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Ответьте на вопросы к тексту

1. What building materials were used in the superstructure?

2. What elements of the building was each of them used for?

3. What kinds of foundation does the superstructure bear on?

4. What soil is there underneath the structure?

5. How is the stability of the middle unit assured?

6. Why does the front unit have a concrete raft foundation stiffened by concrete basement walls?

Фонетическое задание

Найдите в тексте слова, транскрипция которых дана ниже, и переведите их на русский язык.

[Ll'DqV]; ['beIsmqnt]; ["elI'veISqn]; [graVnd]; [hLl]; [prI'vent]; [raIt]; [DJz]

Лексические упражнения

Упражнение 1. Переведите на русский язык приведённые ниже словосочетания.

cast-in-place concrete floor, brick cavity wall, prestressed precast concrete floor unit, 225mm thick return wall, vertical movement joint, differential movement, main hall floor, ground floor wall.

Упражнение 2. Переведите следующие слова и словосочетания на английский язык:

боковая стена, в основном, вход, двутавровая балка, жёсткая диафрагма, заканчиваться, край, между, оба, опирать, опорная фундаментная плита, поддерживать, подобный, полоса, посредством, противостоять, ряд, несколько, вертикальная опора, слой, слой износа из монолитного бетона, смежные элементы, снаружи, соединять (пролётом), фасад, характеризоваться, хотя.

Упражнение 3. Выберите толкование, которое соответствует строительному термину в левой колонке, и переведите его на русский язык.

Дайте однокоренные слова к терминам, помеченным звёздочкой (*).

Упражнение 4. Определите: есть ли ошибки в переводе представленных ниже слов. Если ошибки имеются, укажите правильный перевод.

Грамматические упражнения

Упражнение 1. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на причастные обороты.

1. 57 ft long precast beams run along the south and east sides, the latter being a prestressed post-tensioned beam.

2. Vehicles entering the park use a semi-helical ramp built at one end of the building.

3. Both beams are supported by the internal cross wall, a 19 mm thick fin neoprene pad with a central pin being provided here in order to spread the load and avoid cracking.

4. The tubular columns are of welded construction, its 15 mm thick plate walls stiffened with internal diaphragms.

5. The floor panels are 8 in thick but have different spans, the different slab strengths, thus required, being provided by post-tensioning.

6. The erection of the precast elements took 8 weeks, the maximum weight of one element being 19 tons.

7. Floors are of composite construction comprising 10 cm thick precast concrete slabs spanning between the floor beams and interconnecting the structural steelwork in the longitudinal direction.

8. Total time for construction was fifteen months, all steelwork being erected within four months.

Упражнение 2. Работа в парах.

Студент C: Задайте 5 вопросов различных типов к тексту А.

Студент D: Ответьте на вопросы к тексту студента C.

Студенты C и D: Поменяйтесь ролями.

Текст B


It is a two-storey elevated structure spanning a motorway. On both sides of the motorway there is access through a core comprising two lifts and two staircases. The overall dimensions of the superstructure are 79.50 x 15.00 m with the clearance over motorway being 5.50m.

The striking appearance of this elevated restaurant is largely due to the two single-leg rigid frames which support the building and which are in weathering steel. The main girder of each of these frames cantilevers 17.50 m rearwards from the tapered leg, while in the other direction it extends across the width of the motorway, rests on the concrete core on the opposite side and cantilevers 14.00 m beyond it. At roof level the girders are interconnected at intervals of 4.00 m by cross girders from which the two storey superstructure is suspended. The depth of main girder is 3800 mm over the leg, decreasing to 1700 mm at each end with the width of the flange – 900 mm. Each frame is of welded plate construction, the webs being stiffened by welded plates at each cross girder connection, while the leg is pin-jointed at its base to a concrete footing. The cross girders are plate girders with a maximum depth of 1410 mm at mid-span, but the cross girder over the concrete core on which the longer arms of the main girders of the frames are supported is of box section.

The transverse beams in the upper floor of the superstructure are 400 mm deep rolled steel sections which are suspended from each cross girder by two inner hangers and two outer hangers, the latter being in the two longitudinal facades. Both floors have longitudinal secondary beams, spaced at 2.60 m centres, carrying steel trough decking laid transversely and filled with in-situ concrete. The roof and floors are stiffened with horizontal cross bracings.


arm n. плечо

clearance n. просвет

motorway n. автомагистраль

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