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4. Are these statements true or false? If they are false, say why. Use the following phrases:

I can’t agree to this statement because…

Just the contrary…

I think…

To my mind…

1. All buildings can be divided into two main types.

2. To choose a proper material a civil engineer must consider many factors.

3. Concrete is the first building material.

4. Portland cement was produced more than two hundred years ago.

5. One of the properties of brick is its compressive strength.

6. Precast concrete is mixed and placed on the building site.

7. Cast-in-place concrete is produced in a factory.

5. Study the text and answer the following questions:

1. What must a designer be able to do while projecting any of the buildings?

2. What factors of materials are taken into account?

3. What are the main building materials?

4. Which of the building materials was the first to be used for construction purposes?

5. Which of the building materials was used by the Romans?

6. What is the difference between cast-in-place and precast concrete?

7. What are the advantages of precast concrete?

6. For each definition write a word from the text:

1. An engineer who designs or maintains different constructions.

2. Powdery substance made by calcining lime and clay, mixed with water to form mortar.

3. A composition of gravel, sand, cement, and water, used for building.

4. A small, usually rectangular, block of fired or sundried clay, used in building.

5. Wood prepared for building.

7. Render the text in Ukrainian.

IV. Vocabulary and Grammar Activator

1. Study the text and give Ukrainian equivalents for the following words and word-combinations:

to select and adapt; the most effective result; the most economical means; to cosider many factors; availability; depend on; to be subjected to load; to use for constructional purposes; durable; fire-proof; poor heat conductivity; compressive strength; hydraulic binders; practical application; building site; mixing installation; casting yard; high standard of precision.

2. Study the text and give English equivalents for the following words and word-combinations:

зробити вибір; проектувальник повинен бути здатним; брати до уваги; форма; лісоматеріали; цегла; легкі метали; пластмаса; практичне застосування; цивілізовані країни; властивості; завод збірного бетону; особлива зацікавленість (у чомусь).

3. Study the text and find the nouns corresponding to the following verbs and translate them into Ukrainian:

to build; to design; to construct; to conduct; to produce; to improve; to apply; to install; to operate.

4. Give sentences in English using the following words and word-combinations:

1. зводити споруди; 2. матеріали, які дадуть найкращий результат з найменшими затратами; 3. брати до уваги багато факторів; 4. основні будівельні матеріали; 5. найстаріший будівельний матеріал; 6. міцний та вогнетривкий; 7. цемент; 8. бетон; 9. залізобетон; 10. монолітний бетон; 11. збірний бетон.

5. Change direct speech into indirect speech. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian:

1. The architect said: "All the buildings erected today are of two main types'".

2. The civil engineer stressed: "These materials will give the most efective result by the most economical means".

3. He remarked: "Portland cement was produced more than a century ago'".

4. The students asked: "What are the most important building materails?"

5. The professor pointed out: "One of the properties of concrete is its compressive etrength".

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