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Ex. V. Gerunds after prepositional verbs. Read the questions and rank the items in each group from most (1) to least (6). Then talk in small groups about your ranking.

  1. Which of these things do you object to doing?

taking multiple choice tests;

writing English compositions;

writing computer programs;

doing homework assignments;

telling people how old you are;

telling people how much money you make.

  1. Which of these are you looking forward to doing?

taking a vacation;

seeing a movie;

having a good time over the weekend;

seeing your parents;

going out to dinner with a friend;

watching a sports event on TV.

  1. Which of these things can’t you get used to?

getting up early;

using a computer;

standing in line;

cooking for yourself;

shopping for food;

paying so much rent.

  1. Which of these things do you look forward to?

going bowling;

going swimming;

going skiing;

going fishing;

going dancing;

going camping.

Ex. VI. Match the following English-language proverbs with their definitions. Identify gerunds and infinitives. How many of the proverbs do you agree with? Find their Ukrainian equivalents. Learn them by heart.

1. Seeing is believing.

a. No two people have the same likes and dislikes, so it’s a waste of time to argue about it.

2. If a thing is worth doing at all it is worth doing well.

b. Many people are reluctant to believe a thing unless they can see.

3. Clean hands want no washing.

c. Once you have said a thing it is too late to regret having said it.

4. There is no accounting for tastes.

d. Good people are not corrupted by their surroundings.

5. Finding is keeping.

e. If what you propose to do deserves your attention, do it to the best of your ability.

6.It’s no use crying over spilt milk.

f. It is dangerous to play with sharp tools. It is dangerous to meddle with anything that can get you into trouble.

7. It is ill jesting with edged tools.

g. If you find something, then it is rightfully your property.

Ex. VII. Work with a partner. Choose one of the topics below and make a list of five to ten problems people have in that situation. Use a gerund to express each problem.

Example: problems with living in a big city 1. overcrowded city transport 2. making friends


problems with living in a big city

problems with living in a small town

problems with living in a hostel

problems with having a pet

problems with studying at university

problems with learning a foreign language

problems with going abroad

problems with using a computer

Ex. VIII. Look over the following list and name one or two items that you are especially bored by or most interested in. Tell why you think the activity is boring/ interesting.

Example: I am bored by football because I don’t understand the rules of the game. I am really bored by art exhibits. They seem boring to me because I just don’t care about art and I would rather be doing something active.




rock music

jazz music

art exhibits

TV soap operas

TV commercials

detective stories

science fiction










