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4. Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple or the past continuous.

Two men are in hospital after their boat sank off the south coast last Thursday evening. When the boat 1)............................(leave) the port on Thursday afternoon the sun 2)..........................(shine) and the sea 3)..........................................(be) calm. The two men 4)..............................................(fish) near White Island when the weather suddenly 5).......................................(change). The men 6).............................................(decide) to return to the port, but unfortunately the boat 7).............................. (hit) a rock and 8).................................... (sink) almost immediately. When the Search and Rescue helicopter 9).......................................(arrive) at the scene the men 10)..............................................(hold) onto floating pieces of wood.

5. Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple or past continuous.

1. A: What 1) ................ (Simon/do) when you 2) ......... (walk) into the room?

B: He 3)................. (watch) a documentary.

A: 4) ........................ (you/change) the channel?

B: No. 15) ................ (want) to watch it, too.

2. A: What 1)............... (happen) to you?

B: I 2)................ (fall) off my bike while 13)................... (cycle) home from work.

A: 4) ........................ (you/go) to the hospital?

B: Yes, I did.

3. A: We 1) ................ (wait) in the queue when the robbers 2)...........(walk) in.

B: 3) .................... (you/see) their faces?

A: No. They 4) ............ (wear) masks.

4. A: What 1)................ n(you/do) when she 2)..............(faint)?

B: 13).................. (call) an ambulance.

5. A: 11)....... (wash) the dishes last night when 12) ......... (hear) my husband shouting.

B: What 3)............... (happen)?

A: He 4) .............. (cut) the grass when a baseball 5)............. (hit) him on the head!

6. Underline the correct item.

1. Mark was walking/walked down the street when he was meeting/met Janet.

2. The passengers waited/were waiting while the driver changed/was changing the tyre.

3. Yesterday, she was leaving/left work and took/was taking the bus straight home.

4. They had/were having a party last Saturday night.

5. He was reading/read the newspaper when Ann was calling/called for help.

6. My father peeled/was peeling the potatoes while my mother prepared/was preparing the sauce.

7. Last year we were staying/stayed in a charming hotel in Sorrento.

8. I was seeing/saw a lovely dog while I was walking/ walked in the park today.

7. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense, past simple or past continuous.

Dear Mum and Dad,

I hope you are both well. We are having a great time, we 1).....................(arrive) late Friday night and the beaches 2)....................... (be) still crowded. People 3)................. (have) barbecues and 4)...................... (dance) everywhere. We 5)....................(drop) off our bags at the apartment and 6)....................... (go) out. We 7)................ (meet) a lot of people that first evening. It 8)......................... (be) a lot of fun. The next morning we 9)..................... (have) breakfast with some of our new friends and then we 10)................ (go) for a walk around town. You’ll never guess who we ran into. We 11) ........... (walk) down a very narrow street when this man 12)............ (bump) into me and knocked me down. You should have seen me. I was furious. I 13)............. (start) screaming at him when l suddenly 14)................. (realise) it 15)............... (be) our old neighbour Mr Brooke. He lives here now and he 16)................. (invite) us to dinner next weekend.

I think we’re going to have a great time here. I’ll write again soon.

