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Титульный лист ИДЗ

Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение

высшего профессионального образования

Национальный исследовательский ядерный университет «МИФИ»

Волгодонский инженерно-технический институт – филиал НИЯУ МИФИ




домашнее задание № 4

по дисциплине иностранный (английский) язык

Вариант №

Выполнил студент……………………………………………

курс, группа, фамилия, имя, отчество


должность, звание, фамилия, имя, отчество

Волгодонск 2010


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PROMETHEUS is an acronym for Programme for European Traffic with Highest Efficiency and Unprecedented Safety. It was initiated by 13 European car manufacturers. The programme involves many electronic and component manufacturers as well as universities, institutions and governmental agencies. The programme is supplemented with the EC research programme DRIVE.

The background is well known. Road traffic is increasing continuously and at a rate which is higher than the capacity of the road network. The result is congestion on the roads and in towns, decreasing traffic efficiency and a high accident rate. The negative consequences on the environment are also the focus of discussions.

Many forms of action are being adopted by road administrations and vehicle manufacturers to ease the situation. Some of the political suggestions are very radical.

The PROMETHEUS programme is a pre-competitive research programme to investigate what contributions electronic devices and information technology can provide to ease the problems.

The overall objectives of PROMETHEUS are to:

  1. increase safety;

  2. increase efficiency;

  3. decrease pollution.

We have defined a number of new functions which we believe will contribute to the objectives of PROMETHEUS: safety, efficiency and the environment.

These functions can be realized in different ways with technical systems. The systems/functions have to be evaluated and tested in vehicles.

To realize the systems, new components, new technology and new building techniques must be used. We have defined a number of tasks for electronic industries and universities so that they can make contributions in this respect.

The functions have been arranged in five groups:

1. Improved driver information

Examples of functions in this group are:

  1. obstacle detection;

  2. monitoring environment/road;

  3. monitoring driver;

(iv) monitoring vehicle;

(v) vision enhancement;

(vi) safety margin.

Different technical solutions are conceivable realizing these functions. Obstacle detection can, for example, be implemented by:

(i) computer vision;

(ii) microwave radar; or

(iii) IR multibeam radar.

The monitoring functions above have to be based upon different kinds of sensors. The information from the sensors has to be analysed and evaluated in a computer. The result is then presented to the driver in a suitable way.

The next group of functions is: