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Ex.2. Sum up what you remember about the World Trade Organization. Ex.3. Translate into English:

Світову організацію торгівлі було створено в 1995 році. Це одна з наймолодших міжнародних організацій. Вона є єдиною міжнародною організацією, яка має справу з основними правилами торгівлі між країнами. Вона керує торговельними угодами і діє як форум для торгових переговорів. Вона також співпрацює з іншими міжнародними організаціями.

Урегулювання торгових конфліктів – одне з найважливіших завдань Світової організації торгівлі.

Угоди Світової організації торгівлі – це основні правові норми міжнародної торгівлі. Вони гарантують країнам-членам важливі торгові права.

Світова організація торгівлі також регулює торгівлю послугами та інтелектуальною власністю.

Головне управління Світової організації торгівлі розташоване в Женеві (Швейцарія).

Grammar Revision

Infinitive or Gerund?

  1. The infinitive is often used when talking about aims and objectives, and the gerund when the verb is the subject of the sentence.

He made a decision to start a new life.

Learning languages is my hobby.

  1. The infinitive is used after adjectives, adverbs, nouns and pronouns; the gerund is used after prepositions and conjunctions.

I was surprised to meet him there.

She is certain to retire soon.

He was shocked. He didn’t know what to do.

They have a plan to start a business.

After graduating from the University he set up his business.

He insisted on restructuring the company.

  1. Some verbs can be followed by either a gerund or an infinitive. begin, can’t bear, continue, hate, like, love, remember, start, stop, try, intend, bother, prefer

  2. Some of these verbs change their meanings depending on whether they are used with the gerund or the infinitive

to remember + infinitive = not to forget to do something

to remember + gerund = to remember something done in the past

to regret + infinitive = to be sorry for something you are doing

to regret + gerund = to be sorry because of something that happened in the past

to stop + infinitive = to stop so that you can do it

to stop + gerund = to end an action

Ex.1. Divide the verbs in the box into two categories: A-those generally followed by an infinitive, B-those generally followed by a gerund. Some verbs may appear in both categories, depending on their meaning.

admit, avoid, resist, face, offer, miss, intend, remember, regret, stop, risk, forgive, decide, hate, expect, consider, refuse, start, hope, learn, plan, postpone, imagine, involve.

Ex.2. Choose the correct way of completing each sentence.

  1. Do you remember (to go/going) to the bank last Monday?

  2. It’s difficult (to make/making) long-term plans.

  3. I remember (to meet/ meeting) your boss at the conference.

  4. We’ve made an agreement (to work/working) together.

  5. We usually avoid (to discuss/discussing) this subject.

  6. You were stupid (to believe/believing) her.

  7. He gave up the idea of (to hear/hearing) from his business partner.

  8. She has an awful habit of (to interfere/interfering) in other people’s business.

  9. This job is not worth (to take, taking).

  10. The problem was too difficult (to solve, solving).

  11. We are looking forward (to see/seeing) him.

  12. I was fined for (to exceed/exceeding) the speed limit.

  13. It’s no use (to explain/explaining) him our problem.

  14. He couldn’t resist (to go/going) to see his new office.