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Ответьте на вопросы к тексту

1. Why is the office block important?

2. How was the required cost and speed of construction achieved?

3. How many area modules is the building made up of up to the level 50?

4. How does the number of the area modules change at the upper levels?

5. What does the basement structure feature?

6. What does the framed tube of each module consist of?

7. What are the two and four-level trusses used for?

8. Why is the span direction of the trusses altered every six floors?

Фонетическое задание

Найдите в тексте слова, транскрипция которых дана ниже, и переведите их на русский язык.

[q'CJv]; [q'GeIsqnt]; ['Lltq]; [flxnG]; [hjHG]; ['meIGq]; ['mPdjHl]; ['tIpIkql]

Лексические упражнения

Упражнение 1. Переведите на русский язык приведённые ниже словосочетания.

corner area modules, beam depths, grid line intersections, two-level high belt trusses, set-back levels, four-level belt trusses, differential column shortening, overall lateral stiffness, span direction, gross floor area.

Упражнение 2. Переведите следующие слова и словосочетания на английский язык:

административное здание, ветровая нагрузка, добиться, иметь (совместно), делить, комплект, композитный, концентрация, нагрузка от собственного веса конструкций, огромный, очень большой, почти, пояс (балки), пропускать, противостоять, распределять, расстояние, скорость, скреплять, соединять, составная колонна, стоимость, требовать, уменьшать, элемент коробчатого сечения

Упражнение 3. Заполните пропуски в тексте, используя слова из приведённого ниже списка:

First International Building, Dallas, Texas, USA

This fifty-six (1)… office tower uses a simple and efficient form for resisting wind forces on high-rise buildings.

The central (2)… of the building contains the lifts and all services. Between the core and the outside, a clear 40 ft wide space is used for (3)…. The exterior skin is a double-glazed (4)… wall set in a grid of aluminium mullions and spandrels.

The building structure (5)… columns on the external wall at 25 ft centres with spandrel beams (ригельная балка) at a floor to floor height of 12 ft 6in. Diagonal members are incorporated into the wall and intersect with the columns every four floors. (6)… a large horizontal bracing member connecting the two diagonals at these levels. Under gravity load the member acts as a tie, helping to (7)… the gravity load evenly between all the columns and the diagonals. This in turn means that the external columns can all be of a similar size. Under (8)… load the diagonal members are prevented from going into tension by the gravity load on them. A stub girder floor system is used in which the concrete (9)… and metal deck are separated from the bottom girder with stub pieces. The stubs have shear connectors on their top to ensure (10)… with the slab.

Грамматические упражнения

Упражнение 1. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на функцию инфинитива.

1. A thick reinforced concrete raft foundation is used to distribute the column loads.

2. To increase its strength the building includes reinforced concrete columns.

3. This building took a total period of 20 months to complete.

4. The truss system is best suited to narrow shaped buildings which can accept cross walls.

5. To lead the rainwater back behind the columns instead of running down the face was the reason for sloping the frame back towards the building.

6. Ceilings to be built of 16 mm thick slabs with joints will be suspended from blocks.

7. To facilitate transport and to achieve rapid erection, the long block was divided into six units.

8. The trusses serve to spread out concentrations of gravity force.

Упражнение 2. Прочтите и переведите следующие сокращения:

1450 ft high; 4.4 million sq ft; 22.86 m; 2 ft 6in; 750 mm thick; 3 ft 3in; 24 ´ 4in; 600 ´ 100 mm; 408760 sq m; at 3.75 m centres; the 18th floor; 2000 mm in depth; 500 kg/m²; 16% gradient; an area of 1600×100 m; 1480 lb; spanning 44.8 m; snow loads of 300 kg per sq metre.

Текст B


Offices for members of the Bundestag are situated in a 30-storey building raised on pilotis.

There is a podium from the basement to the third storey. One longi­tudinal side of this low-rise building is set forward from the base of the high-rise block, while its other three sides are recessed beneath it.

The rectangular concrete core braces the building and supports the inner ends of the floor beams, which are spaced at 3.75 m centres and span from the core walls to the external columns, which are of 650 x 650 mm square box section. The core is not situated in the centre of the building and the span of the beams on the two narrower faces and on one of the longitudinal faces is 7.50 m. On the other longitudinal face the distance from the core to the external columns is 15.00 m, which is halved by an additional row of internal col­umns carrying longitudinal beams. Above the 18th floor of the building these internal columns have been moved 3.75 m inwards towards the core in order to obtain more depth for the halls. These columns are supported on a storey-height lattice girder in the 18th storey.

At third floor level every alternate external column is intercepted by, and supported on, a box girder 2000 mm in depth. The columns under this girder, spaced at 7.50 m centres, have a length of 13.20 m on three sides of the building, that is, where the podium building is recessed under the main high rise block.

The floor beams carry 12 cm thick precast concrete slabs spanning 3.75 m. For structural and fire protection reasons it was necessary to ensure continuity of the floor slabs. So the slabs were recessed at the top to have pro­jecting reinforcement exposed at the supports. Additional reinforcement was introduced here and the joint completed with in-situ concrete.


Bundestag Бундестаг

continuity n. непрерывность

half v. делить пополам

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