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The system analyst

Another job in the computer field is that of the system analyst. The system analyst often has a great deal of knowledge about computer and computer operations. He or she is the data processing professional whose job is to design and develop all the systems which will be used on a particular computer system. The system analyst must first analyze the information needs. He or she must then interpret the company’s needs and decide how to utilize the computer to fulfill them. In addition, the systems analyst must also know how to program. He or she must be an expert in hardware as well as software.

Sometimes the system analyst specializes in a particular field. Engineering or scientific analyst may work with international communication systems. The commercial applications analyst, in contrast, is a person who deals with all the different aspects of the business area. Another specialization within systems analysis is that of operations research. The system analyst who specializes in operations research must make mathematical models of the various problems. These models are then used to provide a quantitative or statistical basis for the decisions the analyst makes.

Many systems analysts know programming very well because they were once programmers themselves.

The computer programmer

The systems analyst studies and solves a particular problem. He or she then designs the systems that are needed to carry out the solution. After the systems analyst finishes the job, a programmer is consulted. The programmer is responsible for actually writing the programs for the systems designed by the analyst. The programmer first prepares a flowchart, a type of chart which illustrates the logic of the program. Next the programmer chooses a language, and writes a program. Then he or she tests and debugs the program. Finally documentation – detailed explanations of the programmer’s work – is prepared.

Many programmers specialize in one field. Such specialized programmers are called applications programmers. An application programmer usually specializes in either business or science. A programmer may also specialize in developing software for the operating system of a computer.

There are different levels of experience and responsibility in the field of programming. Senior programmers design complex flowcharts for programs. Junior programmers often code, that is, write instructions in a programming language.

The computer operator

The area of computer operations deals with the daily activities of the computer. Computer operators have many different responsibilities. For example, the operator starts up the computer system, and makes sure it is working correctly. The operator also organizes schedules and keeps records of all the work performed by the computer. Moreover, the computer operator often serves an apprenticeship in order to acquire the skills necessary to run the computer.

Ex. III. Answer the following questions:

  1. The text above describes a number of duties. Which of them are familiar to you in the course of training?

  2. Students are supposed to present their degree papers at the end of the course. What particular field of research would you like to deal with in your degree paper?

  3. Which of the professional fields described above is your future career? Can you list the responsibilities? Would you like to work in a large corporation or in a small private firm? Give you reasons.

Audition: Overdraft.

Ex. I. Listen to the dialogue twice and role play it in class.

Use the following phrases:

  • How about…?

  • How can I pay … back?

  • What preconditions have to be fulfilled…?

  • Up to what amount will I be able to…?

  • How can I do this?


Unit 1: The Seven Wonders of the World

In the second century B.C., the Greek poet Antipater listed the seven wonders of the world. These seven wonders were the Pyramids of Egypt, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, the statue of Zeus at Olympia, the Temple of Artemis at Ephesus, the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus, the Colossus of Rhodes, and the Pharos of Alexandria. Almost all of these wonders have vanished during the long centuries from Antipater’s time up to the present day although, of course, the Egyptian pyramids remain. We know about the other six wonders only from ruins and from the written descriptions of travellers.

Antipater’s world was very much smaller than ours. The Greek sailed in their small ships along the coast of the Mediterranean and traded with other countries on its shores, but they learned very little about the lands stretching beyond those shores though they heard rumours of other countries and empires. When Antipater listed his seven wonders of the world then, he was selecting wonders from a small sampling of the buildings and creations of the rest of the world.

Today tourists are eager to visit the many wonders of the world that have become famous since Antipater’s time. In addition to the Egyptian pyramids, they visit wonders such as the Mayan pyramids in Mexico and Guatemala, Machu Picchu in Peru, the Taj Mahal in India, the Stupa of Borobudur in Indonesia, the Great Wall in China, the Great Buddha in Nara, the Parthenon in Athens, the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican, the Eiffel Tower in Paris, and the World Trade Center in New York.

No tourist, however, has ever visited the greatest wonder of the world and no tourist ever will. The greatest wonder in the world is the human mind. These other wonders could not have been planned and created without the human mind. Always and everywhere the human mind has produced things of great beauty from the small ivory carvings of the Eskimos to the great buildings of the world.