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3. Choose the right variant.

1. The cake ___ by Jennifer.

a) was buyed b) was bought c) is buying

2. Cape Town ___ by millions of people every year.

a) visits b) is visited c) visited

3. My chocolate ___ by Emily and Patrick.

a) was eaten b) was ate c) was eat

4. Kate ___ to work every day by Kevin.

a) is drived b) is driven c) was drove

5. The rat ___ by Peter.

a) killed b) was killed c) is killing

6. Two bars of chocolate ___ daily by Caroline.

a) are eaten b) are ate c) is eaten

7. The ship ___ by the waves.

a) was hit b) was hitted c) was hits

8. The kitchen ___ by Sophie.

a) cleaned b) is cleaned c) were cleaned

9. The fireworks ___ by everyone.

a) are watched b) was watched c) was watching

4. Choose the right variant.

1. The castle ......... built in the 15th century.

(a) was

(b) is

(c) has been

(d) will be

2. Is he ......... arrested as we speak?

(a) be

(b) been

(c) being

(d) will be

3. All these houses ......... neglected for decades.

(a) will be

(b) are being

(c) has been

(d) have been

4. There's no question that they ......... delighted when they see her tomorrow.

(a) have been

(b) will be

(c) had been

(d) will have been

5. That building ......... left unoccupied since 1950.

(a) would be

(b) would being

(c) has been

(d) will be

6. The children ......... taken to school by bus every day.

(a) are

(b) have

(c) was

(d) had

7. I can assure you that this box ......... never been opened before I opened this morning.

(a) was

(b) will

(c) is

(d) had

8. That ceremony ......... enacted on Tuesday next.

(a) has been

(b) is

(c) is being

(d) have

9. How many times have you ......... your house broken into?

(a) been

(b) had

(c) be

(d) have

10. I'm sorry you can't come in at the moment because we ......... the house decorated right now.

(a) have had

(b) will have

(c) had

(d) are having

5. Choose the best way to complete these passive voice sentences.

1. Your jacket _____ over there.

a) can be hang up b) can be heng up

c) can be hung up d) can be hunged up e) can hung up

2. She _____.

a) has never be heard of b) has never been heard of

c) has never been heared of d) has never been hearing of e) have never been heard of

3. She _____ by a bus.

a) was been knocking down b) was being knocked down

c) was knocked down d) was knock down e) was knocking down

4. Nothing _____ me.

a) can held against b) can be holding against

c) can be hold against d) can be held against e) can be hald against

5. The protesters _____ by the police.

a) are holding back b) are being held back

c) are being holding back d) are being hald back e) are being hold back

6. The flood water _____ by barriers.

a) was be kept back b) was being keept back

c) was been kept back d) was being keep back e) was being kept back

7. Thirty more people _____ last week.

a) were laid off b) were lied off c) were layed off d) were laying off e) were lie off

8. The keys _____.

a) must have been leaving behind b) must have be left behind

c) must having been left behind d) must been left behind e) must have been left behind

9. The criminal _____.

a) was lock up b) was locked up

c) was locking up d) were locked up e) were locked up

10. The road _____.

a) was blocking off b) was block off

c) was blocking off d) was blocked off e) was been blocked off

11. Our allies _____ support.

a) will being lent b) will been lent c) will be lent d) will be lended e) will be lend

12. _____ to you yet?

a) Has the book been given back b) Have the book been gave back

c) Have the book been give back d) Have the book being given back

e) Have the books been given back

13. She _____ with a fine.

a) was let off b) was letted off c) was letting off d) were let off e) were let off

14. 3000 employees _____.

a) were laid off b) were lain off c) were layed off d) were laying off e) were lied off

15. The old cinema _____.

a) is being pulled down b) being pulled down

c) is being pull down d) is being pulling down e) is been pulled down

16. The inconvenience _____ by this money.

will be mad up for will being made up for will be made up for will been made up for will made up for

17. The candle _____ by the draught.

a) was being blown out b) was blown out

c) was blewed out d) was blow out e) was blowed out

18. A story _____.

a) will be maked up b) will been made up

c) will be made up d) will being made up e) will be making up

19. My bank loan _____ in five years time.

a) will be being paid off b) will be paid off

c) will be payed off d) will be paying off d) will paid off

20. An idea _____ for discussion.

a) put forward b) was put forward

c) was putted forward d) was putting forward e) were put forward