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Grammar: Participial Constructions


Ex. I. Read the following text paying attention to the phrases in bold. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian. The First Thanksgiving

On September 20, 1620 a small boat carrying 102 people – 50 men, 20 women, and 32 children, sailed away from Plymouth, England. The boat was named The Mayflower and the people who were seen standing on board were called the Pilgrims. The Pilgrims were leaving England because they didn’t like the King’s religion and wanted to live in a place where they could have religious freedom.

On November 20 the Pilgrims saw land for the first time. Seeing lots of codfish in the sea they named it Cape Cod. Going ashore they signed a paper to form a new government and the men were given the right to choose their own leaders. This was the first example of democracy in the New World.

The Pilgrims spent the first year building houses, planting crops and creating a new community. The Indians living nearby helped the Pilgrims learn about hunting and raising corn. The first winter being very cold and damp, most of the people became sick and some died. During the spring and summer the crops started to grow, and the sick people got well. At the end of the harvest season the Pilgrims decided to have a celebration, giving thanks for their good crops and for the freedom they had found in their new home. They invited the Indians and they all had a huge feast, eating, playing games and having contests. The celebration lasted for three days. This was the first Thanksgiving in America. The tradition of feasting and relaxing with family and friends still happens today all over America.

The Participle as Part of a Complex Object or a Complex Subject

Participle I may form part of a Complex Object or Subject when combined with a noun (pronoun) to which it stands in predicate relation.

Complex Object

Complex Subject

  • I heard the rain falling on the roof.

  • The rain was heard falling on the roof.

  • I could hear him singing in the shower.

  • He was heard singing in the shower.

  • I saw my friend running down the street.

  • My friend was seen running down the street.

  • I found them playing on the beach.

  • They were found playing on the beach.

Such complexes chiefly occur after words denoting physical perception, such as “to see”, “to hear”, “to feel”, “to find”, etc.

In the Complex Object construction Participle I Simple Active or Participle II is used.

She felt her hands trembling slightly.

He heard his name pronounced through the open door.

Participle II is also used as part of a Complex Object after the verbs “to get”, “to have”, “to want”.

I had a new suit made.

He wants it done quickly.

I must get my TV-set repaired.

This construction means that you arrange for someone else to do the job; you do not do it yourself.

Complex Subject is the combination of a noun in the common case (or a pronoun in the nominative case) and a present participle. The main verb is usually in the Passive Voice and placed between the noun (or a pronoun) and the participle.

They were heard singing together.