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Active Words and Phrases:

have access to the Web

мати доступ до глобальної комп’ютерної мережі

Internet ad firms

фірми, що займаються рекламою в Інтернеті.

to establish a presence on the Internet

створити сайт з продажу в Інтернеті

to capitalize


Internet market potential

ринковий потенціал Інтернету

to compete for advertising space

конкурувати за рекламне місце

Ex. III. Give a short outline of the WWW appearance.

Ex. IV. Give definitions of the following:

  • the Internet;

  • the World Wide Web;

  • a Web site;

  • a Web page;

  • a link;

  • a browser;

  • a search engine.

Ex. V. Speak of the advantages and disadvantages of advertising on Internet.

Ex. VI. Translate from Ukrainian into English.

  1. Велика кількість людей, так само як організацій, мають доступ в Internet.

  2. Web-сторінка – це окремий документ на Web-сайті.

  3. Браузери – це програми-оглядачі, які автоматично зчитують і подають на дисплей інформацію з Web-сайту.

  4. Програма пошуку створена для пошуку інформації в мережі.

  5. Web-сайт – це мультемедійний матеріал, доступ до якого користувачі мають через комп’ютер

Grammar: I wish and if only.

We can use wish and if only with a past tense to express regret about the present (to say that we would like something to be different).

I wish I had a printer.

I wish he wasn’t so shy.

She wishes she could be able to change a wheel.

We often use were instead of was after wish and if only in a more formal style:

I wish he weren’t so shy.

If only it weren’t so embarrassing.

We use would after wish and if only when we want something to stop happening, or we want something different to happen.

I wish you wouldn’t slam the door when you come in.

I wish you wouldn’t leave your room messy.

To express regret that something happened or did not happen in the past we can use wish and if only with the past perfect:

I wish I had worked harder when I was a student.

If only they hadn’t missed the train.

Ex. I. Rephrase the sentences using the model:

I wish my pupils had better manners.

  1. The neighbours upstairs are too noisy.

  2. I have a long nose.

  3. Winters have become very warm.

  4. My children are not very communicative.

  5. The city is very dirty.

  6. The TV news is often interrupted by commercials.

  7. Our bathroom is too small.

  8. My sister failed the driving test.

Ex. II. Each of these people did something yesterday which they now regret. Add a sentence of your own like in the example:

Our teacher has caught a bad cold.

She wishes she hadn’t gone out in the rain without an umbrella.

  • My brother has broken his leg in a football match.

  • Mrs. Brown has lost her wallet while shopping.

  • Mrs. Grey has developed a terrible headache.

  • I have hurt my back moving the piano.

  • He has cut his finger peeling an orange.