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Vocabulary to the text:

syndicated column

синдикована колонка (колонка популярного журналіста, що може поширюватися у багатьох медіа підконтрольних одному власникові)

libel law

закон про відповідальність за наклеп (або поширення наклепницьких відомостей)

bias ['baɪəs]

упередження (проти когось - against)

Te Māngai Pāho

a New Zealand Crown Entity responsible for promotion of Māori language and culture by providing funding for Māori language programming on radio and television

iwi ['iwi]

a Maori community or people

  1. Questions to the text:

  1. Which media outlets dominate New Zealand?

  2. Do media of New Zealand experience any freedom restrictions and censorship?

  3. Does New Zealand have progress with the implementation of digital television?

  4. Speak about the leading newspapers of New Zealand.

  5. What do you know about New Zealand’s film industry?

  1. Additional questions and discussion:

  1. Why do you think New Zealand is a popular place for shooting movies?

  2. What do you know about movies filmed in New Zealand?

  1. Write short notes about the key issues raised in the text.

  2. Compose and write a plan of the text.

  3. Retell the text using new vocabulary.

  4. Write a letter to a friend describing any Zelanian media outlet (15 sentences).

  5. Prepare a report (20-25 sentences) on a single type of New Zealand’s mass media.

Тестові завдання:

Виберіть правильний варіант.

  1. Canada is…

        1. The largest country in the world

        2. The second largest country in the world

        3. The third largest country in the world

  1. The largest lakes wholly within Canada are

        1. Lake Superior, Great Bear

        2. Great Slave, Huron

        3. Great Bear, Great Slave

  1. Canada's two greatest rivers are

        1. The St. Lawrence, the Mackenzie

        2. The Mackenzi, the Mississippi

        3. The St. Lawrence, the Thames

  1. The Western territories of Canada are occupied by:

        1. The Cordilleras

        2. The Andes

        3. The Appalachians

  1. Two Canadian territories are:

        1. Nova Scotia, the Yukon

        2. British Columbia, the Northern Territory

        3. The Northern territory, the Yukon

  1. The largest province of Canada is:

        1. Quebec

        2. British Columbia

        3. New Brunswick

  1. The majority of Canadian population use as their mother tongue:

        1. English

        2. Canadian

        3. French

  1. The biggest city, cultural and shopping center of Canada is:

        1. Ottawa

        2. Toronto

        3. Montreal

  1. The capital of Canada is:

        1. Toronto

        2. Ottawa

        3. Montreal

  1. The head of the state of Canada is:

        1. English monarch

        2. Prime-minister

        3. Governor-general

  1. The word “Australia” means:

        1. Flat

        2. Hot

        3. Southern

  1. Australia is:

        1. An island

        2. A continent

        3. Both

  1. Australian landscape is predominantly

        1. Flat

        2. Mountainous

        3. Both

  1. The major rivers in Australia are

        1. The Darling, the Honey

        2. The Honey, the Murray

        3. The Murray, the Darling

  1. The main branch of Australian economy is:

        1. Industry

        2. Agriculture

        3. Tourism

  1. The largest state of Australia is:

        1. Victoria

        2. New South Wales

        3. Western Australia

  1. The largest and the oldest city of Australia is:

        1. Sydney

        2. Melbourne

        3. Brisbane

  1. The capital of Australia is:

        1. Perth

        2. Canberra

        3. Adelaide

  1. The head of the state of Australia is:

        1. English monarch

        2. Prime-minister

        3. Governor-general

  1. Australian national colors are:

        1. Green and gold

        2. Gold and brown

        3. Green and yellow

  1. New Zealand comprises two main islands:

        1. The West Island, the East Island

        2. The North Island, the South Island

        3. The North Island, the Small Island

  1. New Zealand’s landscape is predominantly:

        1. Flat

        2. Desert-like

        3. Mountainous

  1. Which bird is on New Zealand’s national emblem?

        1. Kiwi

        2. Kauri

        3. Puka

  1. New zealand’s Maoris are thought to be of:

  1. Indian descent

  2. African descent

  3. Caucasian descent

  1. New Zealand’s largest city is:

        1. Wellington

        2. Christchurch

        3. Auckland

  1. New Zealand’s governor-general is appointed by:

        1. The British monarch

        2. The Parliament

        3. The people

  1. The Celebrate Canada series is:

        1. A sports event in Canada

        2. A set of film festivals in Canada

        3. A collection of important cultural days

  1. A holiday commemorating Canada’s war-dead is called:

        1. Remembrance day

        2. Dominion day

        3. Soldier Day

  1. The International film festival in Canada takes place in:

        1. Vancouver

        2. Toronto

        3. Ottawa

  1. Australia’s day is held in recognition of:

        1. The union between the Caucasian population of Australia and aborigines

        2. The arrival of the first fleet from England

        3. Independence

  1. Australia’s and New Zealand’s Anzac day is the celebration of:

        1. The union between two countries

        2. Aboriginal population of both countries

        3. Commemoration of war-dead

  1. A “Mondayised” holiday is a holiday which:

        1. Is followed by a free Monday in case it falls on the week-end

        2. Comes on Monday

        3. Is celebrated by aboriginal population

  1. Waitangi Day is the celebration of

        1. The founding document of New Zealand

        2. Dead in wars with aborigines

        3. Independence of New Zealand

  1. The newspaper “Globe and Mail” is published in:

        1. Australia

        2. New Zealand

        3. Canada

  1. Which country is often chosen by Hollywood producers for picturesque mountainous landscapes:

        1. Canada

        2. Australia

        3. New Zealand

  1. ABC is a broadcasting corporation from:

        1. Australia

        2. New Zealand

        3. Canada

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