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Ex. III. Match the words with their definitions:

  1. environment

  1. the information and understanding that you have gained through learning or experience;

  1. conclusion

  1. someone with special skills or knowledge, gained as a result of training or experience;

  1. knowledge

  1. the ability to learn, understand, and think about things;

  1. separate

  1. knowledge or skills that you gain from doing the job or activity;

  1. experience

  1. something that you decide after considering all the information you have;

  1. concept

  1. help or support;

  1. expert

  1. the situations, people, equipment etc. that influence the way people live;

  1. assistance

  1. an idea of how something is, or how something should be done;

  1. intelligence

  1. to divide or split something into two or more parts.

Ex. IV. Insert the necessary prepositions:

  1. An expert system depends …… the knowledge of human experts.

  2. The inference engine applies the rules …… the knowledge base …… the data provided …… the user.

  3. …… the acceptance …… computers and communication technology, the whole concept …… office work and the business workplace changed …… the 1980s.

  4. A business often needs to create duplicates …… documents …… distribution …… users who require that information.

  5. Office information systems are extremely important …… the efficient management …… information …… today’s business world.

Ex. V. Open the brackets using the present or past participles:

  1. MYCIN is an expert system (using/used) to diagnose infectious diseases and suggest possible treatments.

  2. The system was (developing/developed) by the scientists of Stanford University.

  3. It was a knowledge base (containing/contained) expert knowledge about diagnoses.

  4. Each rule has a probability figure (associating/associated) with it to indicate its level of certainty.

  5. MYCIN’s performance is almost as good as that of physicians which is (indicating/indicated) that this technology has practical business application.

  6. EMYCIN is an expert system shell and is (marketing/marketed) as a shell to be used with other knowledge bases.

Ex. VI. Answer the following questions:

  1. What is an expert system?

  2. What are the two major components of an expert system?

  3. What does a knowledge base contain?

  4. What is the inference engine used for?

  5. What is an expert system shell?

  6. What is the purpose of office information systems?

  7. What kind of technologies do they incorporate?

Ex. VII. Find the examples of infinitives and participles in the previous text. State their forms and functions. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian. Ex. VIII. Translate into English.

Експертна система — це тип програми, що використовується для прийняття рішень або вирішення проблем у певній галузі. Людина-експерт в цій галузі вкладає в цю програму свої знання та аналітичні здібності настільки, наскільки їх можна формалізувати. Два головні компоненти інформаційної системи — база знань та інтерфейс. Оболонка інформаційної системи складається з тих самих компонентів, що й експертна система, окрім бази знань. Офісна інформаційна система використовується для того, щоб допомогти робітникам інтелектуальної галузі керувати підготовкою, сортуванням, відновленням, копіюванням та обліком інформації в офісі та між офісами. Людина, яка створює, обробляє та розповсюджує інформацію, зветься "робітником знань" ("knowledge worker").