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VI. Translate into English

1. Великобританія є парламентською демократією, на чолі якої – конституційний монарх.

2. Лідером партії, що одержує більшість місць у Палаті громад, є прем'єр-міністр.

3. Лорд-канцлер і спікер звичайно повідомляють парламент, що монарх схвалив законопроект.

4. Монарх формально скликає і розпускає парламент.

5. Монархія є спадкоємною, трон переходить від короля чи королеви до його чи її старшого сина або дочки.

6. Палата громад є органом, що обирається, її члени одержують зарплату.

7. Палата лордів і досі є спадкоємним органом.

8. Прем'єр-міністр звичайно є лідером політичної партії, яка має більшість місць у Палаті громад.

9. Протягом сторіч у руках монарха була зосереджена вся влада, але в міру посилення влади парламенту влада монарха зменшувалася.

10. Спікер Палати громад обирається її членами відразу ж після сформування кожного нового парламенту.

11. Члени парламенту обираються на загальних виборах або на додаткових виборах, що провадяться в разі смерті чи відставки члена парламенту.


I. Make up situations of your own using the given words and word combinations

1. The monarchy is the most ancient institution in the United Kingdom (authority; crown; daughter; declined; government officials; Her Majesty’s Government; hereditary; king; monarchy; on her Majesty’s Service; passes from; powers; queen; son; stretching back; supreme; symbolizes; thousand years; throne).

2. The duties of a monarch (advice of; announce to; bill; completes; comprises; constitu­tional role; dismisses and dis­solves; hereditary; House of Commons; House of Lords; legislative organ; Lord Chancellor; ministers; monarch; process; royal assent; Speaker summons; supreme).

3. The House of Commons (allowance; body; by-election; centre; constituency; elected; general election; leader; majority of seats; Members of Par­liament; parliamentary power; Prime Minister; representative; represents; retirement; salary).

4. The House of Lords (appoints; archbishops; bishops; body; chairman; creates; entitled to sit; established Church of Eng­land; fixed number of; head of; hereditary peers; judicature; law lords; lawmaking; life peers; monarch; most senior bishops; peers; presides over).

5. Work of the Prime minister in the UK (advises; appointed; Cabinet; consults; coordinates; Crown; departments; forms; head; in charge of; major; make up; makes recommendations to; ministers; Monarch; nucleus; picks; policy; respon­sible for; select; supervises; various; virtual ruler).

6. The Government of Britain (be approved by; change its mind; changed after; civil servants; decisions; departments; education; election; employed; force; foreign; health; hold office; Home Secretary; important; ministries; Ministry of Justice; officials; permanent; policy; run by; servants; the same).

II. Complete the open dialogue and learn it by heart



Generally speaking, the United Kingdom is a parliamentary democracy with a con­stitutional monarch.



I can’t agree with you. State organs of the U.K. include the monarchy, the legislative, executive and judicial organs of Government.



The matter is that the monarchy is hereditary. The throne passes from a king or a queen to his or her eldest son or daughter.



I don't think so, for hundreds years the monarch held most authority. But as parliament’s power grew, the monarch’s power declined.



I fully agree with you. Today, almost all the powers of the Crown are used by various government officials in the monarch’s name.



As far as I am concerned the monarch formally summons, dismisses and dis­solves Parliament, completes the process of passing an act by giving the royal assent.



I am declined to think that the Lord Chancellor and the Speaker normally announce to Parliament that the monarch has given the royal assent to a bill.



As far as I know by tradition the monarch never acts without the advice of her or his ministers.



As a matter of fact Parliament comprises the hereditary monarch in the constitu­tional role, the House of Commons and the House of Lords.


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