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Business across Cultures

Before doing business abroad it is important to understand the social and business culture of a country in which you are going to operate. The following are just a few of do’s and don’ts for business people visiting a foreign country:

  • In the USA, it is polite to look people in the eye, to offer your hand, and to smile;

  • In France people shake hands much more than Americans or most Europeans; if you fail to shake hands, you may be considered rude;

  • In Japan and Korea bowing, rather than shaking hands, is usual behaviour;

  • In Turkey, your coat should be buttoned when you are with superiors;

  • Never discuss business over dinner in France;

  • Don’t pass documents with the left hand in Saudi Arabia;

  • Don’t expect written contracts in most Moslem countries;

  • Don’t expect the contract with South Korean businessmen to spell out all the details. Written contracts are typically documents that change as conditions do;

  • In Japan it’s very important to get everyone’s opinion. Patience is a prime factor in their culture. They also avoid saying “no” directly;

  • Offer gifts in Japan. The Japanese enjoy giving and receiving beautifully presented gifts;

  • Do not bring liquour to an Arab house. For many Arabs, alcohol is forbidden by religious law;

  • In China expensive presents are not acceptable and cause great embarrassment. Give a collective gift from your company to theirs;

  • In British restaurants a tip is included in the bill. In some Mediterranean countries, such as Greece and Spain, the customer is expected to pay a little extra for satisfactory service;

  • Don’t criticize royalty in Great Britain;

  • In Arab countries, don’t admire an object openly. The owner may feel obligated to give it to you.

  • Thus, if you are aware of the customs of the country you are visiting, you will not cause offence or be offended.

Exercises in Word Study Ex.1. Form nouns from the following verbs:

fail, consider, behave, avoid, embarrass, criticize, expect, offend, admire.

Ex.2. The following words can be used in more than one way. Underline the correct part of speech for each word as it is used in the text.


a) noun

b) verb


a) noun

b) verb


a) noun

b) verb


a) noun

b) verb


a) noun

b) verb


a) noun

b) verb


a) noun

b) verb


a) noun

b) verb


a) noun

b) verb

Ex.3. Give the English for:

обговорювати ділові питання; передавати документи; письмовий контракт; пояснювати всі деталі; звичайна поведінка; терплячість; пропонувати подарунок; дорогі подарунки; збентеження; чайові; рахунок (за послуги); образити когось; бути ображеним; звичаї країни; правила поведінки.

Ex.4. Match words from list A with words from list B that have a similar meaning:






spell out












explain in detail





Ex.5. Find suitable opposites to the following words:

rude; cheap; buttoned; to succeed; patience; to permit; acceptable.

Ex.6. Look at the words and phrases in the box. Match them with the correct definition from the list below.

  1. formal rules for polite behaviour in a society;

  2. something done in a society because of tradition;

  3. money given to smb. for doing smth.

  4. rules for behaviour;

  5. a person who is higher in rank or importance;

  6. an agreement , usually written and signed by those making it;

  7. smth. given freely to another, a present;

  8. a king or queen and family;

  9. showing bad manners, impolite.

Ex.7. Write the appropriate word or phrase in the following spaces. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian.

  1. I left the waiter a generous … .

  2. It takes time to learn the … for business people visiting a foreign country.

  3. My boss gave me a watch as a birthday … .

  4. I gave the cab driver a $ 1 … .

  5. My … in the company have requested that I cut costs.

  6. He does not understand the technological process; you will have … it for him.

  7. Wearing a shirt without a tie is … dress for dinner here.

  8. It is British … to drink tea at four o’clock each afternoon.

  9. She was … that we didn’t accept her invitation to dinner.

  10. The basic service costs $ 100 plus 20 percent for the … .

  11. This hotel is more … than I expected.

  12. A salesperson must … market prices.

  13. It wasn’t very … to leave without saying thank you.

  14. It was … to walk away while that customer was talking to you.

rude; polite; be aware of; expensive; extras; offended; custom; acceptable; to spell out; superiors; gift; do’s and don’ts; tip (2).