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II. Match the verbs on the left with their corresponding definitions on the right

1. to amend

a) to choose someone for a position or a job.

2. to apply

b) to correct or make small changes to something that is written or spoken.

3. to appoint

c) to get money that you are owed.

4. to collect

d) to have one particular quality or feature more than others.

5. to confirm

e) to make a formal request, usually written, for something such as a job, a place in a university, or permission to do something.

6. to tend

f) to show by marking a paper, raising your hand etc. which person you want to elect or whether you support a particular plan.

7. to vote oorИh00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

g) to show that something is definitely true, especially by providing more proof.

III. Match the words in column a with their synonyms in column b and antonyms in column c







1. basic

2a. adaptable

3a. different

2. conservative

2b. current

3b. foreign

3. enormous

2c. fundamental

3c. inflexible

4. equal

2d. identical

3d. liberal

5. flexible

2e. immense

3e. narrow-minded

6. home

2f. native

3f. minor

7. important

2g. penniless

3g. old

8. indirect

2h. principal

3h. primary

9. liberal

2i. progressive

3i. rich

10. main

2j. reactionary

3j. subsidiary

11. poor

2k. secondary

3k. tiny

12. recent

2l. significant

3l. unimportant

IV. Give Ukrainian equivalents of the following words and expressions. Use a dictionary

accountіng system; admіnіstratіve authorіtіes; ambassador; bank offіcіal; blood money; break a law; constіtutіon; danger money; declіne an amendment; European monetary system; executіve branch; general property tax; government offіcіal; governmental authorities; judіcіal branch; law іn force; lawmaker; legіslatіve authorіty; legіslatіve branch; old money; parlіamentary democracy; people's democracy; presіdent; renew an amendment; stock market; Treasury; unwrіtten law; value-added tax; wіthіn the law.

V. Match the English and Ukrainian equivalents

1. accounting system

a) банківський службовець

2. bank official

b) виконавча влада

3. blood money

c) відхиляти виправлення

4. danger money

d) грошова винагорода за вбивство людини

5. European monetary system

e) грошова надбавка за ризик

6. executive branch

f) європейська грошова система

7. general property tax

g) законодавча влада

8. government official

h) наявний капітал

9. governmental authorities

i) органи державної влади

10. legislative authorities

j) переглядати виправлення

11. old money

k) податок на всі види власності

12. decline an amendment

l) податок на додану вартість

13. renew an amendment

m) система обліку

14. value-added tax

n) урядовий чиновник

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