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IV. Give Ukrainian equivalents of the following words and expressions. Use a dictionary

absolute responsibility; administrative responsibility; annual salary; artіfіcіal; assent; authorized bodies; children’s allowance; civil responsibility; civil trial; compulsory retirement; criminal offence; criminal trial; currency offence; customs offence; disability retirement; embodiment of know-how; embodiment of labour; executіve; first offender; fiscal offence; juvenile offender; legislative body; limited responsibility; living allowance; monthly salary; old offender; prevention of damage; prevention of loss; regular salary; unlimited responsibility; work creation.

V. Match the English and Ukrainian equivalents

1. administrative responsibility

a) адміністративна відповідальність

2. authorized bodies

b) вихід на пенсію через інвалідність

3. children’s allowance

c) допомога багатодітним родинам

4. civil trial

d) законодавчий орган влади

5. compulsory retirement

e) запобігання ушкодженню

6. criminal trial

f) заходи для запобігання втратам

7. disability retirement

g) карне судочинство

8. embodiment of know-how

h) компетентні органи

9. embodiment of labour

i) матеріалізація праці

10. legislative body

j) обов'язковий вихід на пенсію

11. living allowance

k) реалізація досвіду і знань

12. prevention of damage

l) створення робочих місць

13. prevention of loss

m) стипендія

14. work creation

n) цивільне судочинство

VI. Find synonyms of the following word combinations

1. artіfіcіal; 2. basіc salary; 3. embodіment; 4. іnіtіal salary; 5. judіcіal branch; 6. legіslatіve act; 7. legіslatіve power; 8. offence; 9. salary; 10. senіor executіve; 11. set up a monarchy; 12. take proceedіngs agaіnst smb.

VII. Fill in the gaps in the sentences below. The first letter or letters of the missing words are given, and the dashes correspond to the number of missing letters

1. Community punishment is used for less serious off _ _ _ _ _ s.

2. Educating new drivers is important for the prev _ _ _ _ _ _ of accidents.

3. In theory, the civil service is the non-political arm of the exec _ _ _ _ _.

4. It paid me a monthly allo _ _ _ _ _, which was never enough.

5. People are going to be questioning the role of the mon_ _ _ _ _ more and more.

6. She took early reti _ _ _ _ _ _ last year.

7. The Gov_ _ _ _ _ _ _ are planning further cuts in public spending.

8. The Minister will have respon_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ for coordinating childcare policy.

9. The new assemblies will have no leg _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ power.

10. Those classifications would be free from exacting jud _ _ _ _ _ scrutiny.


I. Find in the text the following words and word combinations, translate the sentences in which they are used and make up sentences with them

archbishop; artificial creation; authority; challenge; constituency; coordinate; dissolve the government; elected body; embodiment; executive; form the government; general election; Her Majesty’ Government; judicature; judicial system; legislative body; Lord Chancellor; offender; preside over; prevention of criminal offences; prison service; responsibility; retirement; royal assent; salary and allowance; senior bishop; stretch back over; summon; supervise; supreme legislative organ; trial; virtual.

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