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Изучается индивидуальные различия типологических особенностей проявления свойств нервной системы у курсантов военного вуза в соответствии с воинской специальностью. Выявлены особые характеристики формирования установки к формированию профессиональных компетенций у курсантов-десантников и курсантовтанкистов.

Ключевые слова: компетенции, задатки, типологические особенности проявления свойств нервной системы, установка к деятельности.

Емченко Д.С., Бебинов С.Е. Особенности изменения физической подготовленности курсантов военного вуза

Дана оценка динамики физической подготовленности курсантов танковых подразделений с учетом особенностей мотивации. Показано, что на старших курсах значительного повышается мотивация к действиям в условиях риска. На этот период приходится заметный рост физических качеств военнослужащих.

Ключевые слова: спортивно ориентированное физическое воспитание, физические качества, мотивационная структура личности.

Катаев И.В., Завирохин Д.С. Развитие профессиональной устойчивости у курсантов ОАБИИ

В статье обсуждаются вопросы формирования профессиональной устойчивости курсантов военных вузов. Развитие физических качеств курсантов рассматривается с позиции адаптации к нагрузкам. Предложен вариант комплексной методики физической подготовки военнослужащих.

Ключевые слова: профессиональная устойчивость, физическая подготовка, адаптация, физическая и психологическая подготовка, работоспособность.

Кайсин А.С., Васильев Ю.В. Формирование профессиональноличностных качеств у курсантов танковых подразделений

Обсуждается профессиональное становление офицера. Рассмотрены пути формирования ведущих профессионально-личностных ка-

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честв, необходимых для эффективной деятельности курсантов танковых подразделений.

Ключевые слова: профессиональное мастерство, подготовка военных специалистов, этапы обучения, поэтапно-фронтальная подготовка.

Бикбулатова С.А. Домашнее задание как средство оптимизации процесса физического воспитания в специальных медицинских группах СибАДИ

В статье дан анализ заболеваемости студентов вуза. Предложены пути оптимизации учебного процесса по физической культуре со студентами специальных медицинских групп.

Ключевые слова: физическая культура, функциональное состояние, оптимизация, домашнее задание.

Матюнина Н.В. Содержание дисциплины «Физическая культура» в педагогическом вузе в соответствии с ФГОС

Обсуждается использование систем учета и контроля учебной деятельности студентов педагогического вуза для формирования общекультурных и профессиональных компетенций в рамках ФГОС.

Ключевые слова: учебно-воспитательный процесс, компетенция, бально-рейтинговая система, технологическая карта дисциплины.

Куценко И.П. Формирование лидерских качеств студентов вуза

Рассматриваются вопросы проведения внеурочной работы со студентами вуза, направленной на формирование лидерских качеств. Представлены составляющие программы формирования мотивации студентов к лидерству.

Ключевые слова: лидерские качества, учебная программа, самореализация, самооценка, самостоятельная работа.

Кардаш Т.А. Анализ участия в студенческих соревнованиях студентов СибАДИ, занимающихся в секции легкой атлетики

Проведен анализ выступления студентов вузов нефизкультурного профиля (на примере студентов СибАДИ) на студенческих соревнованиях по легкой атлетике.

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Ключевые слова: легкая атлетика, вузы нефизкультурного профиля, студенческий спорт, спортивный результат.

Иванова Л.М., Ковтун Г.С. К вопросу о роли тренера в управлении студенческой командой по спортивным играм

Обсуждается роль тренера в руководстве спортивной командой. Рассмотрены варианты взаимоотношений в системе «тренер – спортсмен», влияющих на спортивный результат.

Ключевые слова: спортивные игры, тренер, индивидуальная работа, стиль руководства.

Зухов А.С. Инновационный подход в подготовке бегунов на 400 метров

В работе представлена методика развития скоростно-силовых качеств и специальной выносливости у спортсменов, тренирующихся в беге на 400 метров. Даны рекомендации по использованию технических средств тренировки. Показано, что в результате стимульного воздействия у спортсменов увеличивается длина бегового шага, что позволяет сократить время прохождения соревновательной дистанции.

