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Vocabulary to the text:

spur [spɜ]

спонукати, підбурювати


балачки, теревені


передача голосу за IP протоколом

pertinent ['pɜtɪnənt]

доречний, слушний, підхожий, придатний

message board

електронна дошка об’яв, форум

interlocutor [ɪntə'lɔkjətə]

співбесідник, співрозмовник

proficient [prə'fɪʃ(ə)nt]

вправний, умілий, досвідчений

abusive [ə'bjusɪv]

образливий, лайливий

libel ['laɪbəl]

наклеп (у пресі) ; дифамація

unsolicited email=spam


sever, to ['sevə]

роз'єднувати, розділяти

  1. Questions to the text:

  1. Enumerate ways of communication via Internet.

  2. What are the specifics of Internet communication?

  3. Are there any hazards related to Internet communication?

  4. How to avoid risks while communicating online?

  5. What are the possible outcomes of the virtual communication boom?

  1. Additional questions and discussion:

  1. How do you use Internet for communication?

  2. Can you think of the next level communication applications and gear?

  3. How can we solve the issue of “virtual immersion”?

  4. Give concrete examples of how Internet may facilitate business communication.

  5. How effective in your opinion is education via online tools (Skype etc.)?

  1. Write short notes about the key issues raised in the text.

  2. Compose and write a plan of the text.

  3. Retell the text using new vocabulary.

  4. Find and bring newspaper articles exposing risks of Internet communication. Discuss them in class.

  5. Prepare reports on an either topic:

  1. History of Internet communication;

  2. Applications for Internet communication;

  3. Perspectives of Internet communication;

  4. Risks of online communication;

  5. Internet addiction;

  6. Global communicative environment.

Topic 33. The art of conversation.

A man's character may be learned from the adjectives which he habitually uses in conversation.

--Mark Twain

Everybody's found themselves trapped in that familiar social horror: being faced with a complete stranger and wanting more than anything to break the silence which stretches out awkwardly between you. In these situations, you need some sure-fire fallbacks guaranteed to break the ice and start a conversation.

If you're heading off to a party or get-together where you suspect that you won't know a lot of the other guests, it's a good idea to bring something with you that is highly likely to be a good conversation piece. If you're a hat person, choose one that has a great story that goes with it (or make one up on the way) and be prepared to tell people about it when they ask. Or wear an unusual accessory or piece of jewelry that will catch people's attention and compel them to ask you about it. If you're bringing a gift to a party, add an eye-catching flourish to the wrapping, which will stimulate some other creative soul to ask you about your original wrapping technique, or about the nature of the gift. Conversation pieces provide a non-threatening way to start a conversation.

Effectively, you're giving people an excuse to come and talk to you, by making yourself appear approachable and interesting because there's something about you that is an obvious talking point. You don't want to arrive looking bland and exactly like everyone else; you're trying to stimulate discussion, not a reaction of bored disinterest.

Wherever you find yourself in the midst of this social challenge, check out your environment. There must be something there which can trigger a conversation with the stranger standing next to you. Is there something striking about the decor, an interesting book in plain view, a fascinating print or photograph on the wall?

If you find yourself in the kitchen, you have an endless supply of conversation starters all around you - particular cooking equipment or an extensive spice supply can kick off a culinary conversation or a restaurant disaster story that is a natural and friendly ice-breaker.

If you're in a place that is devoid of viable visual cues, use the food or drinks as a starting point. But avoid the "Isn't the chicken great?" approach - this can only elicit a yes/no response, and you're looking to develop a dialogue. Try "wow, this chicken reminds me of a dish I ate on my very first date" - create an interesting scenario that draws the other person in, and stimulates them to ask you questions in return. Anyone with even the most rudimentary social skills will take your cue in this situation and ask you a variety of questions in return, such as: "Oh, really? What happened? How long did you date? Where was this? How old were you?" Any of these questions lead straight into a full-blown dialogue.

