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13. Give the correct form of the verb in brackets. Some of the verbs are passive.

1. It is vital that the new measures …… should bring/bring …… (bring) hooliganism under control.

2. We demanded that he ………………………….. (change) the date of the meeting.

3. He asked that we………………………... (be) sure to include everything in the list.

4. She insisted that his identity ……………………………… (reveal) to the press.

5. We suggested she ……………………………………………(consult) her lawyer.

6. It is important that he …………………………………. (remain) unseen for a while.

7. We requested that our luggage ………………………………(deliver) to our hotel.

8. It is essential that no one else ………………………... (get) involved in this affair.

9. The specialist recommended that she ………………… (take) some time off work.

10. It is necessary that negotiations …………………… (continue) on both sides.

14. Complete the sentences using the words in bold.

1 He reminded me to post the letter.

told He …… told me not to forget …………………………… to post the letter.

2 "Let's try that new Thai restaurant," she said.

trying She ……………………………………………………… new Thai restaurant.

3 "Yes, I gave away your secret," she said.

giving She …………………………………………………………….. my secret.

4 "I'm sorry I lost the book you lent me," he said.

apologised He ……………………………………… the book I had lent him.

5 "Don't go too near the edge of the cliff," they said to us.

warned They ……………………………………….too near the edge of the cliff.

6 "No, I didn't steal the company's money," the manager said.

having The manager ……………………………………… the company's money.

7 "What shall I do?" she said.

wondered She …………………………………………………………………..do.

8 "You've caused a lot of pain to my family," she said to him.

of She ……………………………………………… …..a lot of pain to her family.

9 He told the manager he was dissatisfied with the service.

about He ………………………………………………………………….. the service.

10 "You must apply for the teaching post," he said to me.

on He …………………………………………………………….. the teaching post.

11 "I'd like you to come to Paris with me," he said to her.

go He ……………………………………………………………. to Paris with him.

12 "Please, please don't give us any homework," they said to the teacher.

not They ………………………………………………. give them any homework.

13 "That's how I managed to escape," he said to me.

how He ………………………………………………… he had managed to escape.

14 "I'll never forget our anniversary again," he said.

would He ……………………………………………………... their anniversary again.

15 "You should try to find another job," he said to me.

me He …………………………………………………………... to find another job.

16 "Yes, it was a very dull lecture," she said.

that She ………………………………………………………….. a very dull lecture.

17 "No, I won't tell you where I was last night," he said to her.

her He ……………………….. ………………where he had been the night before.

/ from Round-up 6. Virginia Evans/

15. Find the mistake and correct it.

1. They suggested to see the film. ……..They suggested seeing the film........................

2. She asked me where was I going. ……………………………………………………

3. Can you tell me what time is it? ……………………………………………………..

4. He told me to not touch the parcel. ………………………………………………….

5. I wonder why did he lie to me……………………………………………………….

6. The suspect denied to murder the young woman. …………………………………..

7. They accused him to have committed the crime. ……………………………………

8. She asked me, "Where the bank is?" ………………………………………………

/Grammar for First Certificate. Louise Hashemi and Barbara Thomas/

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