Ключевые слова: скоростно-силовые качества, специальная выносливость, бег, прыжковые упражнения, биодинамика движений, длина бегового шага.

Те С.Э., Те С.Ю. Управление тренировочным процессом в женской тяжелой атлетике

В статье обсуждаются варианты оптимизации подготовки высококвалифицированных тяжелоатлеток в соревновательной деятельности. Представлено обоснование управления тренировочным процессом спортсменок на различных этапах учебно-тренировочного процесса.

Ключевые слова: тренировочный процесс, устойчивость объекта, управление, вектор целей.

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INTRODUCTION ...………………………………………………...................




IN SPORTS ACTIVITY……………………………………………………….


Salnikov V.A., Revenko E.M., Klenin D.A. The individuality of a personality


in the structure of sports activities ………………………………………………


Salnikov V.A., Revenko E.M. The factors determining the formation of


an individual trajectory of the training process in sports activity ……………….


Salnikov V.A., Revenko E.M. The motivational factor in the system


of physical education ……………………………………………………………


Krivoschekova O.N., Bebinov S.E. The effect of typological features of


manifestation of nervous system of students of a high educational institution


on the manifestation of coordination abilities …………………………………..


Salnikov V.A., Bondarenko A.M. The playing role of handball players and


their individual psychological characteristics …………………………………..


Suhostav O.A., Smirnova E.I., Salnikov V.A., Individual psychological


characteristics of students of different specialties pedagogical orientation ……..






Revenko E.M., Zelova T.F., Salnikov V.A. Experience of implementing


three lessons of physical education a week: influence on motor and mental


development of the sixth graders ………………………………………………..


Revenko E.M., Salnikov V.A. Changes in the level and dynamics


of intelligence in the process of growing ……………………………………….


Revenko E.M., Zelova T.F. Individual features of the age development


of motor and mental abilities of teenagers ………………………………………


Patrina S.G., Salnikov V.A. Age dynamics of the growth rate of the results


depending on the initial level in the manifestation of physical qualities and


morphofunctional features of 7-11-years-old girls ……………………………...


Demchenko U.V, Zabarovskiy S.A. Physical properties in the structure of


complicated-coordinated activities at 12-13-years-old boxers, on the stage of


initial preparation ……………………………………………………………….




PROCESS ………………………………………………………………………


Bebinov E.M., Bogolyubov V.V., Zarifyan A.G., Scherbak L.V. A variant


of using physiological control in training process of highly skilled climbers …..


Bebinov S.E., Bebinov E.M. The increase of informational value of Letunov's


sample using the method of cardiointervalography …………………………….. 132

Kalykeeva A.A., Kononets I.E., Chaldanbaeva A.K. The analysis of heart

rate variability - a method of outnosological diagnostic ………………………... 138

Kononets I.E., Uraliyeva С.E., Adayeva A.M. The features of functional reserves of the circulatory system of healthy 10-17-years-old adolescents,

living in lowand middle mountains of Kyrgyzstan …………………………… 143

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Section 4. METHOD SPECIFIC SPORTS ACTIVITY …………………….. 151 Golovchenko O.P., Zaborskaya T.E., Litvinov R.V., Lyalikov I.L. Assess

the utility of exercise ……………………………………………………………. 151

Bebinov S.E., Hozey S.P. Individual features of the ways of

forming of professional competence of military high school students …………. 160 Yemchenko D.S., Bebinov S.E. The features of changing of physical fitness

of military high school students ……………………………………………….. 164 Katayev I.V., Zavirohin D.S. Development of professional stability of OABII cadets …………………………………………………………………………… 168

Kaysin A.S., Vasilyev U.V. Formation of professional - personal qualities at

cadets of tank units ……………………………………………………………… 174 Bikbulatova S.A. Homework − as a means of optimizing

process of physical education in special medical groups of SibADI …………… 182 Matyunina N.V. Contents of discipline "Physical Education" in pedagogical

high school according to federal state educational standard ……………………. 185 Kutsenko I.P. Formation of leadership qualities of university students ……….. 188 Kardash T.A. The analysis of participation in student competitions of SibADI students involved in athletics sections …….……………………………………. 192 Ivanova L.M., Kovtun G.S. To the question of the role of the coach

in managing a student team in sports games ……………………………………


Zuhov A.S. Innovative approach in preparing runners at 400 meters ………….


