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Vocabulary to the text:



grant, to


epic fail

нищівний крах

entrepreneur [ɒntrəprə'nɜ]


sprint [sprɪnt]

біг на короткі дистанції, спринт

beat oneself up, to

накручувати себе

mediocrity [midɪ'ɒkrɪtɪ]


screw up, to

зробити щось неправильно, провалити (справу, завдання тощо)

sumptuous ['sʌmtjuəs]

розкішний; пишний, чудовий


м. Ніцца (Франція)

for justice’s sake

справедливості заради

  1. Questions to the text:

  1. Describe the concept of success in comparison with that of failure.

  2. Name ten secrets to success and describe each.

  3. Is success an objective or a subjective notion?

  4. Do you associate success with mere luck?

  1. Write short notes about the key issues raised in the text.

  2. Compose and write a plan of the text.

  3. Retell the text using new vocabulary.

  4. Describe any successful and daring undertaking (either yours or a famous person) in a composition or report (25 sentences).

  5. Find additional information about ways to become successful and prepare a report.

Additional Topics to I semester.

Topic 18. Anglophone countries: Canada

Canada occupies the northern part of the North American continent and some islands. It borders on the USA. The country is washed by the Pacific ocean in the west, the Atlantic ocean in the east and by the Arctic ocean and its seas in the north. Canada is the second largest country in the world (after Russia) but has about the same population as the state of California which is one-25-th its size. The population density - 3,5 inhabitants per sq. km is among the lowest in the world. This is because the north of Canada with its harsh Arctic and sub-Arctic climates is sparsely inhabited. The Canadian north remains one of the least settled and least exploited parts of the world. About 2 per cent of the Canadian territory is covered by glacier ice.

Canada contains more lakes and inland waters than any other country in the world. In addition to the Great Lakes on the American border (all partly within Canada except Lake Michigan) the country has 31 lakes. Canada's two largest lakes are Lake Superior and Huron. The largest lakes wholly within Canada are Great Bear and Great Slave.

Canada's two greatest rivers are the St. Lawrence and the Mackenzie. While the St. Lawrence is the largest river in Canada in volume of water discharged at its mouth, the Mackenzie is the longest. The Niagara river and the falls at Niagara, one of the world's most voluminous waterfalls is a major source of hydroelectric power and the top of any tourist list of places to visit.

The eastern parts of the country are mainly valleys and plains. The western territories are occupied by the Cordilleras. They stretch from the American border to the Arctic Ocean. The region of the Cordilleras is famous for its beautiful forests. Canadian west is the most attractive part of the country. The snow-capped mountains and ocean bays create a surprisingly beautiful atmosphere.

Because of its size Canada has a great variety of climatic conditions. They range from the extreme cold of the arctic regions to the moderate temperatures of more southerly latitudes. Average summer temperatures range from 8*C to more than 22*C. Average winter temperatures range from -35*C in the far north to 3*C in the south. Canadian south is known for its changeable weather. Sometimes it's too humid and sometimes it's too dry. The Niagara Falls situated in that part of the country attracts people from all over the world by its unusual beauty.

Canada consists of ten provinces and two territories. Canada's provinces from east to west are Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia. To the north are two territories - the Yukon and Northern Territory.

Quebec is Canada's largest province. Quebec's first settlers were French, and French is the language spoken most often there. Ontario has a shape somewhat like a giant's leg. On the heel of Ontario's foot sits Ottawa, the capital of the nation.

The animal world of Canada is rather rich, especially in fur-bearing animals such as sable, mink, ermine, lynx, fox, wolf and skunk. The polar bear is distributed throughout the Arctic. Of the rodents the most characteristic is the beaver which is a non-official symbol of the country.

Canada is rich in forests, holding the first place in the world in the amount of forests. The country is also rich in mineral resources such as oil, natural gas, coal, uranium, gold, silver, copper. The most developed industries are timber, mining, chemical, machine-building, meat, milk and food industries.

Canada is officially bilingual. French and English are the official languages though the people who speak English as their mother tongue outnumber those whose mother tongue is French. 61% - English-speaking, 27% - French-speaking. The population of Canada consists of either Anglo-Canadian or French-Canadian descendants with about 34% of British origin, about 26% of French origin and also 26% of other European origin. The indigenous American Indian and Eskimo groups represent only 1,5% of the population.

Canada is a country with rapid growth of the population. It is mainly concentrated in metropolitan areas.

Canada's largest city is the Quebec city of Montreal which is built around a mountain on a green island in the middle of the St. Lawrence river. It's one of the most important sea ports. It is indeed a beautiful city with all its parks, avenues and streets, the distinguishing feature being the Mount Royal. Three universities are situated in the city. It is also the biggest cultural and shopping center of the country.

The second largest city in Canada is Toronto (the province of Ontario). It is a multinational city with the name translated from Indian as "meeting place". The city is the major industrial center of the country, the home of leading banks and corporations. The University of Toronto is the largest in Canada and is noted for its high academic standing. One of the world-famous sights is CN tower with the revolving restaurant.

Vancouver, the third largest city, is one of the principal Pacific ports of Canada and the center of trade. It's also a garden city. Vancouver is very picturesque, lying between snow­-capped mountains and an ocean bay. By the way, in 2005,07,09 Vancouver was admitted the best city for living in the world.

The fourth largest city is Ottawa - the capital of Canada. It is situated on the picturesque bank of the Ottawa river. Before the colonization the Ottawa region was an Indian trading center, especially fur-trading. The name of the city comes from the Indian word meaning “trade”. Ottawa is a city of bridges. There are more than 20 bridges in it. Ottawa is famous - for its walks, along which millions of tulips bloom every spring. It's a gift from Queen Juliana of the Netherlands to the people of Canada for sheltering her and her family during World War II.

Canada is a federation, a self-governing member of the Commonwealth of Nations. The governmental powers are divided between the federal government and the provincial and territorial governments. The head of the state is the monarch of Britain. The monarch is represented in Canada by the governor-general. The chief executive is the Prime minister (now Stephen Harper). The highest legislative body is the parliament consisting of the Senate and the House of Commons. The legal system in Canada is derived from the English common law, except in Quebec which has a law system based on the French civil law. The federal judiciary is headed by the Supreme Court of Canada made up of a chief justice and eight associate judges, three of whom must come from Quebec.

The two leading political parties are the Progressive Conservative and the Liberal Party. The national holiday is July, l (since 1867).

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