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IV. Grammar Review

4.1. Put the following sentences into the Past Continuous and Future Continuous Tenses adding necessary adverbs or time attributives:

1. They are looking at the blackboard.

2. I am listening to the concert from the Philharmonic Society.

3. He is looking through a magazine.

4. The train is approaching the station.

5. We are speaking over the telephone for 10 minutes.

6. The English students are writing their examination paper.

7. The professor is delivering a lecture.

8. I am working in the laboratory.

9. The doctors are examining their patients.

10. The director is making arrangements over the telephone.

4.2. Put the sentences into the interrogative and negative forms:

1. They are still discussing the first report.

2. The secretary is looking through the morning mail.

3. I am carrying out an experiment.

4. We are leaving the town tonight.

5. You are having a rest now.

6. The secretary was typing the report all the morning.

7. People were hurrying to the station.

8. They were packing our things when he came.

9. He was waiting for us at 5 o'clock.

10. Max was having visitors at this time yesterday.

11. The friends will be playing chess for half an hour.

12. They will be still discussing our proposal when we come.

13. He will be writing a report at 5 o'clock tomorrow.

14. The laboratory assistant will be taking readings of the apparatus from 5 to 7 p.m.

15. Tomorrow at this time you will be sailing across the English Channel.

4.3. Find the sentences with the Infinitive in the text and state its function.

4.4. Translate the sentences paying attention to the complex forms of the Gerund and the Gerundial Constructions:

1. On being told the news she was taken aback.

2. Do you mind being examined the first?

3. I was annoyed at being interrupted every moment.

4. The equipment must go through a number of tests before being installed.

5. On being introduced they easily started talking.

6. I don’t remember being asked this question.

7. I don’t remember having been asked this question.

8. He was proud of having been awarded the prize.

9. The old man could not stand being made a fun of.

10. She reproached me for not having kept my promise.

11. I remember having seen this actor in another film.

12. He reminded me of having once rejected that suggestion.

13. He was accused of having distorted the facts.

14. He was accused of having been engaged in espionage.

15. He was surprised at having been given such a high award.

16. His having read the article proves that he takes great interest in the subject.

17. We heard of Petrov’s having been sent to the big construction company as a chief.

V. Speaking

5.1. Read the proverbs and comment them:

Good work speaks for itself.

Everything changes, nothing disappears.

5.2. Speak about:

1. Your own opinion about the Internet.

2. Advantages and disadvantages of the Internet.

5.3. Discuss these questions with your partner. Use phrases given in the Unit 4:

1. Which of the popular search engines do you use more often: Google, Yahoo or Yandex? Why? Use your personal experience.

2. On line games: to be or not to be.

3. Social Networking: pros and cons.

5.4*. Role-play the following situations:

1. British and Russian students exchange opinions about the role of the Internet in our life.

2. On line games: to or not to be.

3. Social Networking: pros and cons.

5.5*. Find an article on any interesting facts about Microsoft, Yahoo or Google. (Voice of America www.voanews.com/english/, National Public Radio www.npr.org, eJournal USA http://usinfo.state.gov/journals). Make a two-minute presentation of his/ her article.

5.6*. Make projects about other IT you interested in. Use the tips given in the appendix 1.


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