Te S.E., Te S.U. The control of training process in female weightlifting ………


SUMMARY……..………………………………………………………………. 214

OUR AOTHOURS ……………………………………………………………..


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Salnikov V.A., Revenko E.M., Klenin D.A. The individuality of a personality in the structure of sports activities

The issues of individualization in the system of the training process, from the point of view of the individual personality are examined in the article. At the same time it is noted that individualization should be implemented on the base of a deep understanding of the constitutional features of the person, his adaptive potential, individually typological properties determining the state of the body and motor capabilities.

Keywords: individuality, personality, stakeholder, individual and differentiated approaches, individualization, abilities, individual style of activity.

Salnikov V.A., Revenko E.M. The factors determining the formation of an individual trajectory of the training process in sports activity

In this article the effect of individual psychological characteristics on the training system is showed on the example of weightlifting athletes. The stocktaking of individual differences allows to plan parameters of the training process more appropriate, it is not only the size of the load, but alsothe subsequent recovery period. As a result, the implementation of individual trajectory of the training process is possible according to existing athlete typological features of manifestation of nervous system.

Keywords: sports training, individualization of the training process, controlled training, typological features of implication of properties of the nervous system, temperament.

Salnikov V.A., Revenko E.M. The motivational factor in the system of physical education

The impact of motivational factors and personality features of students on the choise of sport as a subject of specialization in academic pursuits in physical education is discussed in the article. It is revealed that the choice of the form of sports specialization by students is caused by their existing

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motivation and personality traits in a certain degree. At the same time these features are connected with the nature of manifestation of motor abilities. It is shown that the variety of manifestations of the motives differs depending on the qualification and type of sports activity.

Keywords: personality traits, motivation, sports specialization, academic pursuits, personal approach.

Krivoschekova O.N., Bebinov S.E. The effect of typological features of manifestation of nervous system of students of a high educational institution on the manifestation of coordination abilities

The dynamics of coordination abilities of high educational institutions students doing aerobic exercise is showed in this article tailored to individual typological differences. It is noted that complicated-coordinated skills existing in the sports activities of students doing aerobics, are formed more successfully at people with mobility of nervous processes. Nevertheless, motor memory, expressed in sustainability of the formed skills is prevalent with girls with inertia excitation and inhibition.

Keywords: abilities, skill formation, typological features of implication of properties of the nervous system.

Salnikov V.A., Bondarenko A.M. The playing role of handball players and their individual psychological characteristics

It is shown in the work that the style of game activity of handball players is related to their personal features. At the same time it is noted that the set of operations of each sportsman in most cases is individual and the diversity of existing factors such as abilities, morphofunctional and individual psychological characteristics contribute to it.

Keywords: playing role, style of activity, the effectiveness of the activity, properties of the nervous system, motivation.

Suhostav O.A., Smirnova E.I., Salnikov V.A., Individual psychological characteristics of students of different specialties pedagogical orientation

The paper explores the links individual psychological characteristics and effectiveness USE girls of different specialties pedagogical orientation

. Revealed that women who choose different specialties , different person-

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ality traits , temperament, and properties of the nervous system and their relation with the results of the exam .

Keywords: trait anxiety , motivation, temperament , the properties of the nervous system , the USE.


Revenko E.M., Zelova T.F., Salnikov V.A. Experience of implementing three lessons of physical education a week: influence on motor and mental development of the sixth graders.

It was established experimentally that the implementation of the three physical education lessons a week, has a significant impact not only on the growth rate of motor abilities, but also a positive impact on the dynamics of mental abilities and achievement of sixth graders. The greatest number of positive correlations of progress dynamics was revealed with rates of increase of power, speed and speed-power abilities. At the same time more pronounced dynamics of mental abilities and achievement is observed at boys who had a relatively lower level of their manifestation at the beginning of the experiment.