Pay attention to the messages you're sending out with your body. Are you frowning at the room in general with folded arms? Are you standing rigidly with a pasted-on smile, looking like you're frozen to the spot? If so, you're sending out very clear signals which warn people to steer clear of you because you're just not interested in engaging with them.

Take a deep breath, unclench your fists, relax your body and smile broadly. Move around the room, starting with the most approachable people. Make sure that your body language states that you are interested and relaxed and here to meet people. Make plenty of eye contact as you smile - these are the keys to making a stranger feel relaxed and welcome as they approach you. Positive body language substantially reduces the risk of rejection when mingling with strangers - if you're relaxed and smiling, even shy people are more likely to feel comfortable enough to come right up and start chatting.

If you're not sure about the interests of the people you're about to meet, it's not a bad idea to take a quick look at the nightly news before you head off to the party. General knowledge and a working understanding of breaking news issues provide great conversation starters when all else fails. If you haven't had time to stay up to date on current affairs, some knowledge of the latest celebrity gossip can also stand you in good stead. A piece of silly or sensationalist scandal can break the ice with a like-minded person who is also bored to death by the heavy political discussion going on all around you.

If you're going to a professional function which represents a networking opportunity handed to you on a plate, it's worth your while doing a little research into the industry as a whole. Learn just a handful of buzzwords so that you can communicate with the other guests in the same language. In a situation like this, it's easy to prepare five or six conversation starters which are industry-specific, and convey the impression that you are an insider.

These techniques of striking up a conversation with a stranger are solid proof that there is no need to dread this social task. By throwing out plenty of conversational lines and asking open-ended and appropriate questions, you will find that the art of conversation is easier than it sometimes seems.

The art of conversation is a skill shared by most successful people. Good conversation promotes an image of self-confidence, intelligence, and wittiness.

People who always seem to rise to the top of their professions and are well respected by others who share the ability to converse with anybody in every situation. People who seem to speak effortlessly and efficiently with others are generally well liked and highly successful.

If you need to improve your conversational skills, here are a few tips that can help you enhance your conversational skills and boost your image.

1. Always say what you think, not what you think others want you to say. Especially in a professional setting, learning to express your views and ideas in a positive, non-threatening manner will invite reactions and responses.

Effective leaders always say what they are thinking and express their ideas freely. Having the courage to speak your mind as well as listening openly to the views and ideas of others is a sure way to earn the respect and admiration of all those you encounter.

2. Listen carefully to what others are saying. People often interpret things said by others in a way that clouds their ability to hear what people are intending to say.

By giving your full attention to the speaker, you can hear what they intend for you to hear instead of what you want to hear.

The art of conversation includes the ability to listen to others as well as the ability to speak effectively.

3. Always assume that a speaker is saying exactly what they mean to say. Even if it seems unclear, try to find meaning and coherence to the words they are saying and give them the respect of hearing what they want you to hear.

In any conversation, the ability to give respect is just as important as receiving it. The art of conversation is a give and take between parties, not one speaker and one listener.

4. Any conversation can be broken down into three parts.

The first part is small talk. Small talk is dictated by social rules and includes polite greetings, inquiries about the well-being of others, etc.

Stage two is the end of the small talk and moving on to the purpose of the conversation such as business, the sharing of opinions and personal views.

Without the ability to express yourself efficiently, the conversation can easily slip back into small talk, lessening the chances of accomplishing the initial goal of the conversation.

The third part of a conversation is where the various ideas and views expressed can be merged into a satisfying end for all parties involved in the conversation.

The art of conversation is a learned skill that is common among successful, energetic people. If you are unable to effectively express yourself in any situation, you will likely find that you do not attract the attention and command the respect that is bestowed upon some others.

People who talk freely and easily with others usually find more professional and personal fulfillment than those who are introverted and silent.

If you want to improve your professional and social standing, learn to communicate efficiently and in a positive manner.

You will notice a dramatic difference in the way other people perceive you if you demonstrate self-confidence and project a friendly, informed image.

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