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Vocabulary to the text:

public holiday = statutory holiday

державне свято


додержання (свята)

sovereign ['sɔv(ə)rɪn]


don, to [dɔn]

одягати, одягти

spur [spɜ]


partake, to [pɑ'teɪk]

брати участь

humble ['hʌmb(ə)l]


premier ['premɪə]


lineup ['laɪnʌp]

перелік учасників

Cannes [kæn ], [kænz]

м. Канн (Франція)

snowdrift ['snəudrɪft]

сніговий замет

attire [ə'taɪə]

прикраса; вбрання

whoop it up, to

веселитися, гуляти

rendezvous ['rɔndɪvu]

місце зібрання

rowdy ['raudɪ]

галасливий, бешкетний

spawn, to [spɔn]

породжувати, викликати (щось)

Lent [lent]

великий піст

embrace, to [ɪm'breɪs]


stampede [stæm'pid]

1) панічна втеча 2) стихійний масовий рух

  1. Questions to the text:

  1. What is a statutory holiday?

  2. List major public events in Canada.

  3. Which holidays are mandated by federal legislation for federally regulated employees?

  4. List holidays celebrated in Vancouver, Ottawa, Montreal, Canadawide.

  5. Speak about outdoor festivals of Canada.

  6. Which festivals, in your opinion, attract the attention of visitors from foreign countries?

  7. Which festivals do you find most luring?

  1. Write short notes about the key issues raised in the text.

  2. Compose and write a plan of the text.

  3. Retell the text using new vocabulary.

  4. Prepare a presentation (report) about one Canadian holiday / festival.

Topic 23. Public holidays and festivals of Australia.

Australia is rich in holidays, festivals and public celebrations.

Public holidays in Australia are declared on a state and territory basis, with the exception of national public holidays. The national public holidays are:

Australia Day

Australia’s national day is held on 26 January in recognition of the arrival in 1788 of the First Fleet, a group of 11 ships that sailed from England to establish a colony in Australia. Australia Day celebrations include Australia Day Honours, Australian of the Year Awards, Citizenship ceremonies, concerts, carnivals and family entertainment.

Anzac Day

The Anzac Day Act 1995 declares the 25th of April as a national day of commemoration in recognition and commemoration of the contribution of all those who have served Australia (including those who died) in time of war and in war-like conflicts. ANZAC stands for Australian and New Zealand Army Corps and was first used when Australian and New Zealand soldiers were grouped in Egypt, prior to their landing at Gallipoli on 25 April 1915. The word ‘Anzac’ is protected and cannot be used without the authority of the Minister for Veterans’ Affairs.

New Year’s Day

In Australia, New Year’s Day celebrations commence in most capital cities on 31 December, with festivities and fireworks at midnight to welcome in the New Year.

Good Friday

Good Friday is the Friday before Easter and in Christianity commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus and his death. In Australia, Good Friday is celebrated on the first Friday after the full moon on or after 21 March.

Easter Monday

Easter Monday is the day after Easter Sunday.

Christmas Day

Christmas Day (December, 25) is a family gift-giving celebration. Christians commemorate the birth of Jesus on this day, yet participation is high among those of other lifestyles. When Christmas Day falls on a Saturday or Sunday, the following Monday is declared a public holiday.

Boxing Day

The origins of Boxing Day (December, 26) are believed to be British, and relate to the practice of the wealthy giving gifts of money, food or goods to the poor. Traditionally, when Boxing Day falls on a Saturday, the following Monday is declared a public holiday. When Boxing Day falls on a Sunday, the following Tuesday is declared a public holiday. Some people eat cookies to celebrate.

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