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Ex. IX. Choose infinitive or –ing:

  1. James is going to play/playing football tomorrow.

  2. When there’s a public rocket service to the moon, her father has promised to take/taking her there.

  3. In a shop it is important to please/pleasing customers.

  4. I would like to reply/replying to your letter of the 15th.

  5. Send him to the baker’s to buy/buying the bread.

  6. Will you be able to come/coming to the meeting?

  7. I would like you to read/reading it again.

  8. I woke up in the middle of the night and couldn’t get back to sleep/sleeping again.

  9. Our main concern is to raise/raising the voters’ standard of living.

  10. I’d like to take/taking advantage of this opportunity to thank you all for your cooperation.

  11. I’m sorry to bother/bothering you while you’re working but I must ask you a question.

Ex. X. Translate into English:

1. Я заперечую проти того, щоб ви перекладали цей нескладний текст зі словником. 2. Яка причина вашого запізнення? 3. Він отримав прекрасні знання з англійської, практикуючись кожен день. 4. Він переклав цю статтю, не звертаючись до словника. 5. Їх похвалили за те, що вони вчасно закінчили роботу. 6. Не очікуючи відповіді, вона повернулася й вийшла. 7. Вона заперечує, що говорила з ним. 8. Він не пам’ятає, що коли-небудь був у цій кімнаті. 9. Ви нічого не маєте проти того, щоб я палив тут? 10. Вона не могла не посміхнутися. 11. Строки постачання будуть залежати від того, чи закінчимо ми випробування цього тижня. 12. “Я з нетерпінням чекаю на зустріч з вашим керівником,” — сказав містер Браун секретарю, розмовляючи з ним по телефону. 13. Все буде залежати від того, чи отримають вони телеграму до від’їзду до Лондону. 14. Ми не заперечуємо проти того, щоб почати переговори з середини червня. 15. Я не можу зрозуміти, чому постачальники припинили відвантажувати турбіни. 16. Моєму другові дуже подобається гра цього піаніста. 17. Я знаю, що він дуже розумна людина. До його порад варто прислухатися. 18. Хоча він був серйозно хворий, він продовжував писати.

Oral practice: Britain in Brief

Ex. I. Work in groups. Make a list of the most famous British sights. Compare your list with other groups.

Ex. II. Read the following text:

Land use and agriculture

Although Britain is an industrialized nation, much of the country is under cultivation. Agriculture, which meets over 50 per cent of Britain’s food needs, accounts for 74 per cent of land use.

Woodland and forest account for 11 per sent, and urban land and other areas for 15 per cent. About 67 per cent of agricultural land is under crops and grass, the rest being used for grazing farm animals. There are about 234,000 farm holdings, with an average size of 73 hectares (179 acres).

Households, health and welfare

The average size of British households has fallen to 2.4 people. A greater number of people are living on their own (12 per cent of adults) or in one-parent families. About 67 per cent of householders in Britain own their homes. Four-fifth of British householders live in houses rather than flats.

The average weekly household expenditure in Britain in the last few years was nearly ₤ 309. Food and housing costs constituted 34 per cent of this. Transport and leisure accounted for about 16 per cent each. Over 90 per cent of households have a colour television, telephone, washing machine and deep freezer.

On average British men live for over 74 years and women for nearly 80 years. People are living longer because of a better diet, improved medical treatment and care, and better living conditions.

Britain's National Health Service provides a full range of medical services, which are available to all residents. Local authority personal social services and voluntary organizations provide help and advice to the most vulnerable members of the community, such as the elderly and disabled.

The social security system provides financial help for people who are unable to work or cannot find work. A state pension is payable to women at the age of 60 and to men at 65. A major overhaul of social security is planned, based on the objectives of promoting incentives to work, reducing poverty and welfare dependency, and strengthening community and family life.


There are five terrestrial television channels in Britain (of which two— BBC I and BBC 2 — are publicly funded) and also satellite and cable channels. BBC World Service broadcasts by radio in English and 45 other languages worldwide. BBC World-wide Television is a major international broadcaster. British television productions have won many international awards.

More daily newspapers, national and regional, are sold for every person in Britain than in most other developed countries. On an average day, nearly 60 per cent of people over the age of 15 read a national morning paper; over 65 percent read a Sunday newspaper. There are 10 national morning daily newspapers, 9 Sunday, about 1,400 regional and local newspaper titles, and over 6,500 periodical publications on sale. There is no state control or censorship.

Access to the Internet, a global computer network linked by the international telephone system, has grown rapidly — there are an estimated 5 million Internet or on-line users in Britain.