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!!!!!Англійська мова для спеціальностей Економі...doc
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Ex. III. Answer the following questions:

  1. How does an economist define marketing?

  2. What is an exchange?

  3. What does any exchange presume?

  4. How can you define “a product”?

  5. What is the necessary condition for a successful exchange?

  6. What has Peter Drucker emphasized in his writings on marketing?

  7. What are Theodore Levitt's views on marketing?

  8. What makes excellent organizations excellent according to Thomas Peters?

Ex. IV. Look through the text again and find words that correspond to the following definitions:

  1. the act of changing one thing for another (paragraph 1);

  2. a business deal (paragraph 2);

  3. the importance or usefulness of something (paragraph 2);

  4. an act of thinking that something must be true (paragraph 2);

  5. a written promise that a company will fix or replace something if it breaks after you have bought it (paragraph 3);

  6. someone who buys or uses goods or services (paragraph 3);

  7. to feel happy or pleased because you have achieved something or got what you wanted (paragraph 6).

Ex. V. Complete the gaps using the necessary words from the box:

profit, staff, attention, customer, managers, satisfaction, served, commitment, successful, marketing, headquarters

  1. Thomas J. Watson, Sr., founded IBM, one of the most …… companies in the world and …… as its president during the early decades of the 20th century.

  2. He built IBM’s success on the principle of customer ……

  3. He insisted that everyone in the company pay …… to customer’s needs.

  4. The …… philosophy of business assumes that an organization can best survive, prosper and …… by identifying and satisfying the needs of its customers.

  5. Sears is a well-known company which has dramatized its …… to this philosophy in an unusual way.

  6. During the …… meetings at Sears …… in Chicago an empty chair sits in a conference room.

  7. Painted on the Chair are the words, “The …… ”.

  8. This symbolic presence reminds all Sears …… who their real boss is.

Ex. VI. Find the examples of different tense and voice forms of the verbs in the above text. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian.

Ex. VII. Discuss whether the following sentences are true or false:

  1. Marketing deals with transactions between people, groups and organizations.

  2. Exchange involves at least two parties, most commonly a buyer and a seller.

  3. The buyer usually gives up goods, services or ideas (what we define as products) in order to receive something of the same value.

  4. The seller usually gives up money or promises to pay money in the future.

  5. In bartering buyers may give up their labour or goods to be traded.

Ex. VIII. Work in groups. Work out answers to the following questions:

  1. What makes a customer happy?

  2. What are some of the things happy customers can do for a business? For example,

Happy customers come back.

Happy customers inform others.

Continue the list.

Ex. IX. Translate into English.

Пітер Друкер довгий час був одним із найбільш поважаних авторів книг з ділового менеджменту. Провідна ідея його праць складається в повідомленні, що єдиний головний намір бізнесу – це вдовольнити споживачів.

В своїх працях Пітер Друкер підкреслював важливість утримання споживача в центрі уваги менеджменту. З одного боку, він відмічав: ”Є тільки одне обґрунтоване визначення наміру бізнесу: створити споживача.” Споживач визначає, чи бізнес виживе та чи процвітатиме він.

Два головні уроки, підкреслені Друкером, сформували думку сучасних вчених з маркетингу:

1. Початковий обов‘язок будь-якого бізнесу встановити та задовольнити потреби споживачів. Кращі технології це тільки ті технології, які найкраще вдовольняють ці потреби.

2. Маркетинг – це особлива робота з її власними специфічними напрямками діяльності; отже від спеціалістів з маркетингу вимагається керувати цією роботою.

В той самий час, маркетинг повинен бути справою кожного в організації.