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Латыгина Базовый курс економики на англ.doc
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Ex.2. Compete the sentences by putting the verb in brackets into the correct tense.

  1. He ______ in the USA for two years when he decided to buy a house. (live)

  2. The telephone _______ when I was discussing this plan with my boss. (ring)

  3. I _____ for their company from 1996 to 1998. (work)

  4. I hardly ______ the office when it started to rain. (leave)

  5. I _____ to London several times before 2000. (go)

  6. We _____ the answer to that problem yet when he came. (find/not)

  7. I haven’t seen him since he ______ working for our company. (stop)

  8. They ______ so loudly that I could not hear his words. (talk)

  9. As the equipment _____ we decided to replace it. (get old)

  10. We ______ a lot of work with British suppliers when he bought the company. (do)

  11. After she had spoken to the manager, she ______ the report. (write)

  12. The conference was very interesting and it was obvious that all the speakers _______ their material very thoroughly. (prepare)

Speech and Discussion

Ex.1. Discuss with your groupmates:

  • what role human resources play in the work of a company;

  • whose work is the most important in a company.

Ex.2. What qualities in your opinion are the most important for the employer?

Ex.3. Familiarize yourself with the following idioms. Consult your dictionary and translate the sentences into Ukrainian. Think of situations where you could use them.

  1. Providing services is the bread and butter of our business.

  2. He was green with envy when I won the first prize in the competition.

  3. We need $ 10, 000 to clear our debts. I’m afraid the $ 5, 000 Ted has offered us is only a drop in the bucket.

  4. I am not worried about the consequences. I have a friend at court.

  5. We have a gentleman’s agreement. When you are dealing with Malcolm, that is as good as a signed contract.

Ex.4. Comment on the following:

“A man who builds his own pedestal had better use strong cement.”

(Anna Quindlen)

lesson 3

Text: Recruitment Procedure

Grammar: Future time (uses of shall/will/ going to/present continuous/ present simple to talk about the future)

Terms to remember

recruit (v)

наймати на роботу

hire (v)

наймати (робітників)

advertise (v)




employment/ recruitment agency

агентство з добору кадрів


людина, яка шукає роботу


спеціаліст, який підбирає на роботу керівників вищого рангу

search (v)


persuade (v)




golden hello

золоте привітання; велика сума грошей чи інша форма фінансового заохочення, яку компанія пропонує керівникам високої кваліфікації, яких запрошує на роботу

financial enticement

фінансове заохочення



apply for (v)

звертатися з проханням, подавати заяву

application form

анкета, заява

job description

посадові обов’язки/вимоги; посадова інструкція

complete the form (v)

заповнити анкету

curriculum vitae (CV, BrE)

автобіографія, резюме

resume (AmE)


covering letter

супровідний лист


подавець заяви, прохач; кандидат, претендент; заявник