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posibnik англійська.doc
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6. For each definition write a word from the text:

1. A whole constructed unit, esp. a building.

2. A permanent fixed structure forming an enclosure and providing protection.

3. The branch of economy delt with construction of new and the maintenance of existing buildings and permanent structures.

4. The art or science of designing and constructing buildings.

5. A person qualified in a branch of engineering, esp. as a professional.

6. The application of science to the design, building, and use of machines, constructions, etc.

7. Render the text in Ukrainian.

IV. Vocabulary and Grammar Activator

1. Study the Table of word-building means given in Grammar Revision.

2. Form words with opposite meaning by adding prefixes un-, dis-, in-, ir-, il- to the proper words:

regular, advantage, appear, important, usual, adequate, able, direct, possible, probable, productive, significant, limited, natural, relevant.

3. Form the words after the model and translate them into Ukrainian:

a) V + -ment:

to improve, to manage, to treat, to develop, to adjust, to achieve

b) V + -ion (-tion, -ation):

to consume, to distribute, to locate, to inform, to investigate, to form, to irrigate, to observe, to react, to construct, to invent, to restrict, to produce.

c) V + -er (-or):

to consume, to use, to construct, to irrigate, to produce, to build, to control, to perform, to turn, to compute.

d) A + -al:

geologic, economic, electric, mechanic, technologic, scientific.

e) V + -ing:

to design, to manufacture, to build, to understand, to start, to install.

f) A + -ly:

direct, usual, virtual, general, frequent.

g) A + -ity:

available, arid.

h) V + -al:

to remove, to renew, to dispose.

4. Define meanings of the words by their affixes. State what part of speech they indicate:

construct – construction – constructor – constructive; exist – existing; engineer – engineering; design – designing – designer; wood – wooden; resident – residential; irrigate – irrigation; build – building – builder; produce – production – producer – product.

5. Look through the text and give Ukrainian equivalents for the following words and word-combinations:

construction industry, maintenance of existing structures, to occupy the position, according to, apartment houses, government buildings, barns, dams, locks, reservoirs, drainage systems, fish pond, pipelines, tunnels, assembly-line principle.

6. Look through the text and find English equivalents for the following words and word-combinations:

галузь економіки, охоплювати, міст, цивільне будівництво, тісно пов’язаний, гідроелектростанції, високомеханізований, цикл виробництва, тривати, монтажні організації, кваліфіковані робітники, науково-дослідні установи.

7. Look through the text and find the nouns corresponding to the following verbs and translate them into Ukrainian:

to construct, to maintain, to design, to produce, to organize, to irrigate.

8. Translate into English:

1. Одна із важливих галузей економіки є будівельна.

2. Цивільне будівництво має справу з технічними аспектами проектування і будівництва різних видів споруд.

3. Житлові споруди включають будинки, багатоквартирні будинки, урядові споруди, навчальні заклади тощо.

4. Найважливіші будівельні матеріали – деревина, камінь, бетон, залізобетон, сталь тощо.

5. Сьогодні кваліфіковані працівники використовують індустріальні методи.

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