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3.1. Make up sentences from these words:

1. It, also, known, is, commonly, as, the , Court, world.

2. The, aims, of, main, among, UNO, are, maintain, to, peace, and, develop, security, to, friendly, relations, nations.

3. Security, any, the, decision, in, Council, can, be, only, taken, with, the, support, of, at, least, nine, including, members, that of, members, five, permanent.

4. It, composed, is, of, judges, to, six, elected, year, terms, by, the, General, Nations, United, Assembly, Nations, and, the, fifteen, United, Security, Council.

5. The, remaining, non-permanent, are, who, are, for, elected, a, two-year term, by, a, two-thirds, members, majority, of, ten, the General Assembly.

3.2. Choose the right version:

1. The United Nations Organization (UNO) was founded in … after the World War II.

a) 1945

b) 1994

c) 1953

2. The headquarters is located in … .

a) Minnesota

b) Michigan

c) Manhattan

3. ICJ has its headquarters at … .

a) Hague

b) Prague

c) New York City

4. The United Nations Secretariat is headed by the … .

a) League of Nations

b) Security Council

c) UN Secretary General

5. The main organ of the UN is … .

a) UN Trusteeship Council

b) UN General Assembly

c) International Court of Justice

6. UN Security Council is responsible for the maintenance of … .

a) economic activity

b) World Peace

c) status of women

7. One of the permanent members of the UN Security Council is … .

a) Germany

b) Chile

c) China

3.3. Fill in the gaps with the information taken from the text:

1. The main aims of UNO are … peace and security, to develop … relations … nations.

2. It … UN Secretary General, … … the recommendation … the Security Council.

3. Any … in the Security Council can be … only with the … of at … nine members … that of five … members.

4. It is … of fifteen judges … to six year terms … the United Nations General … and the United Nations … Council.

5. The United … Secretariat is … by the UN … General.

6. The United Nations Trusteeship Council is … of the six … organs of the UN … in 1945.

7. The Trusteeship Council was … from operation … 1 November 1994 … its … was ... .

3.4. Match one of the six principal organs of uno with its fun-ction:

1. It is responsible for the maintenance of World Peace.

2. It was established to ensure that non-self-governing territories were governed in the best interests of the people living in there and of international peace and security.

3. It is meant to adjudicate on the disputes referred to it by the members and to give advisory opinion on matters referred to it by the UN Security Council or General Assembly.

4. Its powers include taking decisions to settle disputes among member states, requisitioning military forces; from the members for peace keeping operations, approving admission of countries as new members, recommending to the General Assembly on appointment of Secretary General.

5. Its main activities include conducting studies and making recommendations on social, economic, educational, health and related matters in the world with special focus on the least developed countries.

6. It elects members of The Economic and Social Council and Trus-teeship Council. It elects along with the Security Council Judges of the International Court of Justice. It appoints UN Secretary General, based on the recommendation of the Security Council. It approves the UN budget. It receives and considers reports from the other UN organs.

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