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4.Sea protest about grounding

I,......., Master of m/v Utopia under the flag of Ukraine, Gross tonnage 8092, registered at the port of Odessa, International Call Sign UUSW, on...... 20.. sailed from Odessa to New York with 4072 metric tons of general cargo, the vessel being tight, staunch and strong, well manned, victualled and sound, and in every respect fit to perform the said intended voyage.

On...... 20.. at 14.00GMT, approaching the port Kalundborg, in position 55N 37.0 010E 56. 5 due to the engine failure the ship began drifting to shore carried by southwest wind of force 15-20 m/sec. Inspire of all the efforts to restart the engine and stop the drift by letting go first the port and then the starboard anchors, at 14. 15 the vessel was grounded on the shoal lying half a mile North-East from the Palce of the engine failure. All the efforts undertaken to refloat the vessel without outside assistance failed and vessel had to apply for salvors services. Two salvage tugs of the port of Kulundborg were used for refloating, and at 13.00.... 20.. the ship was refloated. A divers' inspection was carried out after refloating the vessel. As no visible damage to the ship's hull was found, the vessel continued the voyage and at 6.00 local time on.... 20.. the ship was berthed at pier 7 Brooklyn Marine Terminal of the port of New York.

The crew of the vessel have applied all means to safeguard the ship and her cargo, but nevertheless, fearing damage to the cargo and the ship, and losses in connection with refloating, I declare this Sea Protest, reserving the right to extend it at a time and place convenient.

5.Sea protest about the fire

I,......, the Master of m. v. Utopia under the flag of the Russian Federation, Gross tonnage 8092, registered at the port of St. Peterburg, International Call Sign UUSW, sailed on...... 2012, from Philadelphia bound for Jacksonville with 1352 metric tons of general cargo, the vessel being tight, staunch and strong, well manned, victualled and sound, and in every respect fit to perform the said intended voyage.

At 09. 15 GMT on...... 20..... abeam of Charleston in position 32N 54. 24 078W 16. 8 fire started in Hold 3 due to spontaneous ignition of the cargo of mineral oil. One hour later the fire was extinguished by the ship's crew by means of forcing carbon dioxide into the hold. As a result of the fire the ship and the cargo sustained some damage.

The crew of the vessel have applied all means to safeguard the ship and her cargo, nevertheless, fearing damage to the cargo and the ship, and losses in connection with the above accident, I declare this Sea Protest, reserving the right to extend it at a time and place convenient.

6.Sea protest about a storm

I,......, the Master of m. v. Utopia under the flag of the Russian Federation, Gross tonnage 8092, registered at the port of St. Peterburg, International Call Sign UUSW, sailed from the port of Mobile, Ala., USA on August 15, 2012, bound for St. Peterburg with 6750 metric tons of general cargo, the vessel being tight, staunch and strong, well manned, victualled and sound, and in every respect fit to perform the said intended voyage.

At 18.00 GMT on....... 2012 in position 45N 20 015W 10 the ship encountered a heavy storm with stern wind of force 9-10 from WSW and a heavy swell up to 8 meters. As a result of this, the vessel suffered heavy pitching and rolling up to 28 to either side. At 20.00 GMT the vessel had to reduce her speed to 10 knots to reduce the rolling. At 23.00 GMT due to shifting of cargo of pipes in Holds 2 and 3 vessel sustained a permanent list of 10 degrees to starboard and had to deviate to the port of refuge Breast. At 09.00 on August 26, 2012 the vessel was moored at Pier 18 in the port of Breast.

Though the crew has made all precautions to save the vessel and the cargo, fearing damage to the cargo and the ship from the above heavy weather, and also losses connected with calling in at the port of refuge and delay of the vessel,

I declare this Sea Protest, reserving the right to extend it at a time and place convenient.