on all … over € 2000.

  7. … are paid every Friday.

  8. His … is about € 150 a week.

  9. … is usually paid monthly but … is usually paid weekly.

  10. Very few office workers get good … .

  11. A person's … falls dramatically on retirement.

  12. In many countries workers are paid a legal minimum … .