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VI. Fill in the blanks with the proper modal verb using the correct form of the infinitive

1. All the decisions of the Government … (to approve) by Parliament.

2. Each appointment … (to confirm) by a vote of the Senate.

3. How … you (to sneak) into my room like this?

4. I don’t believe he … (to do) it.

5. I posted the letter to Mary this morning, she … (to receive) it tomorrow.

6. She … John (to do) what he … not (to do).

7. The dog growled so menacingly that we … (to go) near it.

8. The reader … (to keep) in mind the marked distinction between the two processes.

9. There was a loud explosion a few minutes ago. You … (to hear) it.

10. You … (to see) me there as I stayed at home.

VII. Make up sentences from the words given below

1. a; be; business; different; forms; in; may; owned; privately; three.

2. academic; awarded; be; disciplines; Doctorate; in; may; Research; the.

3. ago, centuries, Constitution, over, the, two, United States, was, written.

4. ambas­sadors; and; appointed; are; by; officials; other; president; the.

5. ambiguity; arises; criminal; discretion; law; of; of; out; the; the; this.

6. an; decide; factor; important; interest; is; lies; prosecutors; public; the; this; when; where.

7. and; are; by; civil; departments; ministries; run; servants.

8. and; Cambridge; founded; in; medieval; Oxford; period; the; universities; were.

9. Britain; by; central; governed; Government's; Home; in; is; Office; police; policy; the.

10. British; divided; education; into; is; school; separate; systems; two.

VIII. Translate into English

1. Бізнес може бути представлений такими формами, як одноосібна власність, товариство і корпорація.

2. Для республіканців характерні консерватизм і підтримка найбагатших верств населення.

3. Королівські прокурори повинні піклуватися про якнайповніший захист інтересів потерпілого.

4. Міська поліція звичайно організовується як один з кількох підрозділів органів місцевої влади.

5. Наприкінці перших чотирьох років навчання в американських університетах студенти одержують ступінь бакалавра.

6. Рішення прокурора базується на двох положеннях, викладених у Кодексі Королівських прокурорів.

7. Спікер Палати громад обирається членами палати відразу ж після сформування кожного нового парламенту.

8. Студенти заочного університету працюють індивідуально і з наставниками, яким надсилають свої роботи.

9. У Скотланд Ярді є спеціальний підрозділ поліції, який охороняє важливих сановників, королівську родину і державних діячів.

10. У сферах юриспруденції, медицини і бухобліку товариства довгий час були головною формою організації бізнесу.

11. Університети Оксфорд і Кембридж самі набирають свій штат і вирішують питання про прийом студентів.

IX. Read and translate the text orally. Translate paragraph 4 in writing

The United States Constitution, the main law of the country, was written in 1787. It established the country's political system and is the basis for its laws. In 200 years, the United States has experienced enormous growth and change. Yet the Constitution of the USA works as well today as when it was written. One reason is that the Con­stitution can be amended, or changed. Another reason is that the Constitution is flexible: its basic principles can be applied and interpreted differently at different times.

The length of primary education in the United States varies from four to seven years. According to its length it is followed by a number of years of middle school education, generally three years.

Ways of raising capital are different under different forms of business organization. A major difference among organizational forms is the degree to which owners are personally liable for debts of the business. The source of capital for a proprietorship is usually the owner’s own savings and loans from banks.

Britain has no national police force, although police policy is governed by the central Government's Home Office. Instead, there is a separate police force for each of fifty-two areas into which the country is divided. The duties of the police are varied, ranging from assisting at accidents to safeguarding public order and dealing with lost property. One of their main functions is apprehending criminals and would-be criminals. The forces co-operate with each other, but it is unusual for members of one force to operate in another's area unless they are asked to give assistance. This sometimes happens when there has been a very serious crime. The Chief Constable may sometimes ask for the assistance of London's police force, based at New Scotland Yard.

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