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XV. Answer the following questions using the introductory phrases.

1. What is this text about?

2. What types of loaders are there?

3. How are loaders classified?

4. How can single-bucket loaders be subdivided?

5. What are front and swing loaders provided with?

6. What system do modern types of loaders have?

7. In what types are multi-bucket loaders available?

8. What is a crawler-mounted multi-bucket chain loader employed for?

9. What is a rotary-type multi-bucket loader used for?

XVI. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. По характеру рабочего процесса бывают одноковшовые и многоковшовые погрузчики.

2. По ходовому оборудованию погрузчики бывают гусеничными и пневмоколесными.

3. Гидравлическая система погрузчиков используется для подъема и опускания ковша.

4. Ковши многоковшовых погрузчиков роторного типа расположены по окружности ротора.

5. Ротор выполняется в виде шаровой головки.

6. Ротор приводится во вращение электродвигателем через редуктор, вал и зубчатый венец.

XVII. Read and retell the following text using the introductory phrases.


In road construction the earth and building materials such as sand, gravel, crushed stone, concrete, etc. are transported in dump trucks (автосамосвалы) or earth carriers (землевозы). Unloaders are not required in this case. Cement is carried in self-discharging trucks. Ordinary cars are discharged by car dumpers (вагоноопрокидыватели), jib and gantry cranes and also by stationary unloaders. Cement is discharged by pneumo-mechanical unloaders.

Now a few words about the KB Hydrascoop. It is designed for excavating and loading materials in quarries and sand and gravel pits. It handles up to 350 cubic yard per hour using less than 70 horse power. For rehandling work (перегрузочные работы) the 2 cu. yd bucket is standard but for lighter materials larger buckets can be fitted.

Raising and lowering the parallel linkage (рычажная передача) is done by a hoisting line – clutch and drums are booster operated (с приводом от усилителя) and controlled through foot pedals. Bucket thrust (удар ковша) and break-out operations are hydraulically operated through finger-light controls, and a digging force of 26.5 tons is exerted at the bucket teeth.

XVIII. Learn the following dialogue.

Situation: You have just read a technical journal in English and come across an interesting information about loading equipment. You want to discuss it with your friend.

A. Hello! Haven`t seen you for ages! I have just read some information about loading equipment.

B. Oh, it`s interesting! What have you learned about it?

A. Now I know that there are single-bucket and multi-bucket loaders.

B. And what types of single-bucket loaders are there?

A. There are front loaders, swing loaders, rear loaders and combination type.

B. Oh, so many types of loaders! And what about multi-bucket ones?

A. As for multi-bucket loaders, they are available in chain and rotary types.

B. I see. Thank you. Now I know something about handling equipment, too.

A. Not at all. Glad to help you.

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