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Vocabulary to the text

attain, to

досягати, добиватися, домагатися

welfare state

держава загального добробуту

socialize, to

1) усуспільнювати, націоналізувати 2) спілкувати

discriminatory [dɪ'skrɪmɪnɪt(ə)ri, dɪskrɪmɪ'neɪt(ə)ri]

дискримінаційний, обмежувальний; упереджений

internalize, to

запозичувати, вбирати (навички, культуру)




особа (річ), що доповнює іншу (добре до неї пасує)


1) взаємність 2) взаємодія 3) взаємний обмін (послугами тощо)




такий, що трапляється між різними видами тварин

    1. Questions to the text:

  1. Define the concept of “socialization”.

  2. Socialization - is it a one-way street?

  3. Who is responsible for the primary socialization of a child?

  4. Is secondary socialization limited by age?

  5. Anticipatory socialization - is it in you?

  6. Describe resocialization.

  7. Can you connect the theory of social roles with the socialization system?

  8. How does friendship fit in into the socialization process?

  9. Assess the role of honesty in the friendship.

  10. How crucial is a role of a friendly advice?

  11. Possible conflicts with friends - reasons and solutions.

  1. Write short notes about the key issues raised in the text.

  2. Compose and write a plan of the text.

  3. Retell the text using new vocabulary.

  4. Write a letter describing your best friend (15 sentences).

  5. Prepare a report about people forced to live outside the society.

Topic 6. Modern career challenges.

As a general rule the most successful man in life is the man who has the best information.

--Benjamin Disraeli

Career is defined by the Oxford English Dictionaryas an individual's “course or progress through life (or a distinct portion of life).” It is usually considered to pertain to remunerative work (and sometimes also formaleducation).

The etymology of the term comes from the Latin word carrera, which means race (as in “rat race”).

It is also not uncommon for adults in the late 20th/early 21st centuries to have dual or multiple careers, either sequentially or concurrently. EconomistRichard Floridanotes this trend generally and more specifically among the "creative class".

Making a successful career depends on the following factors: education, motivation, talent, connections, money, luck, and, most importantly, skills. Skills are usually divided into two big groups: hard skills and soft skills. Hard skills are specific, teachable abilities that may be required in a given context, such as a job or university application.

Examples of hard skills include:

  • facility with spreadsheets

  • typing

  • proficiency with software applications

  • operating machinery

  • software development

  • speaking a foreign language

  • calculus

Other attributes, such as the ability to empathize with others or to remain calm under pressure, are sometimes known as soft skills. Let’s take a closer look at some of the soft skills, as this terrain is not well explored yet.

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