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Dreaming Festival, Woodford (June)

The Dreaming is a vibrant, exciting and a valuable destination where local, national and international audiences look forward to their annual ceremony time along with the most comprehensive showcase of Indigenous arts from across the country and around the world. This three day and four night festival will have performing arts venues, bars, ceremony grounds, traditional healing, galleries, rituals, campfire story circles and a mass of stalls, workshop avenue and food outlets. Presented by the Queensland Folk Federation, the program features film and literature components, performing arts, new media and digital technologies, food and wine fare, comedy, ceremony, exhibitions, performance artists, physical theatre, visual arts, craft workshops, music program, street performers, musicals and a youth program.

Revelation Independent Film Festival (July)

The Revelation Independent Film Festival (RIFF) has always maintained a high focus on documentary. The festival's history has seen the screening of a wide array of contemporary and archival documentaries including Oscar nominated pieces, progressive works from the international scene and works from the international underground are represented in the Festival.

Woodford Folk Festival (December)

The Woodford Folk Festival is an event of international standing. Held over six days and six nights it presents more than 2000 performers and 400 events with concerts, dances, workshops, forums, street theatre, writers' panels, film festival, comedy sessions, acoustic jams, social dialogue and debate, an entire children's festival, art and craft workshops, late night cabarets and special events including a spectacular fire event. The Festival features the cream of Australian performers and a gathering of special international guests.

Theme-based festivals

There are also other major national festivals based on themes such as film, jazz, music, folk, digital media and writers festivals.

Vocabulary to the text:

Gallipoli [gə'lɪpəli]

a major campaign of the First World War which took place on the Gallipoli peninsula, on the European side of the Dardanelles, in 1915-16. The Allies (with heavy involvement of troops from Australia and New Zealand) hoped to gain control of the strait, but the campaign reached stalemate after each side suffered heavy casualties

ubiquitous [jʊ'bɪkwɪtəs]

повсюдний; всюдисущий

showcase, to ['ʃəukeɪs]

демонструвати, показувати

span, to


visual arts

зображальне мистецтво

breadth [bredθ]


spectacular [spek'təkjʊlə]

ефектне видовище

zany ['zeɪnɪ]


flagship ['flægʃɪp]

флагман; передовий

endeavour [ɪn'devə]

намагатися; докладати зусиль

grass roots

пересічні громадяни

lantern ['læntən]


venue ['venju]

місце проведення

  1. Questions to the text:

  1. Which holidays reflect national pride of Australians?

  2. List major public events in Australia.

  3. List festivals celebrated in Adelaide, Perth, Canberra, Tasmania, Sydney.

  4. Speak about independent national festivals of Australia.

  5. Which festivals, in your opinion, attract the attention of visitors from foreign countries?

  6. Which festivals do you find most luring?

  7. Compare Australian holidays to those of Ukraine.

  1. Write short notes about the key issues raised in the text.

  2. Compose and write a plan of the text.

  3. Retell the text using new vocabulary.

  4. Prepare a presentation (report) about one Australian holiday / festival.

Topic 24. Public holidays and festivals of New Zealand.

In New Zealand there are two types of national public holidays, those that are 'Mondayised' and those that are not. Christmas and New Year are ‘Mondayised’ holidays, so if these fall on a weekend that employee does not normally work then the holiday is transferred to the following Monday or Tuesday. If the employee would normally work on the particular weekend then it remains a traditional holiday and the employee is entitled to that day off on pay. Other public holidays are only taken on the day they fall and only employees who would have otherwise worked that day are entitled to a paid day off.

While shops may trade on most public holidays, there are special trading restrictions on Christmas Day, Good Friday and before 1pm on ANZAC Day. In tourist towns, such as Queenstown in the South Island, some exemptions are granted by the district council for selected shops to open on Good Friday. The reason being is to keep up the level of service to the tourists, as many would not know the shops will be closed on that day. However, liquor sale is restricted for some of that day (not usually a problem because shops are usually closed on that day).

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