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Ex. VI. Some participles have lost their verbal character and have become adjectives. Choose –ing or –ed adjectives in the following sentences:

  1. The problem confuses the students. It is a confusing/ confused problem. The students are confusing/confused by the problem. They are confusing/ confused students.

  2. The story amuses the children. It is an amusing/ amused story. The children are amusing/ amused by the story. They are amusing/ amused children.

  3. I heard some surprising/ surprised news. I was greatly surprising/ surprised by it.

  4. Ann is really exciting/ excited about going to Great Britain next September. She has never been there before. It will be an exciting/ excited experience for her.

  5. She replied that the offer wasn’t really attractive and they were not interesting/ interested in it.

Ex. VII. Complete the sentences with passive and perfect forms of the participle.

Example: Mr. King was interviewing an applicant. He was very friendly and the applicant wasn't nervous at all. Being interviewed by a friendly Mr. King the applicant wasn't nervous at all.

  1. All applicants that Mr. King interviews are fortunate because he is very friendly. All applicants …… by Mr. King are really fortunate.

  2. Having interviewed ten applicants already, Mr. King is understandably tired. The applicants, …… before, know what to expect.

  3. Never having seen Mrs. Green in church before, the pastor was surprised to receive her large donation. Never …… in church before, Mrs. Green surprised everyone with her large donation.

  4. Clothes that Elite Dress Salon imports are usually quite expensive, but clothes …… by the Campus Sport Shop are usually quite cheap.

  5. Having operated on this patient before, the doctor knew what to expect. The patient …… before by this doctor, also knew what to expect.

  6. The committee members discussed the problem after they had been served lunch. Having ….

  7. Mrs. Sylvester taught chemistry for twenty years. She will retire next month. Having ….

Ex. VIII. Translate into English using participles:

1.Дослідник залишив лабораторію, коли закінчив експеримент. 2.Після того, як нове обладнання було випробувано в дії, його рекомендували до виробництва. 3.Комп’ютери, що встановлені в нашому офісі, значно допомагають нам у роботі. 4.Маючи здібність зберігати значну кількість інформації, великий комп’ютер може виконувати переклади з однієї мови на іншу. 5.Вчені, що прибули для участі в конференції, сьогодні відвідають виставку нових інформаційних технологій. 6. Ввійшовши в кімнату, я віддав лист жінці, що сиділа біля вікна. 7. Коли я дивився цей фільм, я згадав своє дитинство. 8. Деякі марки, зібрані ним, дуже цікаві. 9. Проробивши цілий день на сонці, я вирішив подзвонити їй. 10. У дітячому віці, він не міг зрозуміти серйозності ситуації. 11. Коли він був дитиною, він довго жив з батьками за кордоном. 12. Людина, що написала цю книгу, багато подорожувала. 13. Залишившись один, він почав розпаковувати речі. 14. Люди, що очікували на вас, тільки що пішли.

Oral practice: About Ukraine Ex. I. Discuss the following questions:

  1. Do you get many foreign visitors in your country? Which are the most popular places? Which countries do the tourists come from? What do they like about it? What do they find different?

  2. What holiday do we celebrate on the 24 August?

  3. When do we celebrate the Constitution Day?