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Environmental Biotechnology - Jordening and Winter

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9 Soil Remediation and Disposal



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Bioremediation by the Heap Technique

Volker Schulz-Berendt

10.1 Introduction

Although the potential of microorganisms to degrade contaminants like petroleum hydrocarbons has been known for more than 100 years, the technical application of this knowledge has a history of only about 15 years. During this time biological soil remediation has made strong development, marked by great efforts in research and development, manifold conceptual and technical innovations, as well as economical ups and downs.

Today biological treatment of contaminated soil is the most-used technology for large-scale soil remediation (Schmitz and Andel, 1997), with global proliferation and an expanding international market (Cookson, 1995). The heap technique has an especially high potential for widespread use, because this technology is easy to handle and needs only a low technical and monetary input.

A large number of investigations and case studies all over the world have shown the potentials and limits of soil remediation. Biological treatment of contaminated soil by the heap technique is considered to be the most effective and competitive technology for dealing with pollution by petroleum hydrocarbons (Schulz-Berendt, 1999). Nevertheless, there is some need for further development, especially for technical solutions to enhance the height of soil heaps or to establish thermophilic conditions to use the high metabolic potential of extremophile microorganisms (Sorkoh et al., 1993; Feitkenhauer, 1998).

This chapter describes the principles of the heap technique and the different approaches and technological solutions. It also shows the advantages and limits of this technique and the research being done to overcome these problems. Additionally, it discusses some economical and legal considerations.

Environmental Biotechnology. Concepts and Applications. Edited by H.-J. Jördening and J. Winter Copyright © 2005 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

ISBN: 3-527-30585-8

27610 Bioremediation by the Heap Technique


Principles of the Heap Technique

The heap technique for biological soil treatment is an ex situ technology, that is, the contaminated soil is excavated and separated from the uncontaminated material. In contrast to so-called ‘landfarming’, where the contaminated material is spread over a large area in a comparably thin layer and mixed with the existing soil cover, in the heap technique the contaminated soil is prepared by homogenizing and mixing with additives and then piled up in heaps. Figure 10.1 shows the different steps of treatment, as implemented in the Terraferm system (Henke, 1989).

Before starting the treatment, samples of the excavated contaminated soil are tested for biological degradation of the pollutants by standardized laboratory procedures (Dechema, 1992). After a positive result is obtained in these tests, the first step in soil preparation is the separation of non-soil material like plastics, metals, etc., as well as stones having a particle size of more than 40–60 mm. Although non-soil material has to be disposed of or treated by other methods, the stones can be crushed and added back to the soil. Often the stones are not contaminated to the same extent as the fine particles, because the pollutants did not penetrate into them. If so, the separated stones can be reused directly. Therefore, separation is not only important for the degradation process but is also a way to reduce the volume of material that has to be treated.

The most important steps in pretreatment are homogenization of soil material and mixing with additives. Homogenization means that the normally inhomogene-

Fig. 10.1 Biological soil treatment by the Terraferm technology.

10.2 Principles of the Heap Technique 277

ous distribution of the pollutants is changed into an average concentration of contaminants in the total volume of soil. Statistical evaluation of 35 large-scale remediation projects using the heap technique (Krass et al., 1998) shows that the standard deviation of the hydrocarbon concentration is reduced significantly after homogenization and that the average level of concentration decreases to about 50% of that calculated for the original material. This second effect is due to overestimation by the analysis of the original material because samples are normally taken from morecontaminated parts of the soil.

Determination of requirements for and addition of additives of suitable quality and quantity is another important step for successful soil treatment with the heap technique. As shown in Figure 10.1, additives can be divided into different categories. Here, ‘substrate’ indicates all additives that improve the physical and chemical soil structure. Depending on soil quality parameters like particle size, pH, organic matter, etc., and the results of laboratory testing, materials such as compost, bark, lime, tensides, etc. are added to create optimal environmental conditions for the degrading microflora. ‘Substrate’ can also be used to enhance the soil temperature by including a high amount of easily degradable organics, although with the risk of a high level of carbon sources that are competitive to the contaminant. Otherwise, the added carbon source can be used as cosubstrate for energy supply or an inducer for degrading enzymes; this use has been investigated for the degradation of chlorinated hydrocarbons like tetrachloroethylene and trichloroethylene (Ewers et al., 1990; Koziollek et al., 1999; Meyer et al., 1993).

The second class of additives are the nutrients for the degrading microflora. Because contaminated soil often comes from industrial sites and is often excavated from layers several meters deep, it usually has no significant content of nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorous, or potassium. Of course, degrading microorganisms need these substances for growth and metabolism. Most often, mineral fertilizers are used as liquids or in granular form to supplement the soil with these compounds. Because nutrients normally remain in the soil after treatment, it is important not to overdose with these additives. The level of fertilizer should not exceed that used in conventional agricultural practice.

