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Ex. V. Read a part of a dialogue between a customer and a bank manager. Role-play it.

A.: How about the charges for an overdraft?

B.: The overdraft is rather favourable as there are no extra charges. Of course, interest has to be paid quarterly, however, only for the sum overdrawn.

A.: How can I pay the overdraft back?

B.: Oh, this is quite simple: either through a fixed amount every month or in larger sum if you prefer this.

A.: What preconditions have to be fulfilled before I can make use of it?

B.: Regular wages, a regular old age pension, or — as in your case — a regular income. In addition to this, you ought to have a fixed place of residence and a firm job.

A.: Will all this do as security?

B.: Well, you know, there is a banker's saying: the safest credit is always the credit based on mutual trust.

A.: That really does sound fair. Up to what amount will I be able to overdraw my account?

B.: In view of the level of your income, and as it is a regular one, we will allow you an overdraft up to the amount of twice your monthly income. If this is not sufficient, I can recommend you to make use of a personal loan. May I ask what you need the money for?

A.: As a matter of fact, I would like to buy some new furniture and a TV set. Apart from that, I will need a new car in the near future.

B.: The personal loan we can offer is up to $ 10,000. However, in this case you would have to provide security.

A.: How can I do this?

B.: In your case, you would assign the documents of your car (a logbook) for security which you would sign for in the bill of sale. Furthermore we will need a guarantor for this conditional guaranty. Besides, all the requirements necessary for an overdraft must be fulfilled in the case of a personal loan as well. Have you taken personal loan from other banks?

A.: No, not at all. Why do you ask?

B.: We do not want our customers to run to high debts which are then hard to pay back. The modern communication technologies allow the banks direct access to the terminal which provides information on the credits and loans taken by customers. This is, of course, strictly confidential.

A.: I see. So this serves as protection for the customer not to have too many debts as well as for the bank to be sure about the customers' being able to deal with credits and loans. What are the terms for paying a loan back?

B.: The normal terms are 12 to 72 months. In addition to the interest we charge a handling fee of 2 per cent of the total amount.

A.: Very well, then. I would like to apply for a personal loan of $ 5,000.

Ex. VI. Translate the following sentences from Ukrainian into English.

  1. Менеджер банку повинен дізнатися, чи у клієнта є свої заощадження.

  2. На який час клієнту потрібні гроші?

  3. У клієнта є досить солідний дохід з інших джерел.

  4. Акції можуть служити гарантією повернення позики.

  5. Банківський процент назначається на весь час позики.

Part II

Ex. I. Pre-reading questions:

1. Are you an Internet subscriber? If yes, are you connected through a telephone or a sputnik plate?

2. Which in your opinion is the most suitable way to connect to the Internet?

3. What are the advantages of having E-mail at home?

Ex. II. Read the text and do the exercises below:

Expanding the Internet Service through the Cable

A new service available to thousands of cable television subscribers promises to change the way business and individuals use the Internet. For a moderate monthly fee, cable subscribers can obtain uninterrupted high-speed Internet access through their cable TV connection, without having to tie up a phone line using a dial-up Internet service.

The monthly fee makes sense for business that currently use unlimited dial-up service, and for individual Web surfers who average an hour or more each day.

Experts say that broadband cable’s closest rival technology is dial-up unlimited service, which allows users to stay online as long as they like.

The biggest disadvantage of the broadband Internet service is that users have to buy a cable modem. The biggest advantage is its speed. The quality of the broadband Internet connection is higher than that offered by a dial-up connection.

At a minimum connection speed of 64 kilobits per second, the broadband service is faster than dial-up services. Home users can opt for even faster 128-kbps access for an extra fee, and business users are offered 256-kbps service.

Broadband cable users can watch television and use their telephones while online. And service’s speed makes it possible to view Webcasts and video, or listen to radio stations on the Internet.

In many Western countries, residential cable subscribers are the biggest market for broadband cable. But in Ukraine, where basic cable service is inexpensive and average household incomes are low, businesses are the primary target market.

Broadband cable’s entrance isn’t worrying competitors that offer dial-up services, though. The appearance of new technology does not necessarily mean the disappearance of old technologies. The invention of the telephone and television didn’t kill the telegraph, and newspapers still exist despite the Internet. The appearance of new technologies encourages older ones to upgrade, rather than eliminate them.

Whenever a new technology is introduced , a redistribution of the market is inevitable. But these changes are never dramatic.

Active Words and Phrases:

cable TV

кабельне телебачення





to opt (for)

робити вибір (на користь)

obtain access

отримати доступ

to upgrade

підвищувати якість

dial-up service

Internet по телефону



to average

проводити час в середньому