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Grammar review

1. Equivalent of the modal verb can – to be able to.

2. Equivalent of the modal verb may – to be allowed to.

3. ed-forms.

Ex. 9. Translate the following sentences, paying attention to the equivalents of the modal verbs can and may – to be able to and to be allowed to.

  1. You will be able to burn over four hours of video images onto a DVD.

  2. Many private individuals now have their own Web sites. They are able to fill their pages with photographs and personal information for viewing by friends and associates.

  3. In 1993, commercial Internet service providers were first allowed to sell Internet connections to individuals.

  4. RAM is a working memory, which is able to accept new information from a peripheral device.

  5. A Cybercafe is a place where you are able to use computers to get access to the Internet.

  6. Staff are not allowed to make personal phone calls except in an emergency.

  7. Thanks to digital recording technology, CDs invented in 1979 were able to store more information than traditional vinyl records.

  8. When using the Internet, the users are allowed to download, or copy information from a remote computer to their PC.

  9. The secondary memory is able to store far greater amount of information than the main memory.

  10. As personal computers became faster and more powerful in the late 1980s, software developers were able to write programs as large and as sophisticated as those previously run only on mainframes.

Ex. 10. Replace the modal verbs by their equivalents and translate the sentences.

  1. I searched a few websites, but could not find the information I was looking for.

  2. In the example like [a + b x c] we must perform addition after multiplication.

  3. The pupils may search the Internet for the information for their reports in history.

  4. Musicians can use computers to create multiple-voice compositions and to play back music with hundreds of variations.

  5. You must create a directory called DATA on your hard disk and copy the files to it.

  6. The first-generation computers could perform thousands of calculations per second. Up-to-date business minicomputers can perform to 100 million operations per second.

  7. Children must be allowed only restricted access to the Internet.

  8. Automobiles over a certain weight may not use the bridge.

  9. Viruses can spread from one computer to another by way of infected disks or programs sent through the Internet.

  10. Newsgathering organizations shouldn't put information on the Internet before this information has been verified and analyzed.

Ex. 11. Give English equivalents to the italicized words and translate the sentences.

  1. The first-generation computers were very unreliable because the vacuum tubes burned out and they приходилось be replaced frequently.

  2. Minicomputers produced in the late 1950s were cheaper than the mainframes, so that companies могли buy them rather than to lease them.

  3. All you должен do is press a few buttons and the computer will do the rest for you.

  4. Engineers могут use a light pen to modify a technical drawing on a computer screen.

  5. Sales of computers dropped 30% and manufacturers были вынуждены sell their products below cost.

  6. Persons or companies нельзя use copies of programs that were not purchased legitimately.

  7. In future, programmable robots смогут perform more complicated tasks.

  8. You придётся pay the cost of any repairs to the rental TVset.

  9. If you не можешь answer your cell phone, your friends могут leave a message on your system.

  10. The program instructions должны be complete and in appropriate sequence, otherwise wrong answers will result.

  11. The server не смог handle the traffic and crashed.

  12. The Analytical Engine должна была be a general-purpose, programmable digital computer.

Ex. 12. TEST. Choose the required modal verb or its equivalent to complete each sentence.

  1. In 1642, Pascal designed an adding machine, which ___ help in the computation of taxes.

A. was to C. have to

B. were able to D. was allowed to

  1. I will record the film and we ___ to watch it later.

A. can C. will be able

B. is to D. were to

  1. The CPU determines which operations ___ be carried out and in what order.

A. may C. are allowed to

B. are to D. has to

  1. Only a few people ___ to see these files.

A. has C. are allowed

B. may D. will be able to

  1. After you write your program, you ___ to test it and debug it to remove all the mistakes.

A. must C. will have

B. is able D. are allowed

  1. In 1995, Philips and Sony introduced a digital videodisc (DVD), which ___ store up to 4.7 gigabytes of data.

A. are allowed to C. must

B. were to D. was able to

  1. A DVD has the same dimensions as a standard CD but cannot be read by a standard CD player, although a DVD player ___ read standard CDs.

A. have to C. is able to

B. were able to D. will have to

  1. Text and pictures ___ be scanned into the computer by means of this device.

A. can C. has to

B. will be able D. was allowed to

  1. The ENIAC computer ___ to be rewired manually for each new task.

A. had C. were

B. must D. are

  1. Information for a digital computer ___ be in the form of digits or numbers.

A. has to C. will be able to

B. may D. is to

  1. Only the company’s executives ___ to use the corporate database.

A. may C. are able

B. has to D. must

  1. Our lab assistant ___ repair this electronic device tomorrow.

A. were to C. is allowed to

B. will be able to D. have to

Ex. 13. Translate the sentences into English.

  1. Я думаю, что смогу продать свой компьютер за $100.

  2. Чтобы войти в систему, вы должны ввести пароль, состоящий из 6 цифр.

  3. Компьютеры могут хранить огромное количество информации.

  4. Любая задача должна быть представлена в двоичном коде, чтобы компьютер понял её.

  5. Только одному журналисту разрешили просмотреть информацию, которая находилась в файлах под грифом СЕКРЕТНО.

  6. Вы не сможете переписать музыку на этот компакт диск, так как это CD-R.

  7. Нам пришлось установить тестовую программу, чтобы найти неисправность в аппаратном обеспечении компьютера.

  8. Сегодня практически любой человек любой человек может разместить информацию в Интернете.

  9. После установки программы, вам следует перезагрузить компьютер.

  10. Если Вам нужно сделать копию документа, Вы можете воспользоваться нашим копировальным аппаратом.

Ex. 14. Read and translate the following sentences paying attention to -ed forms.


  1. Microsoft developed the Windows operating system used on many home and office PCs. The Windows operating system was developed by the Microsoft company. The Windows operating system developed by the Microsoft company is used on many home and office PCs.

  2. The first television set produced quite a sensation in 1939. The first television set was produced in 1939. The first television set produced in 1939 was a tiny nine-by-twelve inch box.

  3. The trains equipped with robot engine drivers operate on some underground lines. The trains operating on some underground lines are equipped with robot engine drivers. The engineers equipped the new trains with robot engine drivers.


  1. The electronic circuit may consist of hundred, thousands, or millions of interconnected transistors and other microelectronic components.

  2. The monitor suddenly blacked out.

  3. A computer virus is an unwanted program that has entered your system without your knowing about it.

  4. Many viruses have spread through pirated – illegally copied or broken – games.

  5. In the 1940s, scientists at Bell Telephone Laboratories invented a tiny electric switch called the transistor.

  6. LCD is the part of a watch, calculator, or small computer where numbers or letters are displayed by means of an electric current that is passed through a special liquid.

  7. Though first developed for military purposes, radar can be used in modern cars.

  8. Improved methods of obtaining three-dimensional television pictures have been worked out on the basis of holography.

  9. The Internet allows you to get information stored on other computers far away.

  10. If activated, a virus takes control of the computer’s program.

  11. The first time I turned on the tape-recorder, it “ate” the tape.

  12. Grey Interactive TV has developed a series of interactive advertisements for the bank.

Ex. 15. Memorize the following terms.

  1. paper tape – перфолента

  2. paper tape readerустройство считывания (ввода) с бумажной перфоленты

  3. card readerустройство для считывания (ввода данных) с перфокарт

  4. cardpunch – карточный перфоратор

  5. capacitor – конденсатор

  6. resistor – резистор

  7. stored program machine–машина с хранимой программой

  8. binary notationдвоичная система счисления

  9. decimal notationдесятичная система счисления

Ex. 16. Read and translate TEXT A.