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Vocabulary to the text:

antiseptic [æntɪ'septɪk]

антисептичний засіб

carbolic acid

карболова кислота


перев'язування рани; матеріал для перев'язування

sepsis ['sepsɪs]

сепсис (the presence in tissues of harmful bacteria and their toxins, typically through infection of a wound)

germ [ʤɜm]

мікроб, бактерія

gut [gʌt]


Inuit ['ɪnjʊɪt, 'ɪnʊɪt]

інуїти, ескімоси



Hippocrates [hɪ'pɒkrətiz]


theurgy ['θiɜʤɪ]

чаклунство, магія

oxygen ['ɔksɪʤən]


hydrogen ['haɪdrəʤ(ə)n]


fungus ['fʌŋgəs] = mould

гриб; пліснява, цвіль

Penicillium genus

гриб Penicillium

steam locomotive [ləukə'məutɪv]


hydrofoil ['haɪdrəufɔɪl]

підводне крило

layout ['leɪaut]

планування; обладнання

infringement [ɪn'frɪnʤmənt]

порушування, порушення (закону і т.п.)

uphold, to

підтверджувати, затверджувати

idiosyncratic [ɪdɪə(ʊ)sɪŋ'kratɪk]

характерний, особливий

tablet computer = tablet PC

планшетний ПК

fuel cell

паливний елемент (електрохімічний генератор, який забезпечує пряме перетворення хімічної енергії на електричну. На відміну від традиційних електричних акумуляторів, де відбуваються аналогічні перетворення, паливні елементи мають дві важливі відмінності: вони функціонують доти, доки паливо (відновник) та окиснювач надходять із зовнішнього джерела; хімічний склад електроліту в процесі роботи не змінюється, тобто паливний елемент не треба перезаряджати

fossil fuel

горючі корисні копалини (в першу чергу газ і нафта)

nanowire battery

нанопровідниковий акумулятор

immersive virtual reality

віртуальна реальність, за якої людина отримує весь комплекс відчуттів реального світу, залишаючись відключеною від нього

intelligent apparel

розумний одяг (із застосуванням електронних приладів, комунікацій)

synthetic biology

синтетична біологія - наука, метою якої є створення та вивчення біологічних систем, що не існували раніше

hibernation [haɪbə'neɪʃ(ə)n]




stem cell

стовбурова клітина

prosthetics [prɒs'θɛtɪks]


in vitro (adj)

такий, що його було створено у пробірці

swarm robotics

групова робототехніка

frictionless bearing

підшипник кочення

carbon nanotubes

вуглецеві нанотрубки

cloaking device

прилади, що створюють невидимість об'єкту

programmable matter

програмована речовина



force field

силове поле

law enforcement

правоохоронна діяльність, забезпечення правопорядку (законності)

keep a tight leash, to


precarious balance

хитка рівновага

  1. Questions to the text:

  1. Name the greatest achievements of mankind.

  2. Are all achievements beneficial to humanity?

  3. What fields experienced innovation boom?

  4. What are the achievements of the XXI century?

  5. What are scientists working on now?

  6. What technologies seem more likely to appear in the years to come and what are long-term projects?

  1. Write short notes about the key issues raised in the text.

  2. Compose and write a plan of the text.

  3. Retell the text using new vocabulary.

  4. Write a composition on either topic (20 sentences):

  1. How may technological progress improve our lives and backlash against them?

  2. Is humanity self-destructive, creative or both?

  3. Amazing achievement – technologically advanced or ingeniously simple?

  1. Write a report about a single achievement you personally find amazing (20-25 sentences).

Module 6. Getting it right.

Topic 16. Worst-case scenarios.

This topic is based on the text with the same name from Module 6 “Getting it right” of Cutting Edge upper-intermediate student book. Supplement it with information relayed in topic 8 of this guide.

Topic 17. Secrets of success.

Action is the foundational key to all success. Pablo Picasso Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other. Abraham Lincoln

Life, surprisingly, is an amazing thing. Its beauty lies in its total unpredictability. Undoubtedly, this may be a frustrating experience – changing things you’ve got used to or coping with unpredictable stress. On the other hand, life always grants new experiences, opportunities, challenges and horizons. It is at these times that we are presented with two choices: to succeed or to fail. Failing is simple. When you fail – you fail, fail to fight, to climb up the career ladder, to win over an argument, to achieve your goals, to survive, to live. Let’s concentrate on success and try to figure out ways to make it out a winner and not an epic fail.

What is it that makes people successful and I mean really successful compared to you or me? Are they smarter or do they work harder? Are they risk takers or have powerful and influential friends? The financial newspaper “Investors Business Daily” (IBD) asked these same questions a few years ago and started a multi-year search for the answer. They studied industry leaders, investors and entrepreneurs to understand the traits they all had in common that contributed to their success. Reproduced here is their list of 10 Secrets to Success.

- How you think is everything. Remember to “think positive” at every opportunity. Visualize success, not failure. Avoid negative environments and people.

You are what you think. In fact, a study shows that positive thinking actually increases longevity.

- Decide on your dreams and goals. Be specific about your goals. For example, say “I am taking a cooking class next month,” rather than “I would like to take a cooking class sometime.” Create a plan to reach your goals, and stick to it.

- Take action. Goals alone have no meaning; you need to take action to make them real. Don’t let fear hold you back. "Just do it."

- Never stop learning. Take classes, go back to school, read books, join a discussion group. If you are interested in a subject, make time to learn about it. Keep acquiring new skills.

- Be persistent and work hard. You’ve probably heard the expression, “success is a marathon, not a sprint.” Keep your eye on the goal, and keep working toward it. Don’t give up.

- Learn to analyze details. Get all the facts, and ask for input. This will help you make wiser decisions. Acknowledge your mistakes, but don’t beat yourself up. Learn from your mistakes.

- Focus your time and money. When you believe in something, put your attention and energy there. Don’t let people or things distract you.

- Don’t be afraid to innovate; be different. Be true to yourself, and have your own ideas. Following the crowd is a path to mediocrity.

- Communicate with people effectively. Remember that no person is an island. Communicate your thoughts and desires honestly, and encourage others to communicate honestly with you. Practice understanding and motivating other people.

- Be honest and dependable; take responsibility for what you do. Never cheat or lie. When you make a promise, keep it. When you screw up, admit it.

Success, by its dictionary definition, is the accomplishment of an aim or purpose or the achievement of something that you have been trying to do. That gives reason to think that success may be subjective. For some success may be associated with a sumptuous lifestyle, yachts, helicopters and Maybachs parked close to one’s villa in Nice. For others – success is a whole different ball game – a quite garden, a lovely spouse and children joyfully playing around. Success is a pure internal satisfaction with your achievements, which fall in line with your goals. Though, for justice’s sake we have to admit that the concept of success is now heavily dependent on financial prosperity. Success is something that you build every day; it is a future result of continuous investment in your education, qualifications and experience. To a great extent, successful person is an expert in specific field, a person who uses his intellectual abilities to live his/her life to the fullest and to satisfy his/her ambitions. However, if you feel it’s not your way – just buy a lottery ticket. And don’t forget to invite your friends (and English professors!) to the feast!

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