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Ex.10. Fill in the missing prepositions.

The limited liability company provides a framework … which a business can operate effectively. A limited company is usually the best vehicle … business. Shareholders inject capital and receive a return … proportion to the capital they invest. They are eligible to attend an annual general meeting … approve or otherwise the way the directors are running the business. Annual general meetings also determine how much … the profit will be distributed … shareholders.

Control … the company is … the hands of directors who are appointed … the shareholders to run the company … their behalf.

(on, by, of-2, to-2, in-2, for, within)

Ex.11. These words are often confused:

to offer – to suggest

to offer

to propose something, express willingness to do something

e.g. He offered me a job.

to suggest

to propose something to do, to offer an idea or a plan for consideration

e.g. 1. We suggest contacting the manufacturer directly.

2. I suggest we have dinner first.

3. He suggested various ways in which the service could be improved.

Complete these sentences using the correct form of one of the words above. Make your own sentences to show that you understand the difference in their meaning.

  1. I … a new plan.

  2. I … to take my friend to dinner.

  3. They … fresh investments in our business.

  4. He … that we have lunch at the hotel.

  5. She … me a cigarette every time I see her.

  6. They … him a job last week.

  7. He … I look through the documents once more.

  8. Our company … different services to our customers.

  9. My friend … that we join our small firms.

  10. His company … just its shares to the public.

  11. He … going to the stock exchange.

  12. I … you buy more shares of this company.

Exercises in Comprehension

Ex.1. Answer the following questions:

  1. Are all businesses owned and organized in the same way?

  2. What is the simplest form of business ownership?

  3. What are the owners liable for in unlimited liability companies?

  4. What are the owners liable for in a limited liability company?

  5. What are unlimited liability companies subdivided into?

  6. What is a partnership?

  7. What are limited liability companies subdivided into?

  8. What is a private limited company?

  9. What is a public limited company?

  10. Is a public limited company privately or state-owned?

Ex.2. What is the difference between:

an unlimited liability company – a limited liability company;

sole proprietorship – partnership;

a private limited company – a public limited company.

Ex.3.Sum up what the text says about:

  • unlimited liability companies and limited liability companies,

  • sole traders,

  • partnerships,

  • private limited companies,

  • public limited companies.

Grammar Revision

Present Perfect Simple

We use the Present Perfect Simple:

  • for the action or situation which is finished

We have painted the whole house.

  • for recent actions or events in the past that have a result in the present

You have broken the window!

  • for actions or situations that began in the past and continue in the present

Windsor Castle has been a royal residence since the 11th century.

Time words or expressions which are often used with the Present Perfect Simple:

for, since, just, already, yet, this morning (week), in the last few days, recently, lately/of late, never, ever, so far.