As a third element, specialized microorganisms can be added to the soil during the mixing and homogenization procedure. Inoculation with bacteria, fungi, or enzymes to enhance the degradation process is controversial in the scientific community. In contrast to many studies in the United States, investigations in Germany have shown no significant effects of added cultures of specialized microorganisms on petroleum hydrocarbon degradation (Dott and Becker, 1995), which is the prior application of the heap technique. The potential of the autochthonous microflora is normally sufficient for effective degradation.

Good results have been obtained by adding complex mixtures of ‘substrates’, nutrients, and microorganisms, e.g., compost (Hupe et al., 1998) or activated sludge from wastewater treatment plants. The overall goal of the mixing and homogenization process is to obtain optimum conditions for aerobic metabolism of the contaminating substances.

278 10 Bioremediation by the Heap Technique

For sufficient homogenization and mixing of contaminated soil, special machines and aggregates have been developed, which have to combine powerful homogenization and mixing units with controlled and sophisticated dosing of the various additives. Today, specialized equipment is available (Fig. 10.2) with capacities of 50 t h–1 or more and which have been adapted to different soil qualities from sand to clay. Crushing units can be integrated directly in this machinery.

After pretreatment, the soil is transferred to the degradation area and piled in heaps. According to the environmental regulations for treating hazardous wastes in Germany, the heaps must be located in a closed space. Depending on local climatic conditions, locating the process in a closed system is not only necessary for complying with environmental regulations but is also an important tool for controlling the degradation process, especially the water content and temperature.

The area must be prepared below the ground surface to prevent contaminated seepage water from penetrating into the subsoil. This can be done by compacting the soil or by installation of an area sealed with concrete or asphalt. Often, layers of 1.0–1.5-mm-thick high-density polyethylene (HDPE) are used to ensure safe and sustainable enclosure of the contaminated material.

To minimize emissions of volatile compounds to the air, the heaps are set up in structures such as tents or sheds or covered with plastic sheeting or membranes. With this measure it is also possible to protect the heaps from unsuitable weather conditions like rainfall or extreme temperature. The design, construction, and material of the cover depend on the kind of heap technique that is used. In the past five years in Germany, soil treatment has changed from on-site to off-site installations. Therefore, the heap technique is used mainly in stationary treatment centers, which are permanent installations and normally equipped with a treatment shed or a similar building in which the heaps are set up.

During the process of degradation, the soil is monitored continually by analyzing samples from different parts of the heap. The main control parameters are:

concentration of the contaminants

water content

concentration of available nutrients

biological activity (soil respiration)

Depending on the monitoring results, the degradation conditions are optimized by aeration, addition of water or nutrients, and further homogenization. The treatment

Fig. 10.2 Soil preparation unit type ‘mole’.

10.3 Different Heap Techniques 279

ends after reaching the target values, which are sufficient for reuse of the cleaned soil. The time of treatment differs greatly, depending on the kind and concentration of the contaminants, the target values that have to be reached, and the soil quality. The normal residence time is in the range of several months. For example, Krass et al. (1998) detected average halftimes of 85 d with a 95% confidence interval in a range from 75.4 to 94.6 d.

After treatment by the heap technique, the soil quality is adequate for it to be used as topsoil for landscaping or as dumpsite cover. Because of the treatment procedure the soil is free of larger stones, very homogeneous, and enriched in nutrients and humic substances.


Different Heap Techniques

Besides the different technical solutions for below-surface preparation and heap cover, various treatment systems have been developed to establish and maintain suitable conditions for microbiological degradation of toxic compounds. Figure 10.3 shows several approaches concerning humidity, agitation, aeration, and temperature and their impact on the area needed for treatment.

The first technologies used for large-scale biological soil remediation were openair heap installations with facilities for water recycling (Altmann et al., 1988). The moisture in the heaps is above the maximum water holding capacity (whc), and the seepage water is collected via a drainage system in a pond at one end of the heap (Fig. 10.4).

From the collecting pond, the water is pumped to the surface of the heap and spread over the heap. Nutrients and other soluble additives are mixed with the water, and the microorganisms are supplied with the added substances and oxygen via the water phase.

In contrast to these ‘wet’ systems, comparable ‘dry’ technologies have been developed and are mainly used today. The moisture in the dry heaps is below the maximum whc, so that water seepage is prevented and the soil pores are filled with water and air.

Systems with low water content can be operated with (dynamic) and without (static) agitation, but the wet systems are all static. By agitation, i.e., turning and mixing the soil at time intervals of days to weeks depending on the level of biological activity, the heap is aerated and the water or nutrient content can be readjusted. With the static and dry systems, no additional supply of additives is possible, so all ingredients must be added during pretreatment. Therefore, special additives such as slow-release fertilizers must be used with these technologies. It is also necessary to install some kind of aeration system to supply the microorganisms with oxygen.

