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VI. Find synonyms of the following word combinations

1. admіtted by competіtіve examіnatіon; 2. appoіnt staff; 3. commercіal college; 4. dіsmіss staff; 5. fіre staff; 6. go іn for an examіnatіon; 7. prіmary school; 8. secondary school; 9. sіt for an examіnatіon.

VII. Fill in the gaps in the sentences below. The first letter or letters of the missing words are given, and the dashes correspond to the number of missing letters

1. A Bac _ _ _ _ _ of Education course lasts three or four years.

2. All new staff should be given computer tra _ _ _ _ _ .

3. As employers demand higher skills, students everywhere want access to a univ_ _ _ _ _ _ education.

4. Many col _ _ _ _ graduates are unable to find work in their field.

5. Most first year students live on cam _ _ _ .

6. Oxford's one-to-one tut_ _ _ _ _s are an effective but also costly way of teaching.

7. Se _ _-gov _ _ _ _ _ _ status was simply not on the agenda.

8. The exam_ _ _ _ _ _ _ results will be announced in September.

9. We make a dist _ _ _ _ _ _ _ between public and private power.


I. Find in the text the following words and word combinations, translate the sentences in which they are used and make up sentences with them

appoint their own staff; com­pulsory; expenses; curriculum; distinctions; doctorate; fee-charging schools; guidelines; have an opportunity to study full-time; leave school; live on campus; master's degree; nursery school; preparatory school; primary education; receive a state grant; select students on the ba­sis of; self-governing; semi-independent colleges; staff; study for degree; substantial freedom; supervisions; teach through television; through correspondence; tutorials; tutors; vocational training.

II. Find English equivalents of the words and word combinations given below and make up sentences with them

адміністративний персонал; бакалавр педагогічних наук; вища школа; дитячий сад; достатня підготовка; закінчити школу; заочна школа; заочний університет; складати іспит; скласти іспит; іспит з англійської мови; комерційний коледж; навчання з відривом від виробництва; навчання за місцем роботи; платна школа; початкова школа; практичні заняття з керівником; приватна підготовча школа; прийнятий у результаті конкурсу; провалитися на іспиті; професійне навчання; розрізняти; самоврядна територія; середня школа; старший керівний персонал; територія університету; університетська кафедра; якісна відмінність.

III. Fill in prepositions, where necessary

1. … completing compulsory education … the age … sixteen, students may legally leave school and start work.

2. … sixteen students take the examinations … the Scottish Qualifications Certificate.

3. Education … the UK is compulsory … everyone … the ages … five and sixteen.

4. … the state system children go … primary school … the age … five.

5. Many children start their education … the age … three or four … a nursery school.

6. One … the developments … education … Britain is the Open University.

7. Students … good degrees can go … … higher degrees.

8. There are no great distinctions … differ­ent types … universities … Britain.

9. The students discuss their work … meetings or … correspondence.

10. The system … Scotland is subject … its own distinct laws and practices.

11. The UK has … ninety universities and more than fifty Higher Education colleges offering a wide range … courses.

12. Universities have substantial freedom … central control and are able to appoint their own staff.

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