Keywords: motor skills, intelligence, development.

Revenko E.M., Salnikov V.A. Changes in the level and dynamics of intelligence in the process of growing

The article presents data of the dynamics of mental abilities at young men from the fifth grade to the third course. On the background of the natural annual increase of mental abilities two tendencies are seen. First, the ratio of verbal and nonverbal intelligence changes with age. If at younger ages verbal components dominate in the general structure of intelligence, starting with the senior classes non-verbal do. Second, the variants of intellectual development have been identified, expressing in the fact that there are students with a relatively early and late increase in the dynamics of mental development. Consequently, in high school students have a higher dynamics of mental abilities than those who had a low IQ and its low dynamics in middle school.

Keywords: mental abilities, age, development, individuallytypological development options.

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Revenko E.M., Zelova T.F. Individual features of the age development of motor and mental abilities of teenagers

It was established experimentally that the ratio of the development of motor and mental abilities of boys change with age. If in the sixth grade high growth rates of the motor abilities are observed abilities at students with low dynamics of intelligence, in the 8th and 10th grades the ratio of the dynamics of studied abilities is opposite. The peaks of the dynamics of motor and mental spheres of a person are not the same, it is most clearly seen in adolescence. At the same time two polar groups are clearly distinguished: adolescents with rapid motor development during the reduced dynamics of mental abilities and, conversely, adolescents with high dynamics of intellectual development against the background of delayed development of motor abilities.

Keywords: motor abilities, intelligence, development, individuallytypological development options.

Patrina S.G., Salnikov V.A. Age dynamics of the growth rate of the results depending on the initial level in the manifestation of physical qualities and morphofunctional features of 7 − 11-years-old girls

The features of the connection of the initial level of development of physical qualities and morphofunctional features with the pace of their change in the impact of the stimulus, in the process of maturation of 7 − 11-years-old girls are researched in the present work. It is shown that the initial level and the growth rate of the results often correlate in terms of rapidness, hopping coordination and hopping endurance and more seldom in terms of speed and power.

Keywords: motor abilities, morphofunctional indicators, the initial level, rate of growth, sensitiveness, age development.

Demchenko U.V., Zabarovskiy S.A. Physical properties in the structure of complicated-coordinated activities at 12 − 13-years-old boxers, on the stage of initial preparation

The features of connections of the development of physical qualities with the results of doing complicated-coordinated activities by 12-13- years-old boxers at the stage of initial preparation are examined. The high level of integration of physical qualities and single bonds of them with the

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results of doing actions complicated-coordinated activities on the reproduction and differentiation of the impact force was identified. As a result it is noted that at the stage of initial training of young boxers in the formation of complicated-coordinated activities the most important thing is the level of development of mental processes than the level of physical development.

Keywords: physical qualities, complicated-coordinated activities, memory, attention, heterochronicity of development.



Bebinov E.M., Bogolyubov V.V., Zarifyan A.G., Scherbak L.V. A variant of using physiological control in training process of highly skilled climbers

The work contains the results of monitoring the dynamics of the characteristics of the life support systems of climbers' bodies during the period of high training. It is shown that a significant change in the structure of biomedical and physiological parameters occurs at the beginning of training. Further the level of indicators optimizes.

Keywords: optimization of the training process, hematological examination, electrocardiography, respiratory functions, anthropometry, hemodynamics, functional test.

Bebinov S.E., Bebinov E.M. The increase of informational value of Letunov's sample using the method of cardiointervalography

The evaluation of the level of adaptation of young karting-sportsmen to training and competitive pressures on different stages of the training process is given in the article. It is shown that the using the method of cardiointervalography allows to make a rapid evaluation of changes of autonomic functions of the athletes. Influenced by the training process the structure of the heart rate changes, reflecting the establishment of new, more supportive relationship: reducing of sympathetic and increasing of parasympathetic effects on the heart.

Keywords: young karting-sportsmen, cardiointervalography, functional status, autonomic functions, fitness, a training process.

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