One advantage of the static and dry system is the height of heaps, which can be up to 3–5 m, whereas in dynamic systems the heaps are no higher than about 2 m, because the special turning machines (Fig. 10.5) have a limited turning depth.

280 10 Bioremediation by the Heap Technique

Fig. 10.3 Comparison of different heap techniques.

Fig. 10.4 Open-air heap.

10.3 Different Heap Techniques 281

Fig. 10.5 Turning machine on the surface of a dynamic heap.

The ‘wet’ systems require the greatest area, because the limited capacity of water to transport oxygen leads to anaerobic layers if the height of the heaps is >0.5 m.

Supply with oxygen is the most critical factor in biological soil remediation by the heap technique. Because of the high oxygen consumption during aerobic degradation of hydrocarbons, an aeration system must be installed in all static heaps. The ‘wet’ technologies supply oxygen through the water phase. Therefore, the efficiency of oxygen transport to the different parts of the heap is limited by the concentration of dissolved oxygen and cannot exceed saturation. Investigations of changes in oxygen concentrations in different parts of the heaps show a rapid decrease during the first phase of degradation, with creation of anaerobic zones and methane production inside the heaps (Koning et al., 1999). Recent results of large-scale experiments show that high-pressure injection of air can solve this problem and may be an efficient alternative to dynamic treatment technologies.

If oxygen supply is sufficient, the temperature in the heaps increases by biological activity to a level of 30–35 °C. Especially in closed systems this temperature level can be maintained independent of outside conditions, so that optimum mesophilic conditions can be established by the heap technique. Research on extremophile microorganisms and their practical biotechnological application indicates a high potential of thermophilic bacteria for hydrocarbon degradation (Sorkoh et al., 1993). The establishment of thermophilic conditions in heaps is one approach to increasing degradation efficiency. Besides using the existing climatic conditions, in some regions of the world, such as Arabia, Africa, and South America, it is possible to increase the temperature by adding easily degradable organic matter. This leads to enhanced oxygen consumption, which must also be ensured by the technical design.

Today the dry and dynamic solution is the common technology for treating petroleum hydrocarbons by the heap technique. ‘Wet’ solutions have failed because of their long degradation times of (1–2 years) and the large demand for space. If the dry and static approach could overcome problems with limited oxygen supply, it may be the technology of the future because of the small area needed for the installation and the possibility of thermophilic process design, which together can enhance the efficiency of the heap technique.

28210 Bioremediation by the Heap Technique


Efficiency and Economy

As mentioned in Sections 10.1–10.3, the heap technique has been used in largescale bioremediation for more than 10 years and is a standard technology for cleanup of soil contaminated with petroleum hydrocarbons. Depending on their origin, petroleum hydrocarbons can differ greatly. Successful bioremediation with the heap technology has been described for contamination with gasoline, light and heavy heating oil, and crude oil from different drilling areas. For successful bioremediation, not only the quality of the pollutant is important, but also its concentration and the target value that has to be reached. With the heap technique it is possible to achieve degradation rates of about 80%–90% in a reasonable time depending on the quality of the pollutant. This means that starting concentrations should not exceed 10 000–20 000 mg kg–1 to reach end concentrations of 1000–2000 mg kg–1, which is sufficient for reuse on industrial sites. As mentioned in Section 10.2, the average concentration in the heap is significantly lower than that calculated from the average value from single soil samples; therefore, concentrations of up to 100 000 mg kg–1 can be treated after homogenization.

In addition to petroleum hydrocarbons, the following classes of pollutants can be treated by the heap technique:

BTEX aromatics


polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) having up to four aromatic rings

explosives (TNT, RDX)

Each of the different compounds requires some modifications to the basic technique. Especially if volatile substances have to be treated, emissions must be controlled and waste air has to be treated. An example of how to manage this problem is shown in Figure 10.6 for the remediation of a soil contaminated with phenols and aromatics.

For efficient extraction of volatiles from the soil, extraction pipes are installed in the heap for soil air extraction. During setup of the heap and the turning procedure in the dynamic system, the air of the tent is exhausted and treated, instead of extracting the soil air. The treatment system consists of four biofilter units and two activat- ed-carbon filters. In addition to the usual tent material, another plastic cover having a thin layer of aluminum is installed inside the tent as an effective barrier to the volatile compounds. This example demonstrates that the heap technique is very flexible and can be modified from a very simple installation to a high-performance technology.

Another modification has been used for the bioconversion of explosives, especially TNT and its derivates. For biological detoxification, TNT (trinitrotoluene) is converted to TAT (triaminotoluene) under anaerobic conditions (Lenke et al., 1997). Under aerobic conditions TAT is fixed to the soil matrix. To establish strictly anaerobic conditions in the heap, organic material is added to the soil to a high extent. During degradation of the organic material, all oxygen is consumed